There’s a reason why, on some clothes, the label instructs: “Hand wash only”.
Putting said clothes in the washing machine and then setting the programme to “Delicates” does NOT constitute the same thing. Ahem.
Charlie says: I am liking the sun on my belleh.

Would you believe it but the one day this week where the weather prediction is for lots of thundery rain for London is tomorrow – the Day of The Wedding?!?! Oh dear!
But I still got my champers chilling in the fridge though! Yay!
Cheers to everyone!
I bet the sun feels good on your belly. My mommy and I are setting the alarm to watch the wedding here in America. We love Royal weddings. I'll be dusting off my crown.
Oh, that's always the way it is: rain when you don't want it. And I've never been able to pray away such rain!
I have done that very thing: washed something I shouldn't have. It was a long time ago. At least I learned my lesson.
Jen and I do hope you have a good day, despite the rain. Maybe it will take a detour!!
Ann Best, Memoir Author
I'm not sure when I last washed anything, but hosiery, by hand. Enjoy the wedding ... and the champagne!
Try your hand-washables in an appropriate-sized mesh laundry bag, on delicate. :-)
Well, that's the most I do. Actually, I don't think I really have any delicates, and even if I do, they go in on a mesh bag. LOL.
Charlie, that sunshine looks so blissful!
Yay for royal weddings! Although it's so early for us, I doubt I'll be seeing it live. Exciting time. Hopefully the rain holds off.
Hope that weather isn't a portent of how the marriage shall be.
Charlie has the cutest belleh.
Oh dear what happened to said clothing item?
Charlie you look adorable!
The sun suits you well.
>^..^< >^..^< >^..^ >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie
what? putting the setting to delicate does not constitute a hand wash? uh oh, I'm in trouble now...
but I'm not going to feel too badly for Kate and Will. Rain or no I expect they'll manage :)
Charlie doesn't have to worry about hand wash or dry clean!
Aha, and I note you have continued on with my fascinating theme in regards to laundry :)
I shall not be watching the wedding. Much rather stare at my clothesline :)
Take care,
I've got my dvr set to record the whole thing. I do hope it's pretty!!!!
Um, do you know how often I just throw stuff in the laundry that even says dry clean? I've only ever ruined one thing and all it really did was change the color.....
r u attending the royal wedding? surely it will be a great event :)
Champers? ohhhh champaine! hahaha you ole slosh you. hehe
yay, Royal Wedding! I hope it doesn't rain. Scratches to Charlie~ :o)
I can't wait for the wedding!!!!
Rain or no rain, it will be awesome!
I think I will pop some Champers too. Any excuse!!!
sadly I have found out about the washing thing one too many times! I am stubborn and tend to try and wash some things that I am not supposed to wash. You would think that I would learn.
Thunderstorms for the Royal Wedding? Ohhhh nooooooo!!
I am getting up at 4am here to watch...what time is it on for your time? Can't wait! I wish them nothing but the best. Hugs to you and Charlie! xoxoxo
I hope the weather clears up for the wedding - it will disappoint so many people if the weather is miserable!
Well have fun at the wedding! And charlie looks to really be enjoying himself
Really? Darn. I thought it just meant, you know, put the items in the machine by hand ...
I'm keeping everything crossed for good weather tomorrow! Please let it be sunny . . .please!
Ellie Garratt
Good for Charlie, My ginger Princess also likes to adopt that pose. I once put a dry clean only Laura Ashley dress in the wash by mistake. Aaaargh! Never again.
Yes I hope the rain stays off the happy couple. :O)
My philosophy is if clothes don't survive the 'delicates' cycle they don't deserve to survive at all :-)
Oh dear, William and Kate will have rain on their wedding day? Such a bother.
But Charlie's looking handsome and relaxed as always. :)
This must be so exciting for you guys!
Isn't it typical of the British weather to choose the "The Wedding" to be the only wet day for weeks!
Hope Charlie going to keep topping up your glass with bubbly so you don't miss a minute.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Ruh roh! Someone must have had some issue with the laundry! I hope it wasn't ruined.
Charlie, love your bellieh shot!
Our new washer has a hand wash cycle. Mommy says it leaves the clothes as sopping wet as when she actually hand washes the clothes.
Hi Jennifer & Charlie,
Hope this forecast is wrong. Wish you lots of sunshine for tomorrow. Charlie's so photogenic as always.
Don't they have two carriages, om covered with plastic in the event of rain? Are you going to the wedding? If so, please say hi to the queen for me.
But I heard that rain is usually predicted on royal events but at the last minute the sun comes shining through. (reminds me of a song) We'll see.
Charlie is loving the sun! What is he wearing to the wedding?
Can't wait to see Kate's dress!
Sorry about the washing incident. I've done it too.
It will really be too bad if it rains tomorrow on the wedding. Maybe it will hold off long enough for them to get out of the church and in their carriage. Should be a fun day. Charlie, are you going to the wedding?? You need your own carriage. Take care.
Charlie looks ready for the wedding, rain or not!
Unfortunately, hand wash only is there for a reason--I've ruined too many outfits by ignoring that label. Now I actually make sure that my clothes don't contain that label!
Charlie looks like he's in his element!
Rain rain go away, it's a big important Wedding Day! :)
We purr that you have both had a very happy day today.......and mama would love to share the champers with you....rain or not.....:)
Oops. I do that 'delicate wash' thing, if that. Honestly, I don't buy hand wash clothes! I'm a jeans and t shirts kind of girl.
India Drummond
Here's hoping the showers hold off! Yay for the wedding! Yay for champers!
My Blog is Down So I'm Temporarily Here
Oooo, I always try to avoid the hand wash only labels.
oooh, I LOVE thundery rain... Let me know if you capture any rainbows! ;)
I hope your clothes weren't irreparably washed . . . especially if they were ones you really liked. It's sad to see a favorite piece of clothing get damaged.
I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow in London!
Well, it may not rain.
Oh, no! It can't be yucky tomorrow, of all days. So, how do Londerners (and Charlie) like Kate? :-)
Enjoy the wedding on Friday, we are going to watch it too. Champers at 11.00am anyone?
so what did you ruin by putting it in the wash machine on delicates? I've runied many a pieces of clothing and it makes me so irritated!
I certainly hope that the storms stay away from the fairy tale wedding...will be checking in, no doubt!
it depends on the item... I've set a hand wash only item to delicate and it worked... (I might have been lucky)
Sun looks perfect on your belleh Charlie dear!!! :)
Royal wedding with thunderly rain?!!
Well, all I can say is, "Rain, rain, go away?" Hope Mr. Sun shines up tomorrow for the Royal Wedding!!!
Where will you and Charlie be during the wedding? Stay dry!
You look so comfy, Charlie! We haven't had much sun around here lately at all, but today we finally got some!
Sorry about the destroyed garment. I hate when that happens!
Turns out the weather cooperated for the wedding. Hope you're enjoying your holiday!
Oi! I tend to wash anyway, but it's hit and miss, isn't it? I hope you enjoyed the wedding!
LOL, yes, hand washing is important for some items. Ask me how I know. . . .
We are glad it did not rain on the wedding!
Thank you for the kind words about 'our' eagles.
Happy Friday,
~ The Bunch
Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxx
Some washing machines have a handwash program. Sadly, mine doesn't and a mohair shawl was almost felted!
Cheers to you too! Thanks for stopping by my bloggie and helping out Janine! So appreciated. :)
Looks like the Royals got a nice day after all.
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