Monday, 6 May 2013

Stripes, spots, pots and surveys!

Bloggie pals! Finally, I got my potted plants to bloom again! If you remember, this was one task I set myself to do a couple of months back! 

Et voila!

Gumtree says: I show off my stripes!

Charlie says: I show off my spot!

And lastly, today (6th May)  is the first ever National Cat Watch Day
This survey asks cat owners to observe their chosen cat and complete a questionnaire.  The aim is to understand how cats "use their home and garden and to spot where improvements can be made to their world." Details, here.

Have a great week, y'all!


Anonymous said...

You're going into Spring; I'm heading into Autumn. My two favourite seasons for blooms.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I think Charlie just wants more places to sleep!

klahanie said...

Greetings Old Kitty,

Yay y'all, it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

I 'spotted' a cat in my garden. I don't think the cat appreciated me painting polka dots on it! :)

I know how cats use our garden. And with that, I shall be going now.

Pawsitive wishes,


Saku said...

I am envious, I won't be seeing potted plants for a few more weeks.

Lovely stripes and spots Gumtree & Charlie.

Hope you have a wonderful week too!

Summer Ross said...

Yay for blooms!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Well, your plants look great now! Concats on that achievement!

Have a very happy Monday. XOXO

Pasha's Mommy said...

Nice flowers and nice kitties :)

Helena said...

Your flowers are gorgeous! Congratulations on meeting your goal. Hope your spring stays as sunny as the day in your photo (it's FINALLY warming up here in Colorado).

Gumtree and Charlie now have a potted garden to play in.

The Chair Speaks said...

We love Gumtree's pose among the flowers. Purrs!

joanne fox said...

All the spring flowers are so late blooming this year.

Harvey says an improvement to his world would be just to leave the food bag open on the floor, instead of doling out such measly portions every day. x

Naturegirl said...

Cute pics! Cats love roaming in garden...Purr-Zzz

Naturegirl said...

Cute pics! Cats love roaming in garden...Purr-Zzz

Teresa Ashby said...

Ooh cat watch, I could watch cats all day and I probably would if Him Indoors would let me have another one :-)

(I'm cat broody because my daughter is getting another one in a couple of weeks - lucky her) :-) x

Mark said...

Cats can teach us a lot about how to improve the world. All you need to do to really enjoy life is sleep when you want and have someone else feed you. Though I'm pleased to hear the plants came through.

Fuzzy Tales said...

The blooms are lovely--well done! Surely Charlie and Gumtree must have helped. :-)

The survey looks interesting; are you doing it?

Happy Monday, hope your week goes well.

Hilary said...

Cat watch day? Are you kidding me? my humans already spy on me on a camera when they are at work!


Hannah and Lucy said...

It looks as though your potted plants are thriving. We hope Charlie and Gumtree think they are pretty.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Creepy Query Girl said...

beautiful pictures and bravo!

wildcatwoods said...

Looks like spring has arrived! Will check out the survey.

D..J. Kirkby said...

Happy national cat watch day! I'm off to fill out the survey!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Gumtree, you look like a happy gardener! Charlie, you just look plain happy!

Hart Johnson said...

Oh, Gumtree likes your flowers!!! And thanks for the heads up on the survey--looks like fun!

Janet Johnson said...

I had NO IDEA there was such as thing as National Cat Watch Day. That is awesome!

And your flowers are beautiful! :)

Tamago said...

Wow your blooms are beautiful! Yay for you to complete the task :-) Gumtree's stripes are so lovely and Charlie's spot is very cute!
The survey sounds interesting. I will go over and check it out!

Have a wonderful new week xoxo

Katie Isabella said...

Oh how interesting. I will make mommy go right away. Char;ie, your spot is just so "you" and I wouldn't know you without it. Lovve stripes too. I have none but I loves 'em.

Unknown said...

Happy cat day! I love your yellow flowers.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

haza grate week everee one..pots and everee one iz lookin all ya knead ta due iz tell yur mom ta get a pond goin N stock in with fish for snaks !!

KarenMcG said...

Love that spotty kitty and the striped one, too.

Beautiful blooming flowers!

Julia Hones said...

I love those flowers. Congratulations on your accomplishment. I'm sure Gumtree and Charlie are celebrating, too. Have a good week, Old Kitty.

LTM said...

LOL! oh my goodness! I have to take this survey and see how Flower does!

Speaking of flowers, yours look LOVELY! And look at Gumtree. And Charlie. Such cuties!

Happy spring~ :o) <3

Debbie Coope said...

My cat watch. Sleep. Sleep. Eat. Eat. Cat fight. Eat. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.

cleemckenzie said...

How interesting. A survey to determine how cats use their space. I'll have to start paying attention to that.

Theresa Milstein said...

Lovely Flowers. YaY for spring blooms!

Charlie has the best fur.


Oh look at all of those lovely flowers and Gumtree!
Hello handsome Charlie.

Liza said...

Your pots look lovely. I struggle with potted plants...though I do OK in the garden. Sadly, I don't have a kitty to watch anymore...

Anonymous said...

I love spring and autumn in NZ. No humidity or blasted mosquitoes!

Your flowering pots look gorgeous!

William Kendall said...

Cat naps are essential, so we can't blame Charlie for showing off his spot.

Maria McKenzie said...

Beautiful stripes and spot. I watched your cats during National Cat Watch Day;)!

Anonymous said...

Hey!!! I'm going to click over to the survey and see what it's about.

Nice to see you!

Donna said...

I will tell the survey how much I like naps. Even though I am not a cat.

the teacher's pets said...

I didn't know it was National Cat Watch Day! It is 9pm in New Hampshire so I am off to bed soon but if I'd seen this post earlier I would've taken the survey! Great pics of your cats!

Stina said...

Wow, you've got flowers!!!! Ours are just peaking now. And maybe in a week or two the trees will have leaves.

Charlie is begging to be turned into a comfy pillow. :D

DWei said...

Looking at this reminds me of how I'll be a sneezy, runny messy in a few weeks.


Anonymous said...

Lovely blooms, so cheerful in the sunshine. I do like your cat's spots and stripes too.
Intriguing about the questionnaire as it is something I do in my head regularly with my pets :O)
Enjoy the lovely weather.

Simon Kewin said...

Looking good! Hope you're enjoying the wonderful weather.

Luna said...

Your garden is looking beautiful! Love those cute stripes and spots. Have a wonderful week! :)

Petronela said...

Lovely cats and amazing flowers. I have a huge inclination towards both...pets and nature

Cynthia Chapman Willis said...

Such beautiful stripes, spots, and pots! It's hard to have a favorite. : )

Jennifer Shirk said...

Lovely flowers!

I'm excited my mom is getting a cat! She's never had one!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Mieow....., we came by to Fank You fur stopping by with your comforting purrz on acounta Penelope'z leaving fur da Bridge so suddenly. You helped to make da dark dayz ahead a little more bearable ^..^

Soft Purrz ~
Sunny, Gabriel, Larry, Lolly, Ana, & sad sad mommeh

pee ess, you guyz are pretty Cute! ^.,^ ♥xo♥

Manzanita said...

What a lovely walkway that now welcomes you home. You have some new pots to fill too. I like it that you like to keep a close connection to the soil.

Stephen Tremp said...

Stripes vs. Spots. Its almost as intense as Ginger vs. Mary Ann.

And I have a new blog. Hope to see you stop by and say hello!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

oh wow, you have a green thumb! (I remember what those pots looked like in winter)

Marg said...

Gumdrop, you are looking mighty good sitting out there with those pretty flowers. Bet that is a good nap you are having Charlie, with that nice spot of yours. Take care.

~Sia McKye~ said...

A cat survey? Interesting. I have several cats. They wander all over the place checking out whatever captures their interest at the moment. I have one that loves to play musical door with me. In, out, in, out. I think I need to put in a cat door. :-)


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Old Kitty - your pots are doing so well - congratulations .. such a great time to watch as the bulbs pop through ..

A cat survey .. I'd have to answer nout ... no cat, and none usually seen .. plenty of foxes though!

Glad Gumtree is enjoying the sun, though Charlie is in the position I'd happily be in = sound asleep!!

Cheers Hilary

meowmeowmans said...

So beautiful! We have to start planting our container garden , too, so you have inspired us to get busy. :)

RaShelle Workman said...

Hi!! The can quiz is super cool. =) And love the pretty, pretty flowers. =)

Ellen Whyte said...

Hey what a great idea! Love it. And you cats are looking great; complete wtih green furry thumbs.

Anonymous said...

I'm working on my potted plants right now. I just started gardening, so I have a lot to learn.

Romance Book Haven said...

Hi Kitty,

Anyone who can get their plants to bloom is who I would call a plant whisperer. Well done!

Cats and plants! What a lovely life you have.


Fur Everywhere said...

Beautiful plants (and you make beautiful models, too)! Mom does not have a green thumb, MOL!

We will go check out the survey. Thank you for sharing it :)

Carmine, Milita, and Jewel

Patsy said...

I like your pots, spots and stripes!

Norma said...

I want to know what those surveys ultimately reveal about cats!

mshatch said...

Looking very nice on your walkway! I've finally begin putting a few plants on my porch...

Esme said...

Those daffodil compliment Gumtree very nicely.

Margo Berendsen said...

Love your cats' "spot" pictures :) Hey if i remember correctly you are a big Star Trek fan... and isn't the new movie releasing early in the UK? I'm just dying until next Friday when it releases here and spilling Trekky love over my blog while I wait!

Rick Watson said...

If we had kitty's we'd watch and report.
Beautiful flowers.

Anonymous said...

I would take the questionnaire, but I don't want to have to spend all day watching June Buggie. He might take it the wrong way and attack me!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love Charlie's big spot and Gumtrees's stripes are dashing!

The snow time is finally over here--I can't wait to plant flowers soon!

Katie Isabella said...

Happy Mother's Day you three..Charlie, Guntree and Mummy. xoxoxox

Naturegirl said...

Pur-Zzz..I hope that you have a Purr-fect Mother's Day! =^.^=

Anonymous said...

Your pots are looking great Kitty, and Charlie and gummtree add to the look. They're purrrfect.

Simon Kewin said...

Great to see signs of spring at last isn't it?

Nas said...

Charlie's got such a lovely place for some R&R now! Beautiful flowering pots.