Bloggie friends, I’ve been cloned.
In India.
What am I talking about?
Start from the beginning like a good story teller shouId!
I open my email account and nearly fall off my chair because there’s one from my ex.
We parted ways over 2 and a half years ago and apart from exchanges of cards for birthdays and x-mas we’ve not spoken really so imagine my eyes widening and my jaw dropping when I see his email address in my inbox.
Anyway apparently the fraud dept of my bank left him 4 messages for me to contact them.
So I did only for them to say that my card has been cloned and transactions were made and declined in India.
So now I’ve cut up my debit card and await a new one.
I’ve just written to my ex to thank him profusely. I hope that’s the end of that though. Memories should stay in the past and should never be resurrected. Damn those fraudsters for stirring things up again! :-(
The moral of the story bloggie friends:
be very careful with your card details and personal info.I only ever use my debit card to pay for shopping and the vets. I don’t and have never used it for online purchases.
But I do use cash machines so who knows?!?!?
Please be careful out there!
Charlie says: This is what I think of the cloners!

Have a fraud-free Tuesday everyone! Phew!
p.s I did update all my bank contact details when I moved out so goodness knows why the bank rang my ex!!