This is an honest to goodness competition question – the prize is £700 worth of shoes.
When was Valentine’s Day this year?
a)12 Jan
b)14 Feb
c)14 March
I kind of like the way the question adds ".. this year"! LOL!
I won’t say which mag this competition is being run cos I seriously *wink* want to increase my chances of winning this. Ahem.
Charlie says: I don't need more shoes just more snacks

Half-way to the weekend!!!
p.s. It's in Woman's Weekly!
I thought Valentine's Day was always February 14th, but maybe we have a different one in the U.S.
I don't really need any shoes, so I hope you win!
Charlie, I got you !!
but seems your human never got a clue !
She should search for the Nip Shoes instead, at least it can be fun for you as well.
Have a nice day Charlie
Huh? What's Valentine's Day? Something I've missed?
Charlie, of course, you need more shoes, after all, they might have some tasty 'soles' and we know y'all like fish :)
Are you serious? One question and all those shoes. Awesome!
Gee, I'm not really sure...was it b?
You can have the shoes. Charlie and I will have some snacks :P
Oh my, I love those shoes. Charlie, you're a kitty with great taste. =D
um what? lol
I think there must be some competitions that require asking a question (part of the law or something maybe) so they ask the silliest and most obvious questions there are.
Gee, that's a tough one, I'll have to think on that for a while! Let's eat Charlie!!!
Ohhh, I do hope you win 700.00 worths of shoes!!!! A dream come true. I hope you sent in the correct answer. It's C isn't it? LOL!
But you ARE a winner--in every way!!! So says Jen, too!!!!
Ann Carbine Best’s Long Journey Home
sounds like a trick question to me but I'd have to say Feb 14th.
Charlie needs snacks. You need shoes. Isn't logic fun? :)
OMG. My one weakness is shoes. Before I tore my plantar fascia and my arch collapsed I was a shoe FIEND. Nowadays I specialize in Keens and Merrels...funky, but flat.
I love those "sensible shoes". I think I have a pair.
Um, really? wow! I need to enter some competitions like that...
Well happy womens week to you!
Um really- feb 14th! Or maybe I don't understand the question- LOL it has been a long evening for me.
Love this picture of Charlie.
Ummmmm...Feb. 14th?
Where are my shoes?
charlie looks interested with that RED shoe hehehehe
Shoes can be food! *chomping on heels*
LOL! Now that's a hard one... I guess they tend tp make the answers easy to get more people enter with their mobile and call charges to help pay for the prizes. I hope Charlie finds a snack competition to win! :O)
ooh I know I know 14th Feb :o))))
Besty luck KittyCat hope you win.
LOL. They do make the questions so hard, don't they!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Ellie Garratt
Good luck with the competition! Thats a serious amount of shoes, it would get me a life times supply! I supppose for the more sophisticated, it might by one pair of jimmys!
I hope you win!
Usually when the question is this easy they charge for entering. I think it's to encourage people to enter!
Good luck anyway!
Could I just have the 700 pounds? LOL. I don't need shoes, I need my bathroom renovated. LOL.
Seriously, that was a real question? Gee, let me think on that one. Maybe I need to Google for the answer. :-P
At first I laughed and laughed but perhaps a lot of men don't know when Valentines Day is.
OOOhh....More red shoes for you. I hope you win.
Seriously? That's just crazy! Everyone will get it right (hopefully, lol).
And tell Charlie those shoes don't look sensible at all! Look at that heel! ;-)
We love competitions like that one Jenn - we usually find them in the waiting room of the dentist three years later!!
Glad to see you like very sensible shoes - mum does too hahaha!!!
Hi Charlie - you're looking good.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
That sounds like a trick question to me. We will leave it so you can win your shoes as long as you get Charlie some treats too. Hope you have a fun day. Keep hoping Charlie for those treats.
*giggles* Too funny. I guess some contests really are just about being a lottery, but yeah... the 'this year' is hysterical. And I think Charlie and I are in agreement about high heels... very uncomfortable...
That cat really want to wear those shoes, LOL!
Really? A real question? Wow!
£700 worth of shoes?? Now that is serious :-) What is it with these comps / questions? In horse mags, you often get (say) "Ariat Boots are made of finest quality cow hide," then, the question, to win a pair: "What are Ariat boots made from?" Can anyone ever get them wrong?!
All best
I also love shoes. I have a wardrobe full of those that you never wear, but just have to have. Thanks for the tip.
Okay that's hilarious!
Charlie has good instincts!
I don't know, he does look really intrigued by those shoes! So you have a shoes fetish, eh? (smile)
Of COURSE you need more shoes! Silly Charlie!
I am wondering if you have a different one too...ours WAS February 14!
well that's a puzzling question. 14 Feb rings a bell but then that's a month after my birthday (Jan 14) so maybe I'm getting 'em mixed up
My husband would ask a question like this. Because the Jewish calendar is lunar, he thinks everything has a fluctuating date.
Some sensible shoes!
"Old Kitty",
Those are some serious looking shoes! I love red.
Good luck with the contest.
And, Charlie? You've got the right idea...nip and snacks every time!
Great question! I'm thinking this year it was on February 14th. Last year I think it was on the 15th... at least that's what my husband told me. (wink)
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