Thar be a heatwave ‘pon the southeast of ye olde England!!! Oooh-aaar!
Yep! Worst pirate accent EVER!
True anecdote: There I was thinking I captured the London slang of my youth in one of my very early stories only for my tutor to comment “what region of North England is this person from?” LOL!
Charlie says: I bask in the glow of the sun too.

Spring has sprung, bloggie friends!! Hallelujah!
I liked your pirate accent!
This is one of my fav pics of Charlie. He looks gorgeous! Will you scratch him behind the ears once for me?
As for the accent - all I can do is laugh. Thanks. I needed the chuckle. You're funny, sweetie. xoxo
Charlie, Seems like today is a nice sunny day around the world. Even my weather is heading to winter. I have a lovely warm day too...It's so nice to do the sun bath !
Have a lovely day, Charlie
I hope you and Charlie are enjoying the spring! :)
Autumn here...everything is getting cooler :) YAY!
That was a pirate accent? I thought it was a Marine shout oorah!
Hooray for Spring and hooray for those sun rays Charlie!!!
It's 32C here - jealous :-)
Yay for spring!!!! I just hope summer takes its time....
I wish it would spring here, I'm still waiting to hear the peepers...
handsome Charlie doing sun bath
Charlie you enjoy lots the sunshine of spring !
Jennifer, you're cute! *HUGS* Happy Thursday! <3
♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥
hahaha oh is that what you were trying to sound like. Well done me'hearty :)
Weirdly hot for April, isn't it?!
That made me laugh- I could imagine that happening to me. I'm trying for a Welsh accent for one of my characters in my novel - and I've been listening to Fireman Sam on You Tube for tips - it isn't helping. :-)
Gosh now that was a cool Cornish accent if ever I heard one. I suspect Charlie has been coaching you! :O)
I know! I know! It was beautiful here too in Southwestern France. I'm so happy! My garden is happy! My cat is happy! The dog next door, however, is yappy...
Hooray for Charlie in the spring. He looks really happy. :-)
Yet in Ireland, it's raining... fingers crossed we get some of the good weather soon ;)
Hi Old Kitty
Lucky you - we're under grey cloud here in Wales, today, look you, duw duw, Dai Bach ...
Loved your dialect anecdote - and your piratical accent!!
Enjoy the weather, while ye may ...
All best
Oh, please share some of the heat! Our snow might be gone, except for a few small patches here and there from snowbanks (plows), but it's still COOL! As in below 0C at night and first thing in the AM. Brrr.
We can see that Charlie is a sun worshipper - we hope he put some sun cream on his face and ears.
Regional accents always entertain mum - she likes the north east one best of all. We don't think cats have accents - we are too clever for that haha!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
I love spring and it looks like Charlie does as well. Oooh-aaarrrr!
A big yay for spring. I am LOVING it! All the blossoms, the grass, the trees... and SUN!
Funny, Jennifer!
I'm glad you are having some spring weather. We are too...I'm amazed how quickly we go from winter to green grass and daffodils blooming here. Have a lovely rest of the week.
I'm still anticipating snow here- Not good for fairy wings I tell ya- wet snow. Charlie she capture your good side!
*snicker* I hate it when I think I've mastered something, only to learn I've missed it completely...
Charlie looks so content basking in the sun!
Chocolate and mango..yummmmm.
I hope you have a blessed day.
Oh Charlie, that is such a good picture of you. You are soaking up that great sunshine. Hope you have super day.
I would love warm weather right about now!
Enjoy the sun Charlie!
We have the French windows open and I walked into town in my tshirt! It's definitely spring and feels more like summer. Yay!
Cute Charlie!
I'm not up on my American pirate slang, so I can't comment on British pirate slang. For all I know, you did everything perfectly.
Hardy har har!
I realy do think that spring is realy here. Hurray for sunshine. Hugs GJ xx
The weather has been glorious today and half of Exmouth (the ones who didn't have to work) were on the beach and even in the sea! Sooooo jealous.
Have a glorious day tomorrow!
I live in CO...we get like a two-day taste of spring and then a pounding of snow. Hah! shouts Mother Nature. Gotcha!
I heart your cat photo.
Hooray for Spring! :)
Oh how funny. So what part of Northern England do you come from?
Enjoy the heatwave. :)
Oh Charlie looks so content in his patch of sun! Love the anecdote as well. :)
The weather's been purrfect today.
My family lived in Cleethorpes for a bit when I was 12. I clearly recall my classmates referring to me as "the yank" and begging me to talk so they could hear my Maine accent! :)
halleluia! oh, my dear, i want to reccommend a film to you and your kitty loving friends. it is called "the cats of mirikitani" and is one of the best films in existence! take joy!
LOL! I like your pirate accent too!
India Drummond
Lucky you! We've just enough sun to make us believe real sun might come! Charlie looks like he's composing a sonnet in that shot!:)
isn't it funny when people don't get your sense of humour, and try to bog your writing with facts?
Enjoy the wonderful weather! We should be getting nicer weather this weekend --long overdo!
Enjoy the sun shining down on you.
I want to join Charlie in the sunbeam. I am cold. Spring visited here but then got kicked out by some cold front that is staying and staying and staying.
Charlie looks thoroughly pleased. Though he might think twice about letting you put an eye patch on him to keep with the pirate lingo.
Your pirate accent was good! Your cute! Have a nice warm week! :)
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