I hope you had a great London Marathon yesterday!
It was a work day for me but I had the privilege of sharing the train commute with excitable spectators and participants!
In the meantime, Charlie did some gardening.
He says: I sweep the patio with my tail.

To all our bloggie friends in America – we hope you are safe and ok after all that mad weather!
Peace and love as always!
Charlie good job on the gardening. I don't get to go outside, but mommy growns kitty grass inside, so i get to garden too..
Wow what a cleaning you did there!!! sheesh!!!
I hope the London Marathon went well. Glad to see Charlie is keeping busy.
Charlie, great job sweeping pal! Hey, the nasty weather passed us by, but it came a bit close to where sweet Faith moved to her forever home, but they are all okay too! Have a great week!!!
we did have mad weather here last night, wild and windy; it blew one of my chairs right off my porch!
looks like Charlie does a good job of helping out :)
Can Charlie come and sweep my patio???
I can imagine the excitement on the train. Charlie home, sweeping away. ha
Now if you can persuade Charlie to dust indoors...we've had no luck whatsoever with Maui, our resident static-boy.
Oh dear...Poor Charlie! I hope he got a good brushing. :)
wow! that's Charlie's tail?????? It is enormous!!!! It does look like a duster! MOL! xoxo
oh my goodness it's a tail! I wondered what the photo was for ages before I started reading lol.
Wow is that Charlie's tail? I was busy all weekend and now shattered. I join you in well wishes to everyone who has suffered with the awful weather problems over the past few months. :O)
Oh, my. He really did sweep up!
Is that you, Charlie ?
Hard to tell !
Just the word "marathon" makes me want to veg on the couch, with chocolate. Ha!
Charlie, I need your help in my little garden--could I borrow you for a few weeks?
I emailed Cheri at Cats of the Wildcat Woods, because they're in NC, but haven't heard back. I don't know if they're in an area that was impacted by the tornadoes. It might be that they have no power...I'm just hoping they're safe.
Oh Charlie your tail looks like mine does when I have been helping mum sweep up!! - Hannah xx xx
It was great to have a lovely day for the marathon both for the competitors and the spectators.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Charlie, your tail makes a great broom! We're glad you were able to help out your Mum with the gardening!
Happy Monday, sweet friends. xxxxxxxx
Hi Jennifer,
Too bad you couldn't participate in the marathon. Have you participated before? I think marathons are fun. I participated in a yoga-thon ;) It was fun!
Oh Poor Charlie, what on Earth does he have in his tail...poor baby!
I thank you for the kind words on us getting through the storms. As I figured, we do not have school here today because of the mess so hopefully they'll get things cleaned up enough so we can head back to school tomorrow.
Have a wonderful day!
Say that isn't Charlie!
Oh, Charlie-hasn't anyone told you what a bad idea housekeeping is?! teehee...
Could I borrow Charlie to sweep my deck? :)
Terrible how powerful the weather can be. I hope all our friends are okay too.
Whoa, Charlie, that's some sweeping you did. Care to come sweep our porch? ;-)
Old Kitty your comments always make me smile and today's made me laugh! I know it doesn't seem like a pretty place but the scenery along the coast made up for it ten fold.
I hope the Marathoners had a great time, too! Wow, I always marvel at the fact that people actually LIKE to run for 26 miles at a time!
Charlie, glad you're helping out! :)
I'm glad you're feeling better and that the weather is better. I miss the blog community.
Look, Kitty--I made it! Sorry I haven't been by in a while. I hope Charlie hasn't missed me too much. He he. :-)
Is that picture really Charlie's tail??!!
I prefer pictures of Charlie, though both are identically puffy.
London Marathon yesterday? We copy EVERYTHING about England in Massachusetts while at the same time we bring up every battle we had in the American Revolution. Today is the Boston Marathon in honor of Patriot's Day, commemorating the battles of Concord and Lexington.
If only we'd kept those British accents.
I bet that was fun hearing all about the marathon.
Charlie, your tail does make a great broom. Looks like you did a lot of sweeping. Did you leave all the dirt in the house?? Good boy. Take care.
My cat is good at cleaning out the dust bunnies for me.
Say 'Hi' to Charlie.
ha! cat tails are useful for so many things...
Doesn't Charlie know he's not supposed to work so hard - LOL
It must have been something to be in the same train with spectators and people participating in the marathon. LOL.
It does look like Charlie went gardening!
Well who had weather??? I guess that was the northeast. Been fine and dandy down here in Florida...., :)
Tails are so handy! Maybe all patios should come with cats...or all cats should come with patios attached?
If Charlie's not too busy, I have an entire farmyard that could do with the tail treatment :-)
Sorry to hear you had to work on Sunday ... Me too, else I'd have been running in the LM - honest, I would ... Well done, though, to all who did.
Have a great week !
We also hope that they are safe from the weather. Charlie you are doing a great job there. Hugs GJ xx
Wow. I left you a note this morning, but it disappeared.
Wanted to let you know my cat doesn't do gardening, but he's very good at clearing out the dust bunnies.
That is some sweeper you got there!
Happy Tuesday!
Lol, that's his tail? It looks like a huge fluff ball! ;)
Oh Charlie!!
Human made you work????
Call 1-800-CAT-999 to complain!
Hehehe ... then again, I am sure you were paid handsomely with treats for all your hard work!
What a tidy gardener you are Charlie!
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