Not only do I have a fetish for shoes but I also have one for calendars!! The more unusual the better!
Here is a snap of one of my more exotic calendars from Israel:

The theme of April is “Typewriter” and I quote “In 1794 Henry Mill in England filed the first patent for the typewriter. Its development went through many labor pains, and industrial production started in 1874 in the US”.
Who knew such revolutionary equipment could have “labor pains”?!?!
Charlie says: Me and mousie guard the shopping.

We hope y'all well and happy!
Charlie can guard with his eyes closed? Talented kitty!
Amazing how important that typewriter was ... and I wonder how many "younger" people even know what a typewriter is!
Helllllllllloooo handsome Charlie.
>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie
(Rumblemum has asked to post)
SQUEEEE!!! Charlie tum!! Charlie tum!!*snorgle*
(sorry buddy. she gets a bit like that)
Imagine thumping away on those keys. The typewriters at high school were bad enough.
I love your calendar. It's beautiful.
Charlie, Have a lovely day with your mousy : )
I didn't realise typewriters were invented so long ago.
Neat calendar. WOW you have a fetish for them and i forgot to get one this year. I usually hang one by my computer but now I have to rely on the cell phone or the computer. I'd like to see your shoe closet.
Love and peace
That's an incredible calendar (and I'm so glad I didn't have to type on that kind of typewriter when I was a teenager!). My daughter's favorite calendars are Cats (Hello, Charlie!) and Lighthouses. Mine, too.
Have a great week, you two wonderful critters!!
Oh I love your calendar with the typerwriter photo!
LOL. Argos shopping bag. What's in it? I'm curious!!!! :)
happy monday charlie
Love the calendar. Also love Charlie guarding the magazines. LOL
Charlie is so helpful.
Well, I'm happy for the typewriter and its modern day counterpart! Thank you, I use it a lot.
I've never known anyone with a "thing" for calendars before!
So cute, Charlie.
I love the look of your calendar. I had a Jill Maas one recently and now I have a haiku one, though I expected some great photos with the haiky and so was disappointed. :O)
Fascinating calendar! I wonder what other ones you have, maybe like this.
What a terrific calendar!
The boys say Charlie deserves extra treats for all his hard guard work!
They were laborious in comparison to word processors.
I have to say it seems odd to remember I was still using the rotten things in the early 80s
I love calendars! Yours is really cool.
Tell Charlie not to work too hard :)
Ah... shoes.... My weakness!
Must admit, the calendar one makes more sense than the shoe one to me! I like that typewriter; very steampunk ...
Love that calendar!
And,Charlie? Love that shot of you, too. What a tummy you've got.
I think it's cool you have a calendar colletion, now you have all the time in the world!
Ooh, that is a neat calander! We always had a couple different ones in the house- even a wooden one my grandfather fabricated. It was pretty cool.
Gosh, that would make a terrific calendar, seeing all the different typewriters way back when. I remember some of the older ones but I have never seen one like that one. Great subject.
Charlie, you are looking terrific. Take care.
Could your cat be any cuter?
We have an antique Corona from the early 1930's at our house. It still works but it's musty!
And look how the typewriters have evolved!!!!!!!!!!!
You're doing a brilliant job there, handsome Charlie!!!!
Oh I am SO glad to see an aid for the animals suffering in Japan's earthquake. Will go and check it out after this. So few people seem to worry about the animals (and the whales!) HRH Theodorbale (15 years and 6 months and counting) is most impressed with all your kitty pictures!
Judy (South Africa)
It's so strange thinking about typewriters... they were so important for the history of writing (or rather diseminating books) and now they are all bu obsolete. I like that calendar.
I never knew it took 80 years to get the typewriter developed!
The typewriter really did change the world for women as it enabled many women to find business type work. Look how far women have come since then!
What a fabulous calendar. I've always wanted one of those really old typewriters to make me look like a proper writer!
Gosh, I wouldn't want to cross Charlie for that Argos bag!
Happy Monday, Old Kitty and Charlie!
Oh I love that calendar. I'm fascinated by antique typewriters... can you imagine writing a story on one of those. I bet it had a special feeling to it. Oh but the wasted paper! lol
Labour pains ehhhh! Funny how men equate frustrations to labour pains! Looks like Charlie is doing a good job guarding the shopping. Have a great Monday!
LOL! Typewriters with labor pains...I love it! :-)
This reminds of the manual typewriter I had in high school. It was so hard to type on. Still, I appreciate this invention and what it led to.
Interesting fact about the typewriter! I'd love to be doing what Charlie's doing right now:).
HAH, that is one cool cat :)
I had to snicker at your mom use to be secretary at her work and she would bring home the minutes from meetings and sit at the kitchen table and type away at one of those old things...I bet kids don't even know what they are anymore....
ooo--scratches all around for Charlie and mousie! :D And yep, I love gorgeous calendars, too. Typewriters. So glad we're not stuck using those guys anymore... xoxo
That's a cool calendar!
I just love that picture Charlie.. Hugs GJ xx
That is a fake mouse, right?
That really is the best calender ever. Great photo of Charlie.
I love calendars too and I can't seem to limit my home with just one so I usually have for the office, one for the kitchen, and one for the bedroom. I wonder how many calendars you have every year?
That's a different kind of calendar.
When I took typing in 8th-grade, it was before computers. We had a bunch of electric typewriters, but not enough computers for everyone. Once in a while, I had to use the manual typewriter. It was labor just to push down those keys at any decent speed!
WOW, I love that calendar. That reminds me, I found an antique typewriter in my mothers attic and I have to have reconditioned. I'm calling them now!
Have a great day!
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