Monday 28 October 2013

Keep Calm and Write a Halloween Haiku!

Bloggie pals!!

We here in the south of the UK are on "amber alert" weather wise! There  are dire predictions of a really really REALLY bad storm on its way tonight and tomorrow. Yikes!

So while me and Charlie and the Gumster hunker down, why not celebrate Halloween by writing a suitably creepy haiku and a chance of a £20 (or equivalent - so open to all) prize?

Just leave your  halloween haiku here. I've got my one there already! Good luck!

Gumtree says: I stay in my basket until the bad weather goes away!

Please please be safe, y'all!

Monday 21 October 2013


Bloggie pals!

You may or may not know this but I work for a university and came across these marvellous PhD research subjects in the field of chemistry!
Photocatalysis with Enzymes for Future Energy Technologies

Self-Assembled Cellulose Structures for Sustainable Photonic Technologies

Artificial Photosynthetic Systems for Solar Energy Conversion

No, I haven’t a clue what any of these entail but don't they just sound ever so fascinating?

 Charlie and Gumtree say: E=MC2, or Eating equals Munchies and Chicken for Two.

Have a great week everyone!

Monday 14 October 2013

Perfect evening

Bloggie pals!

This is my idea of a perfect evening! 

Charlie and Gumtree sharing a truce while I watch Inspector Morse! 

Washed down with a rather nice pint of real ale!


Hope you all have perfect evenings too!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian bloggie pals!

Have a great week!

Monday 7 October 2013

World Smile Day!

Bloggie pals! 

Did you know that last Friday was "World Smile Day"? 
So I hope y'all had a good day's play!
Spread a little kindness, made someone a bouquet
Enjoyed your evening, chillaxing and eating souffle!

Gumtree says: A frown is but an upside down smile!

Have a fabulous week everyone!