Thursday 25 December 2014


To all my beautiful, patient and wonderful bloggie pals!

Charlie, Gumtree and I wish you all a joyous and very happy and loving Christmas!

For New Year, I hope to get an up to date pic of new slim line Gumtree! LOL! 

He's currently attending "fat cat clinic" and has so far lost 1/2 a kilo! Yay! 

We hope you are all well, healthy, happy and hearty!

Take care

Monday 18 August 2014

Updates! Updates!

Bloggie pals!!

Wow - what a month and a half where plenty and nothing much happened! We are totally missing you all!

The main news is that Charlie's going in for surgery this Wednesday to have a cyst removed. I won't use the word tumor cos I just won't!! I know in my heart it's going to be benign. Yes it is! 

[Pic taken 30th July 2014 - catching the last of summer's sun!]

As for the house buying - the vendor continues to do his damned ('scuse my French) best to delay the sale. He's messing with the wrong buyer, is all I'm saying!

Gumtree continues to grow big and strong and very vocal! 

We'll catch up with y'all soon - just maybe not now but soon - soon!! when things settle...

Have peaceful rest of August!

Monday 30 June 2014

Happy July!

My favourite month is the month of July
It's summer and sunny and hopefully dry!
It's also a month for birthdays galore!
Like mine and Charlie's and many many more!

p.s. Gumtree turned 2 years old in June!

Happy July y'all

Monday 16 June 2014

Hayfever attack!

Bloggie pals!

As I suffer (beautifully!) with an unusually horrid bout of hayfever, 
Charlie and Gumtree do what they do best:

Wishing you all a sniff and sneeze free great week!

Monday 2 June 2014

Keeping pawsitive!

Bloggie pals! 

Well, the not so great news is that my house buying has stalled a little. But I'm keeping positive as I've already invested emotionally and financially in this venture so I'm in it for the long haul! 

The nicer news about moi is that I am writing again! Yay! 
It's all a load of smelly pants of course but I'm enjoying the process!
First drafts are always the fun bit for me!

Charlie says: I show you my big paw!

Wishing y'all a happy June!

Monday 19 May 2014

Forty winks

On the table the Charlie sleeps:

In the bedroom the Gumtree sleeps:

Sat on her chair, Old Kitty reads
The Game of Thrones and falls asleep!

Kidding!! I'm on page 78 (out of 807 pages) and am enjoying it so far! 

Have a great week everyone!

Monday 5 May 2014

Happy tails!

The pic below taken in 2012:

The pic below taken in 2013:

The pic below taken last week 2014:

I'm going to miss that window sill!! But not the curtains! LOL!

Oh but I do so hope we move soon! 
The house buying is grinding to a very slow progress with ridiculous setbacks that I've been busy putting right (I've never spoken to so many strangers for so long on the phone as I did last week) but at least it's grinding forwards! Hah!

Wishing you all a happy May!

Monday 21 April 2014

Missing link!

Bloggie pals!

One thing I am fast learning about this house buying business is that no-one speaks to each other!

I never knew I'd be playing the missing link between solicitors, banks and estate agents! LOL!

So yay for the Easter break and big chocolate eggs! I hope y'all enjoyed yours!

Gumtree says: I guard The Egg.

(p.s. no chocolates for woofies and kitties please!)

Wishing y'all a great week!

Monday 7 April 2014

Spring in April's step

Bloggie pals!!

Oh wondrous of joy - April is Springing!
The Daffs are blooming, the Cranesbills are leafing!
But bestest of all is a sight worth seeing 
 That of Charlie and Gumtree stealing a kiss-ing! 

We are now currently at the solicitor's stage of the house buying process and anticipate the sale to go through by July or sooner! YIKES!!! *Bites nails*!

Wishing you all a fabulous Easter time and to all those A-Zing - enjoy!

Monday 24 March 2014

Business as usual

Bloggie pals! 

While Old Kitty runs around between estate agents, mortgage advisers and more house viewings, 

Charlie and Gumtree keep watch over her many pairs of shoes...

Wishing you all a fabulous week!

Monday 10 March 2014

Upside down and inside out!

Bloggie pals!

Hopefully soon we'll be catching the train from this station to our new home!

Oh ok, we'll be using Platform 10 but it's close enough!

{Of  course that's Platform 9 and 3/4 at King's Cross from the Harry Potter books!}

We are currently house-hunting and MAY have found a new home. Fingers and paws crossed but this just means we'll be erratic with our blogging until we're settled. At the moment all is upside down, inside out and all over the place!

Have a fabulous week everyone!

Monday 24 February 2014

Winter winners!

Bloggie pals!

For me, the best winner of the Sochi Winter Olympics is this beautiful man, Gus Kenworthy, a silver medalist in ski slopestyle who rescued a stray mama dog and her four pups from a gruesome, albeit state sponsored, fate and gave them all "ten lives and a second chances"! 

Gumtree says: I have cute belly too!

Wishing you all a peaceful, healthy, happy week!

p.s. extra purrs and hugs to Kim and her beautiful boys of Fuzzy Tales - all recovering from nasty viruses! And to Roland of Writing in Crosshairs - who should be RESTING (step away from the computer!) after surgery...!! 

Monday 10 February 2014

Fashionably late!

Bloggie pals!

Belated happy National Libraries Day (6 February)!  

Of course I celebrated by renewing my very overdue library membership at my local library! Yay!

Charlie says:  better late than never!

Speaking of late - guess what I'll be doing today!!? 

I'll be catching one of the very last showings of The Hobbit: the Desolation of Smaug in the cinema!! In super glorious 3D! *Squeal!!*

I hope to catch up with all your blogs after! 

Have a fun-packed week y'all! 

Monday 27 January 2014

Why the long face?

Bloggie pals!

Happy Year of the Horse! 

According to this site, this means a year of decisiveness and swift action! 

No glass half empty or half full! 

We are talking all or nothing, bloggie pals! 

So giddy up and off you trot towards the sunset! Mind them hurdles!

Charlie says: I decide to tidy the garden.

Have a great week everyone, happy Chinese new year!

Monday 20 January 2014

Darkness and Light!

Bloggie pals!!

Below is the reason we went AWOL last week!

The circuit breaker for the lights exploded, the rest of the circuit breakers were ok but it meant living by candlelight and torches  for a few days while Mr Electrician sorted out some dodgy wiring! LOL!

Note to self:  MUST always have spare matches! And candles. And torches. And batteries for the torches! (Thanks, Kim!).

Hope to catch up with y'all soon! Have a light-filled glowing week!

Monday 6 January 2014

2014 - make it so!

Hello to all our bloggie pals!! Oh how we missed each and every one of you!

So what have we been up to whilst away from blogland?


We ate some seed cake...

Slept loads ....

Ate banana cake ...

Slept some more.. 

And generally just chilled! :-)

Can't wait to catch up with y'all!! 
Have a GREAT week and please take care in this crazy weather!