Monday 21 April 2014

Missing link!

Bloggie pals!

One thing I am fast learning about this house buying business is that no-one speaks to each other!

I never knew I'd be playing the missing link between solicitors, banks and estate agents! LOL!

So yay for the Easter break and big chocolate eggs! I hope y'all enjoyed yours!

Gumtree says: I guard The Egg.

(p.s. no chocolates for woofies and kitties please!)

Wishing y'all a great week!

Monday 7 April 2014

Spring in April's step

Bloggie pals!!

Oh wondrous of joy - April is Springing!
The Daffs are blooming, the Cranesbills are leafing!
But bestest of all is a sight worth seeing 
 That of Charlie and Gumtree stealing a kiss-ing! 

We are now currently at the solicitor's stage of the house buying process and anticipate the sale to go through by July or sooner! YIKES!!! *Bites nails*!

Wishing you all a fabulous Easter time and to all those A-Zing - enjoy!