Monday 21 April 2014

Missing link!

Bloggie pals!

One thing I am fast learning about this house buying business is that no-one speaks to each other!

I never knew I'd be playing the missing link between solicitors, banks and estate agents! LOL!

So yay for the Easter break and big chocolate eggs! I hope y'all enjoyed yours!

Gumtree says: I guard The Egg.

(p.s. no chocolates for woofies and kitties please!)

Wishing y'all a great week!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry it's such a hassle! Hope the Easter break did you good.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry it's such a hassle! Hope the Easter break did you good.

William Kendall said...

Chocolate's not good for them, after all!

Gumtree, it looks so good, doesn't it? We'll just have to get you an Easter Catnip Egg.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Oh My Catness. Back when there were dinosaurs Dad did some Real Estate stuff. He says agents, brokers and bankers had trouble finding their rears with both hands
Happy Easter

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh yes, and be prepared--at closing there will be ONE vital bit of paper forgotten with an ensuing mad scramble! Happens every. single. time.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Sorry you have to go between everyone in your house purchase. Hope you have happy I bought my house news soon.

And Happy Easter!

Rene said...

We are curious about what kind of egg that is. We've never heard of a popping egg. However, we're glad Gumtree is guarding it. :-)

Manzanita said...

How adorablle of Gumtree guarding the egg. Maybe he'll hatch a bunny.
I think they do talk and it's all a big game. Just stand your own ground.

Tamago said...

I hope home buying is going well!
That is one big chocolate egg! Great job, Gumtree, for guarding it :-) In our house, I'm the only one who eat chocolate. Gotta be careful not to eat too much..
Happy Easter and we wish you a wonderful new week!

meowmeowmans said...

Good job guarding that egg, Gumtree!

Sorry to hear the house-buying business is not super-smooth, Old Kitty. Hopefully after the Easter break things will go better!

Adam said...

Have a great Easter

Teresa Ashby said...

Ooh I have heard the lack of communication thing is beyond a joke. Ridiculous when there are so many ways to keep in touch these days!
Take care of that egg,Gumtree x

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Wow! You sure found yourself one big POPPING Easter egg, Gumtree! Was it nommy?

Happy Easter to all of you!

Simon Kewin said...

There's always the chocolate! I am still very much in the process of enjoying mine...

Al said...

so much of life seems to be doing other peoples jobs for them!
Good luck with it all

mshatch said...

House buying can be very trying and Happy Easter to you and kitties:)

Mark said...

Well good luck with all this soliciting thing. House buying programs always made it seem so easy.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Just think how fit you'll feel when you actually get the keys in your hand. Chocolate and wine are good for numbing the pain while you are playing the "in betweener" for these people who when you think you should work hard while they sit at their desks and smile as they pass you their accounts!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx + Sue

Hart Johnson said...

Man, yeah--house buying can be super stressful. Great, though! Hope you have a wonderful Easter! Looks like Gumtree did!

Marg said...

Good job Gumtree guarding that egg. Hope the house buying goes well. We can't wait to see it. Hope you had a good Easter too. Take care.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Belated happy Easter!

I don't remember it being that onerous when we bought the townhouse. Well, my ex had arranged financing first, then we went house-hunting based on what mortgage we could afford. Mind you, I left that all up to him at the time, so you're way ahead of me, on all the red tape you have to wade through!

Fingers crossed it's all worth it in the end, and you can take possession sooner than later. :-)

Liza said...

Sadly, selling a home is a business proposition. When we sold our last home many years ago, we went back and forth in the negotiating process with the couple who bought our house via the realtors (agents). The husband in the couple was from another country and called us on the phone and left a message..."Can't we just settle this ourselves." I called him back, spoke to his wife who said, "Don't worry, he just doesn't understand how things work in this country." But, she and I had a nice chat, ultimately they bought our house, and years later, we are still friends.

KarenMcG said...

Just think, Jennifer, by the time you get the purchase done, you can write a book about your trials and tribulations - or at least your adventures.

Hmmm, what are we to think about Gumtree guarding that chocolate egg so closely? And where' Charlie in all this?

We hope you had a nice Easter, too.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Best of luck with the house! :)

Hope you had a HOPPY Easter!

Patsy said...

Do you get the 'oh, we were just about to call you' when you manage to get hold of anyone? We got that a lot.

joanne fox said...

Enjoy that egg, sweet Kitty! x

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yep, I hear that house buying can be a pain in the litter box!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Old Kitty - well glad you had time for some celebratory eggs - that looks good! I'm having a taster of one now ...

Well done on find that missing jig-saw piece .. and now happy moving day soon I hope .. cheers Hilary


It is always a mountain of worry when buying a house. There are so many loose ends and sadly just as you are finding you are the one who has to keep it all straight.

Hi Charlie.
Hi Gumtree.
Aren't you glad you don't have to keep up with finances!

cleemckenzie said...

Easter was one huge sugar contaminated day! The kids went mad. The parents collapsed after the last egg had been ferreted out from behind the petunias, and the cats celebrated the restored peace to their territory once all the guests had left.

Hope yours was joyous and that Gumdrop keeps that egg safe.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

happee bee lated easturr guys...N noe...peepulz never talk ta one another...ask A what B said N him will say he doez knot noe go ask C who will tell ewe D had it wrong frum de get go !!

fairyhedgehog said...

Happy Chocolate Day, Kitty!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Hopefully he isn't guarding it too hard, so that you can enjoy eating it :)

Jans Funny Farm said...

We sure hope they all start speaking to each other soon. It must be hard to be the only one talking to each.

Crystal Collier said...

Yikes! You're unveiling what I can expect in the next little bit. Our house goes on the market the beginning of next month. *gulp*

Saku said...

Good luck with the house buying! It sounds as though you've made some progress. It's exciting and exhausting at the same time, be sure to take some time to relax too.

Gumtree makes an awesome guardian of the chocolate!

Stephen Tremp said...

Goo luck with everything. Better to be an owner than a renter!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Happy Easter!
That egg is bigger than Gumtree's head!

Helena said...

Wouldn't life be so much easier if people (and professionals, no less!) would just communicate with each other? Isn't that part of their job?

I had my own Easter human treats out by my kitty wasn't interested in them. She wanted tuna instead.

Anonymous said...

Been there, done that ... and I don't envy you!

Hang in there, Old Kitty. It'll work itself out :) Take care x

Theresa Milstein said...

That's an interesting-looking egg.

Oh, it's so stressful buying a house. I think even in the best of circumstances, there's a lot of coordinating going on. Good luck!

Norma said...

It can be a real PITA! I once withdrew from a deal to buy a house I really wanted because the real estate agent got to be too much trouble!

Anonymous said...

I know how that goes. I hope everything works out well.

Luna said...

Glad you had a wonderful Easter! So sorry for all the craziness with the house stuff. I remember it being the same way and they were really lousy about communicating with us. Just keep on them! Good luck and happy wishes to you. :)

Ann said...

Hope your Easter was sunny and bright and filled with all the loveliness of spring. Oh and I covet that egg, BIG Time!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I know that chocolates are bad for pets, but I love eating a bite of chocolate and then blowing my chocolaty breath on my pups face. She likes her lips. It's so cute!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

It will be worth all your efforts in the end! But I understand the stress. So sorry.

Have a fantastic week - what's left of it, anyway. LOL

Ellie Garratt said...

I hope you had a fabulous Easter! And Charlie and Gumtree.

Romance Reader said...

So sorry it has been so much hassle. Hope you had good break during Easter.

Donna said...

Me send u a hug. :) {{{hugs}}}

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Hope mew had a pawesome Easter!!!

Bestest purrs Basil XOX

Tracy Jo said...

It is such a process buying a new house...thinking of you! So exciting and can't wait to see pictures. Have a lovely weekend!!

Stephanie Faris said...

Oh yuck. We're probably embarking on that home-buying adventure in the next couple of years. I forgot how much fun that was. Even when we refinanced our home, the paperwork was exhausting. It seemed every day they wanted another piece of documentation. I also made the mistake of letting them know my last name had changed...of course, I guess they would have learned that at closing. But that added another long round of scanning and emailing of documents!

klahanie said...

Hey Old Kitty,

Such a bizarre set up we have in England when it comes to buying houses. Chains, followed by more chains....

Of course, Penny though your post was a reference to me!

Hope you had a lovely Easter.


Jennifer Shirk said...

Well, I hope everything gets sorted out even with the lack of communication. :)

Unknown said...

Good luck with your new house. I hope you had a happy holiday.

Soggibottom said...

A new house ???
Missing stuff to be caught up wiv :-)

Margo Berendsen said...

I started reading Thief of Time my first Terry Pratchett!!!! I know this doesn't have to do with your post (though guarding the egg pic is very cute!) but you have recommended Pratchett so many times and every time I have been ashamed I haven't got to him yet.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We were hoping you would be on the home straight by now Jenn - I'm sure these people stretch things out so they can charge more. When the builder of a former home lent us a cottage as the new one wasn't ready (and the old one had a buyer who couldn't wait) I didn't realise that their horses would stroll in the kitchen if you left the door open.
Now that was a surprise!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx & Sue