Not really!! It’s tucked underneath him, honest!!
Well Katie’s wedding dress was just lovely, the weather behaved, I have a massive hangover and I hope y’all have a great weekend!
Here's hoping the sun's rays reach y'all real soon!!
Cheers everyone!
Thank you all for your get well wishes!! You are all beautiful colours of the rainbow! I'm so back on my feet like nothing's happened!!
Woo-hoo! Have great weekend!!!!
Speaking of mums: Mamma Maggie over at Love & Hissess has finally given birth to 6 adorable tabby kitties!! She kept us guessing and raised over $500 for Challenger's House - a no kill animal shelter! Hooorah! Yay for Robyn and Fred who are currently fostering mamma Maggie!
Take care y'all!
Have great Springtime weekend everyone!