Monday, 20 May 2013

Names! Nerds!

Bloggie pals!!

Gumtree says: I look for Charlie.

Star Trek: Into Darkness was utterly utterly fabulous. I give it a gazillion stars and then some! If you are going to see it I promise you, you won't be disappointed! It made this trekker nerd very happy indeed!

And you know what else made me happy? A footballer called "Fitz Hall" is know as "One Size" to his fans. 

Yes. As in  "one size fits... "

Have a great week y'all! :-)

p.s. I didn't make up Mr Hall's nickname, I read about it here!


Anonymous said...

You are so dear! ~xo~

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gumtree, buddy, you are looking in the wrong direction.
Yes! Star Trek was amazing. Even better than the first. My review goes up tomorrow. Really enjoyed it.

Tamago said...

Gumtree, I hope you found Charlie! Then it's time for you to hide :-)

Glad you enjoyed new Star Trek movie! I finally got to see Iron Man 3 and I absolutely loved it! I hope good entertaining movies keep coming!

Have a great coming new week!

Pasha's Mommy said...

Gumtree, you're looking for Charlie in wrong places :)
We're glad you enjoyed the star trek!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I have heard the movie is super cool! Howdy Gumtree & Charlie!

Julia Hones said...

What an awesome picture of Gumtree and Charlie. Those colors are beautiful. Have a wonderful week. I'm glad you enjoyed the movie.

Summer Ross said...

LOL- That nick name is great!

Haven't seen the movie yet but I'm looking forward to it.

Have a terrific day!

Stephen Tremp said...

Even Gumtree is laughing at that one!!!

The Chair Speaks said...

Hey Gumtree, we love your rear view 'pear' shape! Purrs!

Teresa Ashby said...

I saw it last week and was bowled over! Even better than the first and now I can't wait for the next one - they have to make more don't they?
Ha ha - One Size!! x

Helena said...

I'm going to see Star Trek Tuesday with a friend who's also a trekkie. I'm so excited and I'm so glad you loved it! If only Gumtree and Charlie could share your enthusiasm.

penandpaints said...

How fabulous, I must go see it!!
Charlie's up on the roof me thinks, Gumtree!
Terrific pic of the camels by the way, that's an unusual sight from the office window, hehe

Mark said...

I can't help but wonder what that guy did to his fans to encourage that nickname. Well anyway I'm glad Star Trek was fun. My dad is a life long Trekkie and he said he enjoyed it.

Fuzzy Tales said...

I've heard good things about the new ST movie, so I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I can see how this football player came by his nickname, given his real name! :-)

Unknown said...

I wish I'd seen Star Trek this weekend, but life got in the way. Maybe I'll play hooky and see it today ;)

Natalie Aguirre said...

So glad you loved Star Trek.

Ellen Whyte said...

It's here next week, I think. Whoohoo! Will go see it.

Hannah and Lucy said...

What's Charlie doing up in the air Gumtree? Is he hang gliding?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Simon Kewin said...

Yep, great film, no doubt about it. Especially the thing with it being, you know, thing. That was cool.

Rene said...

DH saw Star Trek and loved it too--he will probably see it twice. LOL about the football name. . .

Jennifer Shirk said...

I have been hearing such awesome things about that movie. I hope to see it next weekend!

Manzanita said...

Hey dear trekkie
Thanks for the star trek comment. One size or Fritz Hall.... how funny.ha ha ha

Marg said...

Hi there Gum tree, did you find Charlie?
Sure hope all of you have a wonderful week. Take care.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gumtree....charlie iz thata way >>>>

:) glad yur mom enjoyed de mewvie...R mom bee an orignal trekkie with shatner N nemoy N crew...her never reeely wuz two sure bout de generationz ta follow.....rock on gene roddenberry !!

Esme said...

Gumtree looks like he is getting bigger.

Katie Isabella said...

I know my mom is VERY anxious to see it. She is a Trekkie from way way back!!

wildcatwoods said...

We can't wait to see the movie! Love One Size as a nickname!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Well, thank goodness you're Gumtree and not Donkey! MOL.

mshatch said...

I can't wait to see this movie - next weekend I hope :)

Carol Kilgore said...

"One Size" is purrfect!

Have a wonderful week :)

Hart Johnson said...

HA! Brilliant name play! And glad you enjoyed the movie! Gumtree is such a handsome lad...

Words A Day said...

one suze - excellent! Glad you enjoyed Into Darkeness - will bring my boys for sure :)


I am sure we will have to check out the ST movie! Sounds fabulous. Hello Charlie and Gumtree!!

William Kendall said...

I'm planning on seeing it sometime soon, when I'm feeling up to it.

Gumtree looks much too adorable for his own good.

Maria McKenzie said...

I'm so glad you loved the new Star Trek! My husband was getting discouraged by bad reviews he's read. I'll pass on your post! I can't wait to see it! Hello kitties:).

Saku said...

Did you find him Gumtree?

I'm not a Star Trek fan, but I am happy you enjoyed it. The fact is, I haven't seen a movie since "The Help" came out.

That nickname is perfect. I wonder if his parents ever thought about it when they named him? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Definitely looking forward to seeing Star Trek: Into Darkness. A gazillion stars ... that's quite a powerful review!

LTM said...

LOL! What an awesome nickname!

Ooooo, I want to see that new Star Trek SO badly!!!

LOL--Charlie is very camouflaged! I almost couldn't find him either. ;o) <3

Jemi Fraser said...

Can't wait for Star Trek!!!!! I love hearing everyone say they loved it! :)

Jay Paoloni said...

I'm not a fan of Star Trek, but its trailer kind of intrigued me! I'd like to see it! Not as much as I'd like to see the Wolverine though!
Say hi to your cat buddies!

Tammy Theriault said... and everyone else has really enjoyed the movie. maybe i shall see it...maybe

Anonymous said...

Cute picture.

Everyone's talking about this movie. I'm interested in seeing it.

Unknown said...

I love that Footballer's name. I also loved Star Trek as well.

KarenMcG said...

Thanks for the information about Star Trek. Glad you liked it.

Hmmm, Gumtree where do you think Charlie is?

Patsy said...

That's a great nickname.

klahanie said...

Aha, even though I can't afford to go to the movie theatre, I'm glad to read the glowing reports about the latest Star Trek film.

You do realise that your adoring fans in North America, unless they click on the link, might well be thinking of a different type of "football."


Romance Book Haven said...

Hello Charlie, Gumtree and OK!


Deniz Bevan said...

One size fits all, ha ha!
Love Gumtree among the flowers. Summertime!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

We went to it last weekend. We all enjoyed it. I think I need to rent some of the older ones for our teen to get a full appreciating of it.

DWei said...

Just don't get the Star Trek game. It's an absolute disaster. I've watched some people play and it was so poorly done.

Theresa Milstein said...

I see Charlie!

A lot of positive feedback about Star Trek. Glad you enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed the film Kitty, gumtree looks lovely among your pots.

meowmeowmans said...

Did you find Charlie, Gumtree?

I've heard only good things about the new Star Trek movie ... we will have to see that one while it is still in theaters!

Nas said...

Lol! Just read it again...OneSize? Seriously?


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I want to see the new Star Trek movie so badly --I'm glad you enjoyed it, Jenn!

LOL on the football player's nickname --that is very clever!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

ha! I'm glad you enjoyed Into Darkness. I liked it too. I just needed to switch off my brain from those huge plot holes ;)

LynNerdKelley said...

Hello OC! I've missed you. Glad you enjoyed the new Star Trek movie. Hope I can get to a theater soon to see it, too. Great nickname, "One Size."

Lydia Kang said...

I'm seeing it this weekend! EEEEEE!

Vanessa Morgan said...

Why are cats always looking in the wrong direction even if the 'thing' they're looking for is almost right in front of them?

Gina Gao said...

Star Trek was AWESOME!

Rick Watson said...

I can't wait to see it....Star Trek I mean :)

D..J. Kirkby said...

Hello lovely Kitty, Charlie and GumGum....I have tagged you in a meme but it's one I think you will enjoy a lot. xo

Nas said...

Hi Kitty, Charlie and Gumtree!

fairyhedgehog said...

I think we're going to see it when the weather gets worse!

Love your picture, as always.

Margo Berendsen said...

Oh come on you have to share your favorite part about Into Darkness. Ooops, that's harder than I thought - I had lots of favorite parts! Scotty's comment about jumping off a bridge and landing in a shot glass was great but there were so many others. I need to watch it again!!!