I've finally come round to reciprocating these lovely awards from the equally lovely Ann and lovely KarenG. A big THANK YOU to you both for nominating this silly little blog.
I'm tempted to ask the Cat for her list and answers.. hm...*ponders*
High Fives from
AnnList 5 highlights of 2009:
1) Joined an online writing course at the Uni of Exeter in Feb-March: extremely casual, helped me gain my confidence, helped me start writing again and led me to my Open Uni course that I am thoroughly enjoying.
2) Lost weight successfully. I didn't go on a diet but I increased my exercise regime - lots of jumping around to Rosemary Conley DVDs - gawd bless her!
3) Won a tiny flash competition, first prize £50. The site (brevitything.com)that hosted it is now defunct - but not after I cashed the cheque! LOL!
4) Survived my one year anniversary as an independent woman after 10 years in coupledom
5) Turned 40.

Over the top blogs from
KarenGAnswer these questions with one word:
Your Cell Phone? None
Your Hair? Black
Your Mother? Amazonian
Your Father? Deceased
Your Favorite Food? Marmite
Your Dream Last Night? Insane
Your Favorite Drink? Cappuccino
Your Dream/Goal? Romantic
What Room Are You In? Office
Your Hobby? Scribbling
Your Fear? Cat-less
Where Do You See Yourself In Six Years? Paradise
Where Were You Last Night? Dreamland
Something That You Aren't? Sane
Muffins? Home-made
Wish List Item? Cat
Where Did You Grow Up? Tottenham
Last Thing You Did? Sneeze
What Are You Wearing? Layers
Your TV? Off
Your Pets? Cat
Friends? Close
Your Life? Love
Your Mood? Emotional
Missing Someone? Yes
Vehicle? None
Something You Aren't Wearing? Discretion
Your Favorite Store? Waitrose
Your Favorite Color? Pink
When Was The Last Time You Laughed? Morning
Last Time You Cried? Monday
Your Best Friend? One
One Place You Go To Over And Over Again? Dreams
Facebook? Yes
Favorite Place To Eat? Pub
My nominations for these awards are:
fairyhedgehogmusings on a small lifestacy's cafesubstitute teacher's sagaspinster of the parishwelshcakelexicat in the buffblock or notMilleAnnea patch of dirtJaneSpellmakingAlexFor High Fives: list 5 highlights of 2009 and nominate others' blogs
For OTT blog award: copy and paste the nice image, answer the questions, nominate.