Monday 30 June 2014

Happy July!

My favourite month is the month of July
It's summer and sunny and hopefully dry!
It's also a month for birthdays galore!
Like mine and Charlie's and many many more!

p.s. Gumtree turned 2 years old in June!

Happy July y'all

Monday 16 June 2014

Hayfever attack!

Bloggie pals!

As I suffer (beautifully!) with an unusually horrid bout of hayfever, 
Charlie and Gumtree do what they do best:

Wishing you all a sniff and sneeze free great week!

Monday 2 June 2014

Keeping pawsitive!

Bloggie pals! 

Well, the not so great news is that my house buying has stalled a little. But I'm keeping positive as I've already invested emotionally and financially in this venture so I'm in it for the long haul! 

The nicer news about moi is that I am writing again! Yay! 
It's all a load of smelly pants of course but I'm enjoying the process!
First drafts are always the fun bit for me!

Charlie says: I show you my big paw!

Wishing y'all a happy June!