Yay!! Finally!! 100Stories for Queensland will be out as an ebook on the 3rd May 2011! More details here as and when things happen!

If you look very closely, my name is 7th line down, 3 names in with my surname just covered up!! Yay!! LOL!
Charlie says: I too busy sunning myself to look.

Tis official!!! The UK is having a "heatwave" i.e. temperatures up to 20 degrees centigrade. Sizzling!!
Have a great weekend!!
Congratulations, Jennifer, this is great news! Hurrah!
Gee, when I saw "heatwave" I thought you meant 30C+! :-D
Ooh, congratulations! I'm excited to read your story. I hope you'll post another reminder when the day in May arrives!! Cheers from me and Jen!!!
aww Jennifer :) congrats to you XX
That's wonderful news and well done, you ! :)
Oh I hope this not another early spring 'tease' and we end up with another lousy British summer.
Take care eh,
Congrat! Can't wait to read your story! I looked closely and saw your name! 20 degrees! You could fry an egg on a stone!
woo! congrats! How exciting to see your name on the cover--even if part of it is under far north Queensland ;)
Hooray! I went to the "here" site and read about you, how cool!!! Hey Charlie, let's celebrate!!!
Congrats! That's so exciting! :) I'm going to have to pick up the e-book when it comes out.
It has been warm, I've missed a lot as I've been on nights. I hope I haven't missed summer!
Fantastic!!! BIG congrats to you, and ahh... love the kitteh. They are so good at putting it all in perspective, yes?
scratches to Charlie, and KUDOS to you~ :o) <3
Hooray! Congratulations - that is so exciting!
Yay! How exciting! I'll be keeping an eye out for it. :)
Ooh, cool! Cannot wait to read it! Looks like a great collection.
Ireland's nice and warm this week too. We're all looking suspiciously at the sky wondering when it will turn on us again.
So exciting. Yay! Good for Charlie making the most of the good weather.
My Borage is hiding on the landing today frightened by last night's drama when the neighbour's car blew up on his drive and burned the car next to it to a cinder as well. We think it was arson! :O0
Fantastic! Massive congrats, Old Kitty!
And a big YAY to the 'heatwave'. I'm off to the park this afternoon to sun myself.
I can't wait to read your story!
Well, I don't mean to brag but it's been plus forty centigrade here in Mexico this week. I'm dying!
Ooo...I can't wait. How many days until 3rd May? Stamping my feet with impatience.
Tell Charlie to stay out of the Sun, it's bad for you.
We got mum to biggify the picture and we saw your name Jenn - we are delighted to know your story is in print.
We see are sure Charlie is pleased for you but is trying to be laid back about it!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
What's a celcius? And congrats! on your contribution to the book. Great to see your namein print.
Oh congratulations Jennifer! Great news! I waiting with baited breath for the release.
Enjoy your weekend of sunshine and warmth.
And a great weekend to you and Charlie as well!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love that gorgeous black spot on your back.
Your new friend,
that is so cool! congratulations
grats, kit!
low last nite was -9 C... may go up to +6 today... enjoy your heatwave - while i shiver :P lol
Congratulations on the book!
We hope you enjoy the lovely weather!
That is so exciting that your stories are now on Ebook. We saw your name. Whoo Hooo.
Charlie, that sun looks just purrfect. Glad Mrs. Sun came to visit you but too bad she made it so hot for you. Take care.
Woot- I'm so happy for the book to come out! Have a great weekend and I'm so proud of you for the publication!
YAY! That's very exciting to have your story coming out soon--too funny that your anonymity is safe...
I'm jealous of Charlie getting his sun time!
"Old Kitty" congratulations for making the big book!
And even better news that you're having heat wave...or at least that it's warmer so Charlie can get a bit of sun.
WTG, that's great news! Are you ordering elbenty copies for all your friends?
Great news about the ebook! Hope it doesn't heat up too much Charlie!
Thanks so much for your message today - we're all still in such shock, I keep expecting Archie's little face to appear at the door, it's so awful, I guess just part of being a pet owner, but it all seems so UNFAIR, of course we always feel like this with premature loss, so tragic. Give Charlie an extra big cuddle from me, thanks again xx
Look forward to the book and yes the sun is very nice and very welcome. Hugs GJ x
We love y'all and wish we were there with you.....it is currently 26 degrees C here at almost noon....with the hottest part of our day to come in the late afternoon.......we all really hate this heat anymore.....:)
Love, love, love to both of you!!!!!!1
Congratulations, Jen! Brava! I will be on the lookout for it in May. I just got a Kindle reader so now I can easily download e-books!
Yeay for name on the cover! Yeay for the story! Yeay for the good cause! Yeay for Charlie! Yeay for the sun - and the weekend - finally! :)
Hooray for 100 Stories for Queensland! :)
Cool cover.
That's Greattttt!!!!
Hello handsome Charlie.
Have a great weekend!!
>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie
Whoopy Doo - bet you can't wait - well done again on getting into the anthology. Will be looking out for it when it comes out!
Re the heatwave - for once it's actually got as far as Wales - absolute scorcher today :-)
All best
I'll add another YAY!!!!
Huge congratulations ref the book Third down, :-) Next book you will be first :-)
Beautiful sunny Summer days, too good to be inside. Hi Charlie, get the suntan matey :-)x lots of luv AMIE SOTO BLOSSOM X
So tell us what you wrote!!!! just a hint? I've known you for months now and I really have no idea what you write! Unless I'm mistaken, you have no writing links on your blog - though lots of great links to other writers!
Congrats to you!
Enjoy the heat. We're still waiting for Spring to hit here in Canada. Winter can't last forever...can it? Have a great weekend!
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
Congratulations! You should be sunning yourself next to Charlie.
Oh Charlie,
You are absolutey beautiful! Do take in all the sunshine while you can.
Yahoo! That is wonderful!
YAY!!! I saw your name!! Congratulations!! I know when it comes out Charlie will be happy!
Congats on the eBook! And I'm so glad you're getting some warmth finally!
I take UK calls for a living, booking flights while I sit at home in FLA and I always feel a little guilty knowing yall are freezing your bums off while I'm staring out my open window at the bright blue sky.
I'm happy for you. Always said I want to read a story of yours. Congrats. Applause, applause.
Here's a rather commercial Hondo ...also spelled Jondo.
cante jondo almeria pirri fandangos
On YouTube
Here's a better one on YouTube
That other one is too commercial.... for tourists.
I'm so glad there's a date! Can't wait to read all those great short stories. Thanks for the update and I hope you and Charlie have a wonderful weekend!
Congratulations!!!! I think Charlie is jealous, lol.
And thanks for doing your bit to help out my poor old home state.
I was on the phone to my brother in Coventry tonight (yes he lives Uptop) and he was bubbling with excitement because quote 'it was a blue sky like an Aussie one and it was warm, nearly 20 degrees'.
I had to laugh because I was grumbling today about how cold it is down here. I'm freezing because it is 20 degrees :-)
Yay!! Brilliant stuff, congratulations Jennifer :)
I had to do a lot of squinting for that info, mainly because I've got my contact lenses in and they don't like close ups! x
Congrats, Jennifer.
I cant wait to read it once if I restored my eyesight, that hurt squinting to see your name, but I saw it, yeah for you!!
How very exciting!
Did I tell you yet that I am jealous? STILL COLD! And to think this whole time I thought your name was Kitty.
Congratulations, Jennifer! How exciting!
I'll bet Charlie wanted a good brushing after the heat today. :)
YaY! Finally!
Figures you'd get your name covered up since you're so mysterious about your name on the blog.
I'm under the map.
Enjoy the warmer weather. Happy Sunday!
Kudos, Jennifer! what a feeling! I hope to see more of your stories published soon. ;)
Congratulations, Charlie's Mommy
That's wonderful news
Exciting! Many congratulations.
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