Monday 31 October 2011

Darkspell, Fangs, Rumpy pumpy and Bad Poetry!

A Bad Halloween Poem by Old Kitty

It’s time to stir the witch’s brew
And bake a cake with a spider or two.
It’s time to dress up as a ghoul or a monster
And turn the cat into a bright orange lobster!

It’s time to go out and trawl the streets
Trick or treating for some gooey sweets!
It’s time to turn off the lights and stay unseen
It’s time to scream out “Happy Halloween!”

Charlie says: I search for treats only.

Bloggie friends!

Do you like magic? Here is lovely Elizabeth Mueller’s book Darkspell launched today!

Winter Sky believes she is everything ordinary . . .until she is kissed by Alex Stormhold. As seer of Stormhold Coven, Alex is sworn to be Winter’s protector against the darkness that hunts her. Violently thrust into a magical realm she always thought impossible, she stumbles upon a disturbing secret of her own. Will love prove thicker than magic?

Available here.

Or vampires? Gorgeous Theresa Milstein's story Allured is in Fangtales "an anthology of vampire tales for teens".

Available here

And if you like a bit of rumpy pumpy Texan style - good ol meat eating "lettuce is the devil disciple" Travis Erwin's book Feedstore Chronicles will be launching on 1st November! Details here.

Phew! Off I go to make way for November at last! But just to say: I love my vegetables and am a proud vegetarian! LOL! Take care y'all!

Monday 24 October 2011

A salute and a tiny boost for a big ego!

Bloggie friends!

To whoever decided to get a perfectly good apple, shove a stick in the middle of said apple and THEN dip the lot in thick milk chocolate instead of toffee – I SALUTE YOU!


Now bloggie friends! This came just in time to give me a little writerly ego boost!

If you scroll down the list of accepted submissions, you can just about catch “A Haiku by Jennifer Domingo”! Yay!

I’m particularly happy about this because The New Sun Rising publication has been fraught with difficulties but I think the publication itself has been salvaged. The hope is that it will be out as a commemorative anthology in time for the anniversary of Japan’s devastating tsunami. So double yay!

Charlie says: I smell for introoders.

Is it nearly November already!!??!

Monday 17 October 2011

Highlighting dense fluff

Bloggie friends! These are some of my highlights in the past week:

I baked Herman! He was very yummy if a little dense! LOL!

I entered this writerly competition. Unfortunately I saw it the day before the deadline and rushed off an entry with the minimal edits and re-writes. I doubt I’ll get anywhere! Let that be a lesson to you all budding writers – never rush your stories!

I tried my hand at “fluffy American pancakes” with varying degrees of fluffiness success!

I swooned at the Aussie vs All Blacks rugby game (the match was pretty awesome too LOL!)

Charlie says: All week I search for autumn.

Yes, bloggie friends! It’s only 68 days to Christmas!

Monday 10 October 2011

Herman - my new best friend

Bloggie friends!!

Meet Herman.

Herman is a friendship cake mix. And yes, a friend gave me this mixture. Hoorah! It’s great to know I have friends. LOL!

Apparently I’m to look after the mixture for ten days. I’ll need to stir, talk (ahem), mix and add stuff to it.

On the tenth day I divide the mixture into five. I keep one part and then give the rest to four others.

Of course I hope I find four other friends to whom I can offload Hermans 1, 2, 3 & 4 to! Oh dear!

I then add lots more ingredients to my own Herman mixture and bake.

Come back in a few days to see how my own fiendish Herman fares!

Charlie says: I sit on the router and scramble the network.

See y'all soon!

Monday 3 October 2011

Through the net curtain darkly

As I continue to edit my short story for this competition, Charlie sits on next door’s posh shed admiring his potential feathered snack.

Disclaimer: Picture shot surreptitiously through my net curtains! LOL!

Charlie says: I admire how tall the fir tree is.

(I think there's a lesson about perspective here! Thank you, Charlie!)

Happy October!

Sunday 2 October 2011

Today is a Yellow Day for Livestrong!

Bloggie friends!

Today, Charlie and I are pledging to go yellow for Livestrong Day!

Set up by the Lance Armstrong Foundation, Livestrong seeks to “fight to improve the lives of people affected by cancer” through raising funds, organising support groups, etc.

Comments are off for today in the hope that you visit the above links, share your own personal experiences (if you wish) of this disease or just make a pledge to wear yellow and/or donate and/or just find out what Livestrong is all about!

Have a lovely Sunday!