Monday 27 August 2012

Perusing for a bruising

Bloggie friends!!

Whilst perusing job vacancies, I came across this ad that specified:

“The normal working hours are from 9am to 5.24pm, Monday to Friday”

5.24pm? A misprint, surely!??!

Charlie says: Don’t call me Shirley!

Pic taken 25/08/12.

p.s. I am on semi-holiday so am most sporadic with my blogging at the moment! So do forgive if I don’t visit often!

p.p.s.Have a great week everyone!

The Paralympics start in two days' time!! Yay!

Monday 20 August 2012

Love and Hate

Hate is such a strong potent negative word isn't it? So here is a competition to channel all that rage! LOL!

"All you need to do is tell... in exactly 140 characters (including spaces and punctuation) why you hate TWITTER. Entries in the body of an email... to" From Words With Jam magazine (Aug.2012 edition)

Closing date 5th of September. Erm.. you win mugs! LOL!

Now love is a beautiful thing! Unconditional love even more precious and of course y'all seen the pic of John Unger cradling his 19 year old dog Schoep in Lake Superior. Schoep suffers from painful arthritis and the water's warmth helps.

Every time I stare at this shot, my emotions bubble over and I am overwhelmed with memories of my angels at the Bridge and the trauma and profound love we went through in our last months together.

Charlie says: I sleep in this heat.

Pic taken yesterday evening.

Have a great week! I shall be off line for most of this week but I shall catch up with all of you asap!

Monday 13 August 2012

Gadget Girl!

Bloggie friends!

Wasn't that a great Olympian fortnight! Roll on the Paralympics! Yay!

Now last weekend, I tested some gadgets!

1) iPad - I give this 3/5 stars! It was easy to use with super duper wireless connectivity but overall it was a heavy enjoyable very expensive TOY! Can't even write a story on it! LOL! This was borrowed from work so back it goes.

2) Nespresso coffee maker - I give this 10 gazillion stars out of 5! I LOVE MY NESPRESSO coffee maker! It makes gorgeous coffee and froths milk! And the best bit - I got it for free!! A work colleague had it for 6 months and decided she didn't want it anymore. So I got it!

Charlie says: I upgrade your pc by adding some ears.

Have a great week everyone!

Monday 6 August 2012

Charlie and the Chocolate Writing Competition!

Bloggie friends!

Charlie sniffs the medal!

Charlie grabs the medal!

Charlie wears the medal!

Before Old Kitty eats the (chocolate) medal... ahem.

We here at Ten Lives have gone Olympics crazy!!! We are loving every minute of it and watching every event we are able to watch – screaming at the telly and cheering! What a joy to experience!

Now for all you budding writers!!

Here's a flash story fiction contest from a new publication! It’s free to enter, you write your story in 250 words or less and you base it on the pic published on the submission page (here). Good luck!

See you all next week!!