Monday 24 February 2014

Winter winners!

Bloggie pals!

For me, the best winner of the Sochi Winter Olympics is this beautiful man, Gus Kenworthy, a silver medalist in ski slopestyle who rescued a stray mama dog and her four pups from a gruesome, albeit state sponsored, fate and gave them all "ten lives and a second chances"! 

Gumtree says: I have cute belly too!

Wishing you all a peaceful, healthy, happy week!

p.s. extra purrs and hugs to Kim and her beautiful boys of Fuzzy Tales - all recovering from nasty viruses! And to Roland of Writing in Crosshairs - who should be RESTING (step away from the computer!) after surgery...!! 


Rene said...

Yes, Gumtree, you do have a cute belly too!

William Kendall said...

Oh, what a pile of puppy cuteness!

Yes, Gumtree, you have a cute tummy too.

Natalie Aguirre said...

That is inspiring. And hope Roland is feeling better.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I saw that story about the dogs - what an awesome thing to do.
Roland is back to work tomorrow. What a trooper.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

That is a very impressive tummy, Gumtree!!

fairyhedgehog said...

Your kitties are always so cute!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Aw, Gumtree does have a cute belly

The Furries of Whisppy said...

A big YAY for what Gus is doing for the Mamadog and her puppies. We hope they live a happy life!
Gumtree, you do have a very adorable little tummy and Mommy would like to kiss it. :)

Mark said...

I hope those two do indeed get rested up. Not even surgery would really get me away from the computer though. I've heard a lot of sportsmanship from the Olymipcs but not the awesome guy who saved some animals. Go him.

Vanessa Morgan said...

I agree. Someone who saves a pet is the real hero of the Olympics. And yes, Gumtree has a cute belly too :)

Marg said...

That is so great about that young man that rescued those dogs. We sure were glad. Gumtree, you have a gorgeous tummy. We sure hope Kim's two boys get better really soon. Take care and have a great day.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We've been over to visit Kim and visited her last week as she has had
been to the vets and also had all that snow too. We had a few flakes one day last week but it didn't settle. Thanks for telling us about Gus Kenworthy rescuing the dog and her puppies obviously Mum had been sleeping when she should have been watching the news!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Fuzzy Tales said...

We'd heard of this US athlete, saw part of an interview where he said he never intended to an advocate for animals, just that he couldn't leave them. Very sweet. Those pups and mom will have a wonderful new life, definitely a second chance.

Thanks for the mention of us: The boys seem to be slowly improving, Derry faster than Nicki actually. I think we've all had enough of the steam therapy, though, so hope we can stop that soon!

Stephen Tremp said...

Now that is a warm and fuzzy story. Literally. And get well everyone and cat!

Jennifer Shirk said...

Awww...that is awesome!

Hope Roland heals quickly!

KarenMcG said...

Thanks for sharing Gus's story and how he came to "increase his household" with the puppies. (Cuties!)

And speaking of cuties; that Gumtree is way cool!

Nicole Zoltack said...

Wow, hadn't realized he rescued them. That's awesome!

Brian's Home Blog said...

YES! We love winners like that!!!! That really is some cute tummy!

Tamago said...

Oh what a great man Gus Kenworthy is! He sure is the best winner. I hope he and these cute woofies have happy life together!
Oh Gumtree, you have the cutest belly :-) You are gold medalist of cute belly!

Teresa Ashby said...

A true hero, Kitty xx

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Old Kitty - I read somewhere else about Gus rescuing the puppies - well hoping to get them and their mother back to the States - I sure hope he succeeds ...

Looking after animals too .. great kid - cheers Hilary

da tabbies o trout towne said...

happee week everee one....heerz ta trout, mackerull, salmon N shrimp...N way awesum oh Gus helpin de pupz !!!

Norma said...

I have to agree...anyone who rescues animals of any kind is a gold medalist in my book!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I saw that story and though how good he was. I hope all the illness around clears up and yes Gumtree you have a cute tummy x


Yay for the skier who helped save those baby woofies!!!

Hi to both Charlie and Gumtree!!
Purrs of healing to all, including Derry and Nicki who need it.

Carol Kilgore said...

He's a saint. And I love Gumtree's tummy, too :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I read all about Gus, saving that beautiful furry family. My kinda guy!

Jemi Fraser said...

I hadn't heard that story on the rescue - what a great thing to do!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Those babies have a new forever home? That's like winnin' the PLATINUM medal, for sure.


Manzanita said...

Oh, how touching. Thanks for posting. I hadn't seen it. wOw he really does deserve a medal. My faith in young people is reinforced because lately I've been hearing such unselfish acts of performance by young people.

Me too.... so ready to dig in the dirt again.... in place of snow.

Theresa Milstein said...

That's a nice story! Cute skater, cute dogs, cute cat!

Where's Charlie's cute tail?

Ellen Whyte said...

A nice man :-)

meowmeowmans said...

Gus Kenworthy is a champion and a wonderful friend to animals!

Nice belly, Gumtree!

Tammy Theriault said...

tummy love...too cute!

Helena said...

I read about the puppy-adopting story too, and how some other athletes are also going back home with adopted strays. How wonderful!

Down with all the bad viruses, and my thoughts are with Roland too--may he heal super fast.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

I totally agree with mew, a fan'cat'stic outcome fur those cute doggies!

Great photo's of mew too!!!


Janet Johnson said...

I hadn't heard that story. How cool of him! Sad the Olympics are over (even if I didn't actually watch much).

TL said...

I saw that puppy story--isn't it so sweet?!

Patsy said...

It's good that at least a few of the stray dogs now have a home.

Anonymous said...

So cute, and I hope our blogging friends are doing much better.

DMS said...

I agree- what an amazing story! He is an inspiration and clearly has a big heart. :)

Unknown said...

What a nice act of kindness.

Crystal Collier said...

I just love it! People with a big heart make me grin. And then eat cheese. =)

Katie Isabella said...

OH the spots on your tummy just are the sweetest thing in the world, Gumtree! xxxoxoxo

Connie Arnold said...

That is wonderful, and Gumtree is definitely adorable all over!

cleemckenzie said...

He deserves many medals! And Gumdrop deserves a tummy rub.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yes, saving those dogs made him a winner. :)

We hope Nicki recovers soon.

Margo Berendsen said...

Somehow how I missed that story!

klahanie said...

Apologies for my late arrival. You know, all the celebrity stuff keeps me busy. Okay, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar is busy!

Gus Kenworthy,a gold medal in rescuing.

Your added notations are most kind.


Penny's alleged human,


Saku said...

Gumtree, mom is squeeing over that belly shot, MOL.

We don't much like woofies, but we is happy Gus was able to take them back to the USA. we hopes they a find furever homes soon.

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Pasha's Mommy said...

We hope those puppies make it to US and find a good home!

Romance Book Haven said...

Yes! He was the winner!


Maria McKenzie said...

I loved that story!

Ellie Garratt said...

Way to go, Gus!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I enjoyed watching the Olympics whenever I had the chance this year. I'm glad so many looked out for the feral dogs that were in Sochi--that was such a sad situation wasn't it?

Gumtree is a delight!

Anonymous said...

Good for Gus!
Awh a very handsome tum. My Borage has of those, too.