Saturday, 31 July 2010
Holy Macaroni Batman!
But ya know!! It's Saturday - so let's just CHILL.
Charlie says: I'm staying here until the madness ends.
On a writer-ly note the gorgeous and adorable Welshcake (who was a STAR by being very kind and constructive with my writing when I first dipped my amateurish toe into the writing thing - many moons ago) has won the YouWriteOn 2010 children's book of the year. Yay for her!! Go Justine!
Have a silly Saturday everyone!
Friday, 30 July 2010
Letting go
And not just letting go and moving on but doing so knowing in your heart of hearts that it’s the right thing to do – that yes you will grieve and you will mourn what has passed and what you’ve said goodbye to - but that in time things will fall into place and you will learn to love and live again?
And if I tell you that sobbing while wearing 3D glasses do not work, would you also believe me?
I hope so!
Charlie says: I had my own film to watch. The beginning was alright but then it was downhill all the way!
Have a fry-up Friday everyone!
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Toying about
I've heard nothing but good things about this film and all the reviews I've read say it's guaranteed to make grown beefy men cry. If that's the case then I'm a gonner!
Remember Toy Story 2? This is the scene that had me blubbing into my tissue like a great big blubbing baby and traumatised me for a long time after.
Oh to be discarded because we have passed our sell by date. I shall be packing my Man Size tissues today.
Charlie says: I love my toys! I hug them like so and never let go!
Have a thoroughly modern Millie Thursday, everyone!
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Haiku - Attishoo!
I shiver under layers
Of soggy wet wool
Above dear patient bloggie friends, is my tiny stab at Haiku poetry.
It's also my small contribution for the Winter in July challenge that lovely Kat over at aKatscorner is hosting.
She thought it'd be brilliant to post something wintery this Wednesday while the temperature is soaring and searing through for this scorcher of a summer!
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Wonky drawers
Anyway, apart from the obvious desk and chairs etc, I also wanted a little drawer unit on wheels for me to roll over to wherever I saw fit and to stuff it with lots of paraphernalia (or research!).
And so I bought a flat pack version and built me a stunning little thing!
Except the drawers turned out wonky.
When pulled, the front bits just came off my hands.
So last weekend I decided, enough!! I must tackle the mammoth job of keeping my drawers from falling out (oor-err missus!) And so I shall be doing just this using this:
"No more nails"! Who says I like cutting corners?
Charlie says: I’ll supervise. So there. PPTHHPTHPFFTHPPPT!
Have a tap-toeing Tuesday everyone!
Monday, 26 July 2010
Elementary dear Watson
So there’s a rather fabulous programme on BBC1 : Sherlock
Not just any Sherlock Holmes, a Holmes and Dr Watson brought kicking and screaming to the 21st century.
They still live in 221B Baker Street , Holmes mentions a violin and Mrs Hudson is still around. But this Sherlock prefers to txt and Watson packs a gun being an ex-soldier after being wounded in Afghanistan.
And the whole thing plays out like CSI meets Law and Order meets iconic British made up detective.
I hope all my bloggie friends from far and wide get to see this soon.
My only beef in the first episode was the use of this:
Not only was this prolific in the first episode but a few of them had phones in them that worked!
In reality these red boxes are slowly being eradicated from the London landscape and if you do see one – you’re guaranteed a phone that’s been vandalised and worse.
There’s a great 30 second scene where a traumatised Dr Watson (fresh from Afghanistan) is told by his therapist to blog about his experiences as a form of therapy!
Charlie says: My form of therapy are eat, play and rest all funny with my tail up in the air like I just don't care!
Have a momentous Monday everyone!
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Picture perfect
The article also mentioned a scheme called Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D). It's run by an American non profit organization Intermountain Therapy Animals.
Their aim is to "work with children and adults who are physically, developmentally, or emotionally disabled, as well as others who can benefit from the unique qualities that interaction with an animal can provide."
This pic below is one found in the gallery page of their website.
I just love the way the child and dog mirror each other. I love how they seem to have finally found the one creature who understands.
Those lucky enough to have found such a soul-mate know. Those of us still searching recognise and hope.
Do you see all these too?
I really believe that we can never underestimate the effect a pet has with children nor with the inner child in all of us.
Have a book filled, pet-filled weekend everyone!!
Friday, 23 July 2010
Behind you!
What are you trying to find you silly cat?
Oh me in this pic
Bloggie friends - the institution I work for had a sports day/picnic. The official photographer took one decent pic of the department I work for. Minus me.
My image has been obscured by that bending woman!
We're a strange and eclectic bunch!
And before I forget (cos I did yesterday!)not only is Ann doing a fantabulous giveaway, the ever so gorgeous KarenG is too (I want her signed copy of her book Uncut Diamonds please, thank you very much) as part of her Lettuce be Writers fest! All is explained here.
Charlie says: You don't need to look hard to find me.
Have a fizzy Friday everyone!
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Persona non grata
Today I had to have a blood sample taken – it’s an ongoing medical thingy so am very used to the procedure except this time there was a new system in place.
Instead of the blue A4 size paper that my doctor ticks for the phlebotomist to read and know what blood samples goes in which tube, my doctor now gives me a tiny barcode.
The idea being the phlebotomist scans the barcode and et voila!! All necessary information will appear on her monitor. No more messing with bits of A4 paper – that’s so last month!
Except when the nice phlebotomist scanned my little barcode – she found nothing. The barcode failed to register anything. I had become persona non grata.
So I spent another couple of hours chasing up medical personnel able to activate my little barcode.
So maybe my blood could be taken and I could come off my fast (I had to fast for 24 hours before my blood test) and EAT something before I faint.
New technology eh? Who’d have em?!?!
Charlie says: I like paper. It makes good bedding.
Fellow soul blogger sister and shoe fetishist Ann of Inkpots n Quills is running a fab giveaway, details here! Please pop over and say I sent you and please could she give me her giveaway prize, thank you! LOL! :-)
Have a techno-paradise Thursday everyone!
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Writer's purgatory
I’ve had a load of failures with the competitions I’ve entered so now I’ve stopped my short story writing for now.
I have one bright spark though – I still await the academic assessment of my first three chapters of my er.. “novel” due in August. I thought that once I get a completely objective overview I’d know what to do next – as in carry on or just give up completely and fulfil my destiny as Crazy Charlie-Cat Lady.
In the meantime I really need to return to some neglected household duties.
Like ironing.
Here is some of my pile of (at last count) twenty –four items that I really really need to iron.
And here dearest bloggie friends is my saviour!
Yes – this wondrous service called "The Ironing Maiden" has just opened down the road from me. And joy of joys - for pennies per item they will do your ironing! Ahem.
When a door shuts a window opens. Or something
Charlie says: I have a better idea. I sit on your clothes and press them.
Have a crease-free Wednesday everyone!
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
What you eat is in the stars
Now this is all fun and games and not to be taken too seriously but I did laugh at my one:
CancerFor the rest of the signs go here
Cancerians benefit from a natural flair in the kitchen so a varied diet is ideal. Be careful with sugar, pastry, white bread and beer as you've a tendency to comfort eat and try not to go too lavish when you're entertaining or feeding the family. Your tenacious attitude and patience will see you through in the end.
Now I love beer. I love my chocolate and yes I do tend to follow the most lavish recipes I could find when - ahem - entertaining!
Which sort of brings me to that time when I first tried to impress my gorgeous date with home cooking. It was very early on in our dating ritual so we were still a little shy and a little reserved and so I said "I'll surprise you" and he said "Ok!" and I cooked a lovely pasta dish with lots of aubergines, sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms and peppers!
Oh my kitchen reeked of these veggies roasting in garlic infused extra virgil olive oil and lots of it!!!
Unfortunately it turned out that my dream date not only disliked the texture of aubergines and peppers but he was allergic to mushrooms and sun-dried tomatoes.
At least he liked beer and chocolate.
And in if you really want something spooky, here's his astrological diet prognosis:
VirgoCharlie says: My stars today predict that I will be fed lots of MEAT.
Sensitive Virgo stomachs deserve a vegetarian diet. Too much meat, spice or fast food will only bring you down. Plenty of exercise is essential not only to lose weight but to help relieve some of that stress. And keep the exercise varied – badminton, squash, cycling or running, depending on your energy levels.

Have a starry starry Tuesday everyone!
Monday, 19 July 2010
The Horror
I thought I had grown immune to when people decide to finish off their morning toilette on the train –from those who think nothing of putting their make up on or brushing their hair (and that includes cleaning their hairbrush) or even those who decide to paint their nails in full view of everyone.
I thought I had mastered the art of ignoring my fellow commuters who think nothing of using the train carriage as an extension of their bathroom.
I thought I had mastered the Londoner’s persona of insularity to perfection but what happened yesterday, bloggie friends was even too much for me.
A very normal middle-aged woman – normally dressed – looking normal with one head, hair, limbs…
… took out her nail clippers and begun to clip not only her fingernails – oh no – but… HER TOE NAILS as well.
Clip, clip, clip.
I only managed to keep my revulsion at bay by telling myself to remember this feeling – this moment – as I watched her – if ever I decide to try my hand at horror story writing.
Charlie says: I may take my baths whenever and wherever but at least I’m cute with it.

Have a pristine Monday everyone!
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Bloomin' Marvellous
Yes clever bloggie friends - that mystery plant in my earlier post has bloomed into this wonderful agapanthus as you've said it would!!
So here it is in all its glory!
Charlie says: Glad that's solved, now to bed!
It's Sunday so we hope everyone is taking things easy and just being totally fabulous as always!
Have a great day!
Saturday, 17 July 2010
The Hard Sell
As the sales woman wraps my purchase she asks if I want to buy the “special polish treatment” cream to protect the shoes’ leather from scuffing.
I say no thank you.
She then tries to sell me the spray form equivalent.
Again I say no thank you.
She then talks about another spray for waterproofing my shoes.
I say no thank you.
Then she points to a shelf full of bags and says “I think that bag will go very nicely with these shoes”.
Guess what I replied, dear bloggie friends?
Charlie says: I hope you were polite.

Have a wicked Saturday everyone! :-)
Friday, 16 July 2010
Being Certified
Charlie approves my Certificate certifying that I am now certifiably competent with the use of computer applications.
ECDL stands for European Computer Driving Licence. Ahem.
Excel Spreadsheets? Pah! Word 2007? Double Pah! Voice Over Internet Protocols? Eh?
We had a small ceremony in a pokey room in the basement of our workplace. Our names were called and we each had to shake hands with the Head of Staff Development and Training before he gave us our certificates.
This was followed by a sandwich and orange juice buffet.
Oh I live the high life!
Yet it was six intensive weeks of tests, handbook courseworks and lotsa exams - and all done in my lunch hour and in any spare time I could find during work.
So I'm very chuffed with this small success!
Have a fizzy Friday everyone! May you all celebrate the little triumphs in your lives!!!
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Torrential flip flops
Of course I wear my sensible shoes. However by the time I reach my station, my sensible shoes decided to eat my feet and infect them with blisters.
So what's a gal to do?
I limp to the only vaguely clothes shop-like shop that's open at 8 am. The theme of this shop is Beach Wear! And so I leave with a pair of flip flops and very grateful feet.
Just in time for the heavens to open and the rains to pour down torrentially.

Thank you so much lovely Bin for Charlie's fish - he loves it!!
Have a terrific Thursday everyone!
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Short and Sweet (like me!! LOL!).
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
The One that Got Away
This is one of my pieces I sent off for a competition and of course didn't win!! But I liked it so much I thought I'd share this with you. The prize was a book on how to write short stories and you had to write - creatively - why you wanted this book.
How do I write a story
That’s short and full of glory?
It must engage the reader
So they may perhaps consider
How life in all its complexities
May be distilled in such narratives
Without them realising
The difficulties of composing
These perfect little vignettes
I need all the help I can get.
Thank you.
Charlie says: While you were typing up that sad excuse for a poem, I beheaded Mr MacDoonagoogle.

Have a tutti-frutti Tuesday everyone!
Monday, 12 July 2010
The End of Audley
So what did I do? Well yesterday I recuperated from sunburn because on Saturday I decided to visit Audley End House - a stately Jacobean home built around the 17th century and fully restored along with its gardens and stables.
Unfortunately without a car and a very long queue for taxis at Audley End rail station, I resorted to walking the 1 and 3 quarters mile to the house.
Here is the helpful sign for those going by car.
I took this photo standing on the pavement earmarked specially for those walking to the house.
Yes the footpath was along this busy road!
But look what greeted me after 40 minutes walking in 30 degree centigrade heat.
Was it worth it? OH YES!
Charlie says: I hope you stopped frequently to roll around like so!
Have a sunscreen Monday everyone!
Sunday, 11 July 2010
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME (and Ann of Inkpots n Quills)!!
In the land of make believe!
So what if I dye my hair, I still got a brain up there!
The 80's - my decade - mad, bad, and just a bit whacky - like me!
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Keep your pecker up!
I was in my bedroom when I heard this unusual bird-call. I peered outside my window and lo and behold there was this wonderful green woodpecker and guess where it was?
It was next to my strawberry pot plant, cawing away!
So I grab my camera and run out at full pelt. Unfortunately I must have sounded like a herd of elephants stampeding because this beautiful bird took off the moment I came barging through!
And of course Charlie watched the whole thing from where was.
He's too mortified by my effort to say anything! :-)
The woodpecker that could have been (taken from English Country Garden site)!
Have gloriously HOT HOT HOT Saturday everyone! Stay cool please!
Friday, 9 July 2010
Practical Wanderlust
I have to add that in times like yesterday, I always recite this mantra:
“Ignore Adversity”
Taken from "Too Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar" – lesson no.2 to true Queenliness.
Now let's talk travelling!
One day I will find the courage to plan a weekend away – maybe to a quiet and rural retreat or maybe to a wild and unspoilt place by the sea or if I’m really adventurous to somewhere exciting like NYC. I always wanted to go there!
A pet backpack has been invented for such a purpose: found here!
Charlie says: I prefer this, thankee very muchee!
Awww, I don't think I'll be going anywhere away from Charlie any time soon! I think I'll stick to travelling in my dreams and imagination! That's what they're there for.
Have a world is your oyster Friday everyone!
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Sisterly Detente
Today was a classic though.
I’m the first one in the office and am at my desk when J enters. We do our usual small talk “Hello, how are you, nice day isn’t it?”
So far so good so ok.
Then M arrives and J explodes in an apoplexy of effusiveness: “Oh wow you look lovely and so summery! Your skirt is really pretty. You really look so nice and I love what you’ve done to your hair… oh you are so beautiful really, you should always wear your hair down and that top is just pretty and…”
M is all “thank you, thank you, you are so kind, thank you…”
They stop and a horrid pause descends.
Then J looks at me and says: “Oh you’re lovely too.”
Charlie says: Looking good is hard work. One has to have baths.
Thank you all so much for reading my little story. I really appreciate that you've taken the time to do so.
Have a tenacious Thursday everyone!
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
"She saw a perfect reflection of herself in Paris Hilton’s latest paparazzi pic.
The face in her compact mirror screamed Katy Perry though. Happy, she ordered
the soul food special and tucked in. "
The End
Today's 33 word story includes these three words mirror, reflection, soul. Thanks to the lovely Ellie!***********************************
Blogger has not been able to publish your comments for my post yesterday so I apologise if you did comment and it's not appearing. I have read them and I appreciate them - thank you!***********************************
Karaoke. Discuss.
Karaoke is not really my cup of tea but it was rolled out as a "treat" by my managers at the end of our tortuous Staff Away Day Let's Talk Strategies and Projections So We Can All Keep our Jobs time yesteday.
My throat at the moment is hurting badly from belting out such classics as "Enough is Enough" by the divine Ms Streisand and glorious Ms Summer and "Nine to Five" by the irrepressible Ms Parton
Charlie says: I hope your work colleagues had ear plugs. Pfhtphfphhhtpppt!
Have a singalong Wednesday everyone!
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Wild Expectations
I do not do it justice here.
And this wise bloggie friends, was a verdant grasshopper, impeccable and flawless – a uniform green amidst the yellow of my rose.
There's a reason why I've taken to writing stories.
Wildlife photography is definitely not my forte!
Charlie says: Go away, these are mine, all mine!
Thank you Deborah for Charlie's pressies!!!
Have a wild Tuesday everyone!
Monday, 5 July 2010
He spent the day asleep and early evening pottering around.
Oh sorry, that’s what I wish I did instead of going to work! LOL!
Charlie says: Unless you open up my box of pressies you are invisible to me.

My internet connection is suffering a mild dizzy spell – it’s taken me an hour to log in here at home so sorry for this very short post!
I have no idea what’s wrong with my router and connections and I'm too frazzled to ring the help centre.
I’m ignoring the mischievous glint in Charlie’s eye…
Have a macaroon filled Monday everyone!
Sunday, 4 July 2010
My Perfect Companion
Looking lost and a little shy
Your preferences were a mystery
I had to start from scratch.
How to understand your little purrs
How to listen to your heartfelt sighs
How to brush your long fur
What toy you loved the most
Nearly four months you’ve been with me
A sumptuous eternity
Today you turn eight years old
And a happy Fourth of July to my American bloggie friends!
Have a cracking Sunday everyone!
Saturday, 3 July 2010
A Dish Best Served Cold
After I pretend to lose his box of pressies!
10 minutes later...
And this is all I am able to upload today without twisting my spine permanently as I try to use the keyboard!
Have a summer of loving Saturday everyone!
Friday, 2 July 2010
The Back of Beyond

The diagram above, kind bloggie friends, illustrates how you should sit on your chair when at your office area in the home or at work. :-)
The science is explained here.
So you writers and desktop/laptop users out there - now you know why you have back pain and muscle strain from hunching over your keyboard.
It's not you - it's your furniture!
But do not fret lovely bloggie friends. The perfect chair and pc desktop table have already been invented!
Eh Voila!!!

Charlie says: Double sigh. Mad woman still hasn't opened my pressies.

Have a floofy Friday everyone!!
Thursday, 1 July 2010
And speaking of love - this month of July is a Birthday Bonanza Month!!!
Today my silly blog turns 6 months old.
And on US Independence Day (drum roll please) Charlie turns 8 years old! How cool is that?!?!?!
And exactly seven days later on the 11th… guess who goes over the hill and under the bush and round the side of that manky looking ditch?!?!?
YES, kind and lovely bloggie friends, on that day, I’ll be – AHEM – 41!
Charlie says: I'm still waiting for madame oldie to open my pressies. Sigh.
Have a technicolour Thursday everyone!