Monday, 13 May 2013

Boldly going with camels!

Bloggie friends!

I am soooooooooooo excited I can barely contain myself!!

Today (Monday) I shall be ensconced in a lovely imax cinema watching Star Trek: Into Darkness in glorious 3D and imax!!!!!!!

*Squeals with girlish delight*!!!!!!

So while I am away, here is a pic of two beautiful Bactrian camels outside my office window taken a couple of weeks back.

The School of African and Oriental Studies held a Camel Conference (I kid you NOT) and these two beauties were there to highlight just how important these creatures are to the livelihoods of so many! 

And I repeat, they were right outside my window at work!!!!!

Me and Charlie and The Gumster promise to visit y'all eventually but first we must boldly go where no-one has gone before! :-)

Have  a great week!!


Anonymous said...

Camels outside your office window? Crikey ... how wonderful!

Hope you enjoyed going boldly where no-one has gone before :)

Mark said...

Ooooh enjoy the movie! I think I'd be a bit freaked out if I looked out the window and saw some camels.

mshatch said...

You lucky trekkie! I can't wait to see it :)

klahanie said...

Yay and have fun going boldly to the cinema!

I hope nobody got the hump at the camel conference :)


Anonymous said...

I saw Star Trek yesterday and it is BRILLIANT!!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Envious you get to see Star Trek four days before I do!
And camels - that's something you don't see every day.

Saku said...

Enjoy the movie!

Camels? That would be quite the shock if you weren't expecting them!

Have a great week.

Jay Paoloni said...

Where is it that no one has gone before?
Two camels out of your office window; must have been quite a view for those who didn't know that there's a school of African studies in its thereabouts.
Say hi to Charlie and Gumtree!

Adam said...

cool camels

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I can totally understand why you are all excited! I would be too. I hope you have lots of fun, I won't get to see ST for a while but I am so looking forward to it.

Tamago said...

Is the new Star Trek out already? I am so behind watching new movies. I want to go see new Iron Man but that has not happened yet. I hope you enjoy the movie!
It is so cool you got to see these camels just outside the window! Camel Conference, how interesting!

Susan Kane said...

Four more days until the midnight showing!!

Camels? Really!

Anonymous said...

Well, this is so very cool! What a unique post!

Ellen Whyte said...

LOL, do let us know what the film was like. We're going to see it as soon as it appears in our local cinema.

Manzanita said...

Hey fellow Trekki
All that and camels too. Lucky you, just had to glance out your window to get that great picture.
Have a marvelous time. Don't have to tell you that. Tee Hee

Teresa Ashby said...

Brilliant - camels :-)

Ooh I hope you enjoy the film - we were going to go see it on Thursday which would have been my first adventure in imax and 3D, but can't go, so have had to postpone! Enjoy yourself - I know you will :-)x

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Old Kitty - sounds as though you're going to have a glorious day - Bactrian camels toddling around the middle of London must have been an amazing sight ..

Enjoy Star Trek: Into Darkness .. cheers Hilary

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'm so jealous... about the imax Star Trek, not the camels ;)

I hope you have a WONDERFUL time!!

DWei said...

I can't take camels seriously anymore, not since I watched Bear Grylls try and eat camel fat and fail.

The new Star Trek movie looks good so far, but avoid the game. That thing is an absolute disaster.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Wow! That's an amazing picture.

joanne fox said...

Oooh, have a lovely time, lovely Old Kitty! x

Julia Hones said...

Wow! What an exciting day. I love the IMAX experience. Enjoy those camels. Have a lovely week.

Simon Kewin said...

There's such a thing as a camel conference? How wonderful. Saw Into Darkness on Saturday. I'll say only that it's really good...

Fuzzy Tales said...

???? OMG, that's a sight! Beats Mr. Goat on a leash here, last month!

Hope you enjoy the movie!

the writing pad said...

Hi Old Kitty - this is a scream and brightened up my Monday no end! Hope you enjoy your Imax adventure - and that you boldly come back safely :-)

Love to you, Charlie and Gumster - and thanks again for the smiles !!

Unknown said...

I want to go to that school! How fascinating! I hope Star Trek is good because I'm going to see it this week as well. I love the actor from Sherlock and can't wait to see him as an evil character.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Hope you enjoy the film - hope "the boys" aren't too miffed by missing Startrek into Darkness.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Helena said...

I am SO happy that you're a fellow Trekkie! Into Darkness is gonna be incredible, and I hope you have the best time ever seeing it.

How cool and surreal to see two camels outside your window! May many more big beautiful animals pass by for you.

Rene said...

Oh, DH can't wait for that movie--I didn't know it was showing in your part of the world!

Summer Ross said...

Enjoy the movie! And wowza camels out your office window. That would be different. LOL I think I'd create a story out of it.

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Wow! I've heard for calico conventions before but I've never heard of camel convention. A camel convention must be pretty impressive! purrs

Gina Gao said...

The camel picture cracked me up like nothing else! Thanks for sharing.

Theresa Milstein said...

HaHa! That's quite a sight!

It reminds me of when the elephants are walked from Cambridge to Boston for the circus each year. Not something you see everyday!

Have fun at the movie!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

haza awesum time at de mewvies; sneek in sum ham samiches N friez N pizza N trout N flounder anda grill, enjoy de three dee effect...way kewl....and hope everee one haza sooooper grate week !

Katnip Lounge said...

Now there's something you don't see every day!

The camels, I mean.

Words A Day said...

A camel conference - there's short story material! Enjoy Star Trek!

Words A Day said...

Did I comment already? I thought I did but its gone! You HAVE to write a short story about that view from your work window, a camel conference!:) Enjoy the movie:)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Have fun at the movie, that will be darn exciting!!!

William Kendall said...

I trust that you've enjoyed the movie?

I wonder what the cats would have thought if they'd seen the camels.

Katie Isabella said...

MOMMY says she is so looking forward to seeing Star Trek!!!

Marg said...

Oh we sure hope you have a great time at the movies. It sounds like a fun time. Take care.

Hart Johnson said...

Ohmygosh--I LOVE the camel conference! What a fabulous event! And I hope you really enjoyed your movie!!!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Enjoy... The camels are wonderful. What fun they were right outside.. Have a great time.. Hugs GJ xx

Unknown said...

Not to brag, but living in Egypt I see camels all the time! However, I'd trade you any of my camel-sightings for the chance to see the new "Star Trek." It'll take forever until it comes here. *sniffle*
I hope you have a wonderful time! :-)

PK HREZO said...

WHat??? You're seeing it today??? SO totally unfair. lol

Can't wait to hear about it. I'll be ready on Friday for my theater visit, so no spoilers!!!

How cute are those camels?!

Lydia Kang said...

A camel conference? Now that is something I've never heard of!


Well it's not everyday you get to see a coupla camels walking by.... :)

Stina said...

The only thing we see wondering around my neighborhood are cats, dogs, and demonic-looking rabbits.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I like camels. Even if they do spit.

Jemi Fraser said...

WOW! Camels on the street and a camel conference! How cool is that :)

I'm envious - still haven't managed to talk my hubby (or kids or sis or friends...) into going to ST with me! Soon :)

Pasha's Mommy said...

Our mommy saw the great Catsby, and she saw the commercial for the star treck! It was pretty good :) enjoy the show!

Who would expect to see camels in the middle of the city?

Anonymous said...

What an amazing sight.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Two cool things!!

Every time I see the previews for the Star Trek movie, I have to stop what I'm doing and watch them. It looks soooooooo good.

KarenMcG said...

What a fun day that must have been when you discovered camels outside your office window. Talk about a conversation starter!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Camels? Wow! That must have been an adventure!
Hope you enjoy the movie :)

Anonymous said...

Wows now that's a great sight!

I can't wait to see Into Darkness too :O)

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Well now, that's not something you see everyday!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Thank You for stopping by and for your Soft Purrayers for Penelope ~

Live Long & Prosper ~ ;) & ^.,^ x5

Meradeth Houston said...

Hope you enjoyed the film!! And if I had those camels outside my window, no way would I get anything done!

Cezar and Léia said...

wow those camels are beautiful, what a cool picture!
Hey, enjoy your movie!
Luna - WE LOVE LUNA and hugs from mom Léia

Stephen Tremp said...

Camels??? How cool is that. I like camels. I want to ride one some day.

Enjoy Star Trek!!!

Katie Isabella said...

Charlie and Gumster...what do you two think of the camels? XXO

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

One of my good friends has a son studying Arabic in the Middle East and he drinks camel's milk! He said it is very nutritious.

I am such a "Trekie" and I'm jealous you are seeing the new movie in 3D, Jenn! Enjoy it!

Melinda Szymanik said...

Hope you enjoy the movie - and best photo ever - it made my day :)

Romance Book Haven said...

Hi Kitty,

Camels are the ships of the desert aren't they? There are Bactrian and dromedary camels. I wonder what the difference is between the two type. I'm all intrigued now.


Nas said...

Nothing like a touch of the exotic, i there? Good for you, Kitty.

Esme said...

How fun is that. What a great concept and outside your office window at that. Enjoy the movie.

wildcatwoods said...

So cool - both camels and the movie!

Cats of wildcat woods

Carol Kilgore said...

I heard that movie is awesome! Can't wait. Cool camels :)

Margo Berendsen said...

Dying to hear what thought of Star Trek (yes, the camels are very cool, too. A camel conference in the UK, love it).

I was a happy little Trekkie nerd eating up all the past references. I only wish the tribble had started multiplying. Loved it!

John Bellen said...

That's an interesting association: you are going to see "Star Trek" and you naturally thought a picture of camels would be a perfect adjunct. Hmm... But it is a very intriguing sight, indeed!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Hope you had a great time at the movies.

OMGoodness, a camel outside your building. How cool is that!

Happy spring and thanks for your kind words, Jen.

Romance Reader said...

Hope you enjoyed your movie! And camels-just outside, walking by? Awesome!


Deniz Bevan said...

Eek! Oh my, camels outside your window!
You've shared 'em with Linda, I hope!

Smudge said...

Damn, they kind of look out of place! Hope you enjoyed the movie. Let everyone know how it was.

fairyhedgehog said...

Camels and Star Trek? You do lead an exciting life and I'm green with envy!

the teacher's pets said...

Wow! I would jump out of my office chair and then run outdoors to meet those beautiful camels if I was there! I wonder, did you do that? How funny to have a "camel conference"! I love it!

Jenn said...

Whoa, camels right outside your window?!

Glad you enjoyed the movie! The hubster saw it with his buddies and I'm slightly jealous. I will watch it at some point though. :)