About a month back, I bought a pack of very sad and uncared for miniplug plants from a hardware shop.
The label only said “plants for hanging baskets”.
So here they are after a month of growing! What they will grow into, nobody knows - but what is life without a little mystery?!?!?!

Charlie says: I zap the giant indoor triffid plant with my laser eyes!

It's a four-day Easter weekend!! See y'all real soon! Have a good 'un!!!
Have a great Bank Holiday Weekend. Enjoy the wonderful weather.
Hmmm....good question! Maybe it the plant will just serve as a "carpet" for birds who want to nest there! What do you think?
Mystery Plants? We want updates!
Now then, bloggy friend, this is fascinating and intriguing. Right up there with why don't 'bedding' plants come with a duvet and matching pillows?
And Charlie, you might like to have another look at Penny's laser eyes in the last photo on her last posting. Scary stuff! :)
Take care eh and enjoy your Easter
Charlie and that laser eye!
Kitty, warning you in advance - your blog will be the featured site for T on Saturday!! You always bring such a smile with your posts and comments - how could I not highlight such an awesome bloggy friend?
That's hanging basket is cute ! Charlie
It might be a good place for birdies come to visit you and you will have a good birdy channel ...I think it's a good idea : )
my cats eat my indoor plants most of the time :(
eek Day of the Triffids. That was the scariest movie ever hehehe
I hope you have a great Easter weekend, too! And I love that you're growing mystery plants - how fun!
I love mystery plants. We have that a lot here in our garden because I often forget to put the little seed labels down :)
I'ma lovin' your cat.
is it possible that they could be ferns? The leaves look like ferns to me...if so....they will become full and gorgeous, super bushy and will hang over the sides of the pot. You will love them! ((((hugs)))) to you and Charlie
That looks like a very deep mystery indeed!!
I LOVE Charlie's eyes. So does Jen!!!
Have a lovely Friday.
I always love a good mystery, how fun for you! I love the cat picture, very funny! Great blog!
Hmmm! You'll have to keep us posted with your mystery plant!
Have a nice weekends break :)
Aha, such things give us something to look forward to:-)
much love
How about a hanging nip basket for Charlie? :-)
Have a lovely, extra long Easter weekend!
I know I know, me me (shoots hand up in the air) Beautiful flowers. HAPPY EASTER. Hope they are worth the wait. ;O)
Well, if it were my plant, it'd be dead. I hope it grows more soon.
Hah we get a five day one down here :-)
(ANZAC day coincides with eater this year)
Cool mystery plants! It will be exciting to find out what they grow into! Cool lazer eyes! Hehe! Have a nice day!
I love that photo of the hanging plant and the light behind it with the window and the curtains showing. It just all fits together and makes a picture of art. Goooood job.
Darling picture of Charlie and your captions are so clever.
I hope you and Charlie enjoy the long weekend! Hey, those lasers will make the plants grow!!!
We don't know what your little plug plants will turn into Jenn - maybe a triffid!!
Charlie your laser eyes are on that big plant inside - what are you saying to it?
Enjoy your long weekend - and another one next weekend too.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Happy easter weekend! Enjoy the chocolate!
Hi there Charlie. We hope you have a great long week end.
That hanging basket looks like something we might have had at some point. I bet it will have little tiny flowers. But don't take our Mom's word for it. Have a good one.
Yeah, I know nearly nothing about plants, so I can't answer, but I am extremely impressed with Charlie' skill!
What fun!!!!!!!!!!! Mama is impatiently waiting to see what your mystery plants are!!!!!!!
As always, you're lookin' mighty handsome Charlie.
Love to both of you.....and we purray you have a wonderful Easter weekend.
The verification word is thymme and that made mama think of the BBC series years ago....Rosemary and Thyme. :)
Is that hanging plant a fern? It looks nice.
Wow, the indoor plant is growing faster & faster due to those laser eyes! :)
Oh boy- A Mystery! We can't waits to see what pops up!
We hopes you enjoy your long weekend!!
Have a wonderful Easter weekend!
Have a Blessed Easter weekend...I know with your TLC those little plants will be something spectacular by summer's end...
A little mystery is a good thing!
Hello handsome Charlie!!
Happy Easter
>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie
They look very leafy to me. No good for eating.
Hi Charlie ol bean have a very good Easter.... :-) lots of luv AMES X
The plant looks a little 'fernish', but what fun! Mystery plant!
Enjoy your long weekend!
Hehehe. Charlie sure is giving that plant the death stare!
Can't wait to see what the mystery plants are.
Ellie Garratt
At least they are growing - my basket plants last year were perfectly identifiable when I bought them - but unaccountably less so as time went by. I think I prefer your mystery to mine :-)
It's interesting to watch unknown plants grow--I hope they end up being flowers, or something like that!
Have a wonderful four-day weekend! :)
Love those lasers. Happy Easter,, Hugs GJ xx
have a great one, kit!
pass this along to all writers, a lesson from the heart: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzgzim5m7oU
Well, Old Kitty, you certainly seem to have a green thumb, as that plant with no name is mighty huge.
Remind us to not get too near Charlie as he will get us with his lasers if we're not careful!
Happy Easter
I hope you have an eggtastic easter!
the only house plants that we can have is cat grass. Nothing else is safe. Have a great weekend and don't eat the Easter Bunny
This post really made me laugh. "Plant for hanging basket" LOL. It sounds like the store didn't know what it was either. Happy Easter! And hooray for Alex spotlighting your blog!
Love your mystery plant :)
Wagging Tales - Blog for Writers
Life is NUTTIN' without mystery! Have a happy Easter! :o)
Happy Easter. The little mystery add a little bit of fun to everyday life.
See what a little love can do. That, and zapping cat eyes.
looks like it might be some type of fern, yes? And lol--Charlie w/the laser eyes. :D <3
If that is the start; it an umbrella tree...I have one. It is 4ft tall! I love your Kitty, so cute!
Happy Easter, friends!
Happy Easter - have a lovely time (Love the lazer eye photo!)
Gotta watch those eye lasers ;)
Happy Easter to you!
A fern? As I'd said before, I'm really the last one to know about plants.
Charlie has laser eyes! Perhaps he can use them to figure out the mystery plant?
Love the triffid reference! I'd not heard of the book, and then a few years ago I caught an audio adaptation of it while I was commuting across Florida. Brilliant, and it kept me awake during the early a.m. hours.
Hadn't thought of it in years--and you brought it back to me! Nice!
But, um, doesn't that make you fret a bit over the mystery greens in the basket...?
t: time lines
They look like Bidens to me... lovely yellow flowers, or perhaps brachycome, blue flowers with yellow centres.
(But since I have just drunk rather a lot of wine my judgement may be warped.)
Have a good Easter everyone.
That's really cool--a plant mystery!
I've got the same hanging basket at my front door! (except that it's filled with kitchen herbs, so not exactly the same, I guess)
I've discovered your blog on the last day of the A to Z challenge, but I'm hooked now: will you update us on the plants?
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