Monday 11 March 2013

Bloody Mary Eyes

Bloggie friends!

I suddenly got the writing bug today and have eked out 346 words of a brand new-ish story!

Well, it's a re-hash of the "novel" I completed for National Novel Writing Month waaaaaaaay back in November - if y'all remember?

I left this first draft to fester long enough and it was about time I re-assessed it again with tired old bloody mary eyes! LOL!

But here's why it's taken me so long to write so little today:

1) Minesweeper - I won 1 game out of 37!


Gumtree says:  Fi fi fo fum I smell the butt of a Charlie cat!

Have a great week everyone!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

As long as that second thing didn't involve the bathing of a cat, you're doing good!

mshatch said...

I tend to get caught up in Spider Solitaire, lol. And what is it about sniffing butts? As much as I love cats, I just don't get it. And yay for 346 words!

Anonymous said...

*lol* Leave it to a cat!

Susan Kane said...

I'll do anything to avoid laundry, but I am more of a word jumble person myself.

Unknown said...

Mine Sweeper is an addictive game but at least you got some words written.

Helena said...

I'm am soooo addicted to Minesweeper. Congrats on your win!

And a bigger congrats on your new story. It wasn't festering all this while but gestating, and now it's ready to be born in its best possible form. Hooray for you!

Poor Gumtree smelling Charlie's butt! My kitty sometimes farts when she climbs into my lap.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Mommy used to play minesweeper until she realized it took up way too much of her time. LOL.
We hope Charlie doesn't do what Mr Puddy does a lot. :p

Mr Puddy said...

Gumtree, Is that a trick to have a good dream ?..MOL
Enjoy Charlie's butt...Ha..Ha..Ha

Teresa Ashby said...

Ooh Minesweeper - I used to love that! I'd forgotten about it, so I may have to look it out :-) x

Natalie Aguirre said...

Great that you got some writing done, even if you did some distractions. It's a little progress every day that will get the revisions done.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Good luck with the writing...if you can tear yourself away from the game. LOL.

Hmmm, we're not sure being that close to Charlie's butt is a good idea, though. :-)

Theresa Milstein said...

Here's to new stories. Cheers! Good luck.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Gumtree be careful that Charlie doesn't play the trumpet while you're loitering!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Words A Day said...

Good luck with your story, delighted you got the bug:)

Mark said...

You actually won a game of Minesweeper? I've never known anyone to actually do it. But well done on getting started on something new.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Haha! Funny pic :) Good luck with the novel!

Manzanita said...

Ha Ha Ha..Gummy's playing low cat on the totem pole to Charlie.
I don't know what it is you are playing but looks/sounds like gambling so it must be a duck.

QMG it's another Monday. That is how we get old. Ha

Rene said...

LOL, Minesweeper drives me crazy. . .

Ellie Garratt said...

New writing! That's what I like to hear.

LTM said...

Hey! That's awesome!!! Write on, writey~ :D

And LOL! At Gumtree... *snort* (and you with the minesweeper.)

((hugs)) <3

Summer Ross said...

LOL- Love the picture and the little snippet you put with it- made me laugh. Yay for at least writing today- doesn't matter how many words- the important thing is that you did.

Tamago said...

Bloody mary eyes - LOL, I wanna see your eyes :-)
Gumtree got Charlie's butt right at his nose. Hehehe. What cute picture!

Debbie Coope said...

It's a very tempting game.

Treat yourself to a game once you've written 500 words.

Good luck with the writing.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh Gumtree, that isn't probably the best whiffin' spot! Happy writing...or gaming!

Marilia said...

Have a great week too!

Carol Kilgore said...

Love Minesweeper...can't play because I'm instantly addicted and can't stop.

Aren't you glad we don't have to go around sniffing each other's butts :)

William Kendall said...

Gumtree is up to trouble... as usual!

KarenMcG said...

Oh goodie, you're going to be published again--one day.

That Gumtree and Charlie; such a pair.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

No wonder you have red eyes as that's a lot of words.. Love the nearness photo.. Hugs GJ xx

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Ha ha. GREAT picture! And 346 words is more than I've written today. :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, you're positively mad!

All the best with your new story. Hope it didn't fester too much :)

Lydia Kang said...

Your cats are so silly!

Congrats on the new words!

cleemckenzie said...

Anything to distract me from writing. Solitaire is great, but Angry Birds drives me back to my prose almost immediately.

Great that you got all those words down.


Hate to admit but have never won Mindsweeper, don't quite get it. I know I am slow. MOL

Hello Charlie and Gumtree!

meowmeowmans said...

LOL! Well, maybe Minesweeper helped you clear your mind, so that your 346 words were extraordinarily inspired...

Julia Hones said...

Ahhhhh! I love the write bug. It makes me feel alive. Congratulations on the new story. New stories always bring hope, new ideas and perspectives. Have a lovely week and hug Gumtree and Charlie for me, please.

Anonymous said...

I gave up on Minesweeper.

Happy writing.

Saku said...

Good work on the writing. Just being on the computer is a time waster for me. There is Facebook, blogs to read, Pogo games to play, and travel and real estate sites to check for deals.

Funny Gumtree...I think he'd best be careful or he might get more Charlie than he bargains for, lol!

Ellen Whyte said...

MOL! At least you're having fun!

Thanks for your kind words about Au. We miss our old boy.

klahanie said...

Hey Old Kitty,

Nothing like a bit of a re-hash. I like my hash as in hash brown potatoes, before you ask, with bacon and eggs. Ignore me, I think I'm gaming too much! :)


Stina said...

Congrats on winning a game of Minesweeper. :D

I just want to give your kitties big hugs!!!

Pasha's Mommy said...

We're glad that minesweeper is just a game and not the real thing!

Charlie and gumtree are becoming close friends! That's so lovely :)

Cezar and Léia said...

MOL funny idea, maybe it's better to smell some flowers! hihihi
purrs and love

Simon Kewin said...

So it's a story about two cats on board a Minesweeper and that was all reasearch? Seems reasonable to me!

Marg said...

Good for you to write that story. 346 words is a lot of words. Good job.
Charlie you and Gum are looking great. Glad you two are friends. Have a great day.

Patsy said...

Glad you got some writing done despite the distractions.

DWei said...

Bluh, I'm sick of writing but I have to get back to it soon. :(

Janet Johnson said...

Hahahaha! I used to be obsessed by that game. :) Good enough reason in my book to get so few words. ;)

PK HREZO said...

YAY for writing! Go you! But just say no to games!! Write write write!

i just started a new project too and ahhhh it feels good to be back in the saddle. :D

Norma said...

The cats look so comfy!

Would you please send that writing bug my way?

fairyhedgehog said...

Aw, cats! Bonnie is always after Rufus's bum too.

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Peep says... you WON a game of minesweeper? Good for you!

I say... purrs

Romance Book Haven said...

Aww, tell Gumtree to stay away from Charlie's bum!

COngrats on starting a new story!


Jemi Fraser said...

I haven't played minesweeper in ages! Spider Solitaire can get me though! :)

Matthew MacNish said...

LOL. Minesweeper is so fun though!

Timmy Tomcat said...

A sniff among friends

Tammy Theriault said...

Darn distractions! Get to it, your progress is a start though!

Hilary said...

Congrats on the words!

Maria said...

Hi Kitty,

Just wanted to let you know that you won a copy of Kamy Chetty's FALLING INTO PARADISE over on my blog on the 4th March. Please email me at ishmarind(at)gmail(dot)com to claim your prize

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I had breakfast! Hahaha.

Katie Isabella said...

Oh you made mommy and me laff! xoxox

LynNerdKelley said...

Good for you revamping your novel. And that's okay to have some fun playing games, too. Every time I see a funny cat pic or video, I think of you and your cats!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

LOL! I love the photos you ahre of Gumtree and Charlie! It lloks like they are tolrating each other more and more!

I usually don't play games online as Ieither get lost in web surfing or pinning on Pinterest and end up staying up too late as it is.

Glad you are back to working on your novel --keep at it!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Thanks for the chuckle. I know only too well what distractions can do for the writing intentions.

My writing has been on hold for a while now as other things have taken over. I'm sure the bug will bite me again. Good luck.

Love those kitties! x

D..J. Kirkby said...

Haha, GumGum get your nose somewhere sensible! Kitty, good luck with the reworking of your NaNONovel!

Anonymous said...

I can relate! Mine is Spider Solitaire.

Betsy Brock said...

well, congrats on some new writing!

and haha...nice to know I'm not the only one that has cats laying about on the desks and furniture! :)

Jackee said...

LOL! Charlie's butt can't be too fun to smell. I'm just now starting my NaNo edits too. I'm glad I'm in such good company! <3

Smudge said...

Good morning my friend! Dad took your earlier advice and submitted a piece to Lascaux Flash, so he's been busy (sidetracked) lately. Unfortunately, his entry didn't win. He says thanks for letting him know about the site. Have a great Easter weekend!!