To the spider Charlie ate
I’m so sorry I was too late
To save you from your fate
As he grabbed you with his claws
And put you in his jaws!
Charlie says: I stare out of the window innocently
I’m so sorry I was too late
To save you from your fate
As he grabbed you with his claws
And put you in his jaws!
Charlie says: I stare out of the window innocently

aww we're not too good at looking after our bug friends are we :o)
Charlie thinks spiders are as much fun as his string. That is a tricky little poem.
I like Charlie. I especially like that he eats spiders. I don't like spiders crawling around my house.
It's amazing how innocent cats can look... ;)
Way to go Charlie!
Happy Monday!!
wow..Charlie and his hunting skills!!!
Ha Ha Ha! I love, love your poem. Sweet Charlie. I hope it was delicious. =D
LOL! this is funny, Jennifer. I can actually picture Charlie killing the spider. Aawww, isn't he adorable? That's what cats do: play with and kill anything that moves ;)
From your look, there must be something moving out there!
I agree with you Charlie, more weekend. I love weekend cuz mommy is home. Mom says Mondays are the devil. Was the spider tasty? I tried to catch a fly that was buzzing around the front door yesterday, then mom opened the door and he flew away. I kept looking for him though. ONe day Mr. fly, One day.
Yo Charlie, could of used you tonight at my place. So many spiders in my house, it's turning into its very own 'web site' :)
Nice poem in a scary kinda' way :)
And yes indeed, what a wonderful sunny day in lil' ol Britain! :)
Take care,
I give my kitty a cuddle when she eats spiders, she's my big spider-hunter (I hate them).
Wagging Tales - Blog for Writers
Charlie you're naughty, poor spider.
Still at least you don't bring rabbits home every day like a certain cat of mine!
His life was not in vain,
For soon the spider came,
To Charlie's tongue and tummy,
And was promptly deemed yummy.
Awh I'm sure he is wiggling around in your tummy wondering where he is! Don't worry I eat spiders too! The sunshine is lovely, isn't it?! Take care x
My husband and boys wish we had a cat that ate spiders!
At least it wasn't a lizard...or a small bird. Ahh, spring. (and I think my cat is possessed...)
*chuckle* I used my old cat like that when I was little.
'Eee big scary bug! ..where's muffy? Kiittteeennn.. Good kitty c'mere' *Sneaks up behind bug with kitah*
Kitah bomb ;p
The Arrival, Book 1 of the BirthRight Trilogy available now
This made me smile thank you! It's that awful crunching sound I hate when all the spider's/insect's legs/wings stick out of their mouths as they cruch away. xx
Way to go Charlie, that is some high protein fur sure!!!
When Geoff was alive, spiders were HARDCORE.
But, hey — she was a half eaten vol au vent sort of a cat...
Charlie, could I borrow you for the summer? Nicki and Derry don't eat spiders, don't do much with them at all except watch them, and they FREAK ME OUT!
I'll bet Charlie's smacking his lips. :)
Charlie did you have the spider neat or with a dash of catchup!!
Are you looking for another tasty spider to lure into your lair?
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
That's moving. Unlike the spider!
Oh, poor spider! :)
I know, what an AMAZING weekend -- can you believe it? I want more too!
She's not feeding you properly, is she Charlie? Food that moves is so much more exciting...
Very funny and a little tragic, but everyone likes a little variety in their diet. Sounds like Charlie is no exception.
*falls over*
Why do cats eat spiders? They're icky!
Love your little ode to the creepiness bug, though!
Eww. Eating spiders? I wish I could have given him a piece of tuna instead.
Awh bless that is a fabulous poem! and I agree with Charlie, more sunshine it's cold and overcast here. :O)
Charlie was just playing his part in the wider of scheme of things.
(What flavor was it, Charlie?)
Nice little ditty there Kitty! Oh I am just so funny this Monday morning!!!
LOL- honestly- I do not feel bad for the spider- shudders- spiders are not my friends. I wish my weekend had been sunny! It rained all weekend here in Wyoming. Have a great start of the week!
We're on vacation across the pond, so I'm hoping this nice weather keeps up!
Charlie doesn't seem to care he ate a spider at all! I am a savior of all bugs including cockroaches but I must admit, I have seen my dog go after a bug or two.
Oh, no. Poor little spider ended up in Charlie's tummy :(
Funny poem, though!
Thought maybe Charlie would say burp!
Love the poem - winced a bit at the mental picture it conjures up :-)
Weather back to normal today with us :-(
Have a great week
All best
Charliethere is nothing quite like crunching a spider. Can you see any birdies out there.. Hugs GJ xx
Oh Charlie, we eat bugs too. Our mom doesn't understand either.
This was an adorable poem Jenn! A whole children's book could develop from this! Really! I learned today that C.S. Lewis was inspired by a lamp post in Campbell's College in Belfast. Ireland, to write The Chronicles of Narnia a devoured spider can lead to wonderful ideas :)
Oh, I want a spider-eating cat! (or rather, a spider-killing cat) I realize from the tone of your poem that the spider's demise was rather grievious, but spiders give me such heebie jeebies. I make my kids smush them for me, aren't I lame?
Whoops, Poor spider but good job Charlie. You sure are looking terrific today. Hope you two have a super evening.
Hahahaha! Love it. A tribute to a poor eaten spider, inspired by guilt. Hehe. Very nice!
Wonder if that's like sushi for a cat? Exotic sushi.....
You have a gift for little, humorous poems.
I think Charlie is looking for more prey.
My cat usually swats once or twice then moves on. But the other day she decided to kill it and eat it. That made me happy because moths indoors do too much destruction.
Tell Charlie to pick on the flies. We need the spiders.
I'm an animal lover, but must admit, I don't like th idea of spiders running around my house. If I find one, I point to and and call for Mitchell and he dispatches it for me. Unfortunately he tends to leave the legs behind.
The best part about having a cat is that they eat all the little buggies. I love finding all the little body parts around the house.
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