Monday 4 March 2013

All A Twitter and World Book Day!

Twitter lesson no 1654: Never use your workplace’s twitter account to tweet: 

“Place is quiet, nothing happening, I am bored”


Not to worry – it wasn’t me (a work colleague actually did this) and the boss saw the funny side to it.  

But it will never happen again!

Charlie says:  I spy with my little eye something beginning with G!

A Gumster tail of course!

Happy World Book Day on 7 March! If you'd like to join the fun - click here!

Have a great week everyone!


Mr Puddy said...

MOL...Charlie, don't talk to the tail, O.K.?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Never Tweet anything you don't want your boss to see!

Saku said...

Oh my, your co-worker was fortunate that your boss has a sense of humour. In our office, that would have been sufficient reason for a few days off without pay.

But I have to say, been there, felt that, and wished I could, lol!

That's a Gumtree tail, he'd best be careful.

Have a wonderful week!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Thank you for your kind words of sympathy for the loss of our beloved Grrreta. Your thoughtfulness and friendship are truly appreciated.

Ambrose, Clarence, Teddi, Baskin, Abner, and Mom Michelle

Mark said...

I'm pretty sure a boss would look down upon someone using Twitter in the workplace as it is, it seems dangerous to use the company Twitter to do it.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Go ahead Charlie, give that G Tail a whap! MOL on the twit error!

DILLIGAF said...

The Emporer Maximus Spittimus (Wriggly Kitty) thanks you enormously for your continued support of his empire and he also apologises hugely for his lack of appearance on your blog and many other Maximus supporters blogs.

His lack of appearance is entirely due to the selfishness of his Two Legs.

Just so yer know (imuss)

Four Dinners
Aide de Camp
Maximus Spittimus


Julia Hones said...

Those cute creatures never fail to cheer me up. They are so loving! Have a great week, sweet Old Kitty!

Tamago said...

That's a good lesson! By the way, no 1654?! it seems there are way too many lessons for twitter :-)
Haha, Gumtree, you forgot to hide your tail! Have a happy new week!!

meowmeowmans said...

OMC! I can't believe someone tweeted that from a work account! :D

Charlie, are you about to whap that tail?

Esme said...

That is very funny actually. Gumster is so sweet just peeking out of the curtains.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Hahaha. Love that tweet! Thankfully the boss saw the humor in it. :p
Looks like Gumtree might need lessons on how to hide properly!

Patsy said...

That person was lucky the boss saw the funny side.

Fur Everywhere said...

I did not know World Book Day was coming up! I'm going to go check it out now. :)

Hannah and Lucy said...

Gumtree what a thin little tail you have - can we suggest some weight lifting - ask Charlie to show you how to do it.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, my, no, never Tweet something like that. LOL.

Happy Monday to you all, have a fabulous week. :-)

KarenMcG said...

Oh how funny about your work mate's Twitter!

Charlie and Gumtree, up to something mysterious.

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

Oh, camouflage kitty =)
Very effective!

Teresa Ashby said...

Oops, people do seem to get into trouble rather a lot for naughty tweeting and Facebooking!

Oh I do so miss seeing a cat's tail dangling down below my curtains - and watching the curtains twitch like mad when they see something outside that makes them swish their tails :-) x

Bossy Betty said...

Ah, best to stay off that Twitter account! Get that tail, Charlie!

Theresa Milstein said...

Charlie is probably wondering why that tail is so skinny.

Man, that's not a tweet to get caught tweeting by your boss! I'm glad it ended well.

Helena said...

Everybody's gotta be SO careful about what they tweet/ say/ write at work about work. Only the positive!

Love the name Gumster for Gumtree

Carol Kilgore said...

Hahaha! Take Charlie and Gumtree to work with you, and no one will be bored :)

klahanie said...

Oops, not the wisest thing to type! :) I um believe you that it was a work colleague...ah um....

So the "G" wasn't that amazing and oh so adorable "Gary"! :)

Happy World Book Day, eh...

I'm outta' here...


Luna said...

Too funny! I tried Twitter twice, but got bored with it. Guess I wasn't doing it right!

Love that picture of your sweet cats!

Manzanita said...

You get such great photo shots with 2 cats. I can't catch any good ones with one cat.

One forgets that the whole world will see what you write. While writing, it's kinda like writing in your dairy.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh dear that could have been bad. I think there was a pounce coming in that picture.. Hugs GJ xx

Maria McKenzie said...

OMGosh! What was she thinking? Thank goodness the boss has a sense of humor;)

Love that tail:)!

Unknown said...

Why would you add your boss to your twitter account!? Well, at least he didn't get sacked.

LTM said...

LOL! YES--never type "I'm bored" at work.

And look at Gumtree. Charlie is so patient w/him... LOL! :D ((hugs)) <3

GLOGIRLY said...

I suppose that twitter rule would even apply if you were tweeting as your cat.
heh, heh
: ) Glogirly

Marilia said...


William Kendall said...

Tail lunging attack in five, four, three...

Anonymous said...

That's funny. Charlie looks puzzled. Thanks for the link.

Words A Day said...

very funny - lesson noted!

Jemi Fraser said...

Love you pics of the cats - they're always such fun! :)

Jans Funny Farm said...

How funny. Only it wouldn't have been if the coworker had been fired.

Hope you and the kitties are well and enjoying life.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like your coworker needs to be given something to do. ;)

Anonymous said...

It sounds like your coworker needs to be given something to do. ;)


When I worked I was always afraid someone from IT would bust me for all the time I was blogging or doing stuff on the internet. Luckily it never happened, but when my computer crashed and they found all my Abby pictures well they made me take them and store them offline so their servers would not back them up. MOL

Stina said...

Oh, that is funny!!!!

Jennifer Shirk said...

Oh, my gosh! That's hysterical. Glad he had a good sense of humor about it! LOL

Anonymous said...

That photo is absolutely adorable!!

tweet tweet :)

Cezar and Léia said...

Cute story in images and words, I see that tail, I also guess who is there! :)

Tyrean Martinson said...

Love the picture of Charlie and Gumtree!

RaShelle Workman said...

Oh my goodness. That is too funny!!! And Charlie is such a pretty kitty!!!

Timmy Tomcat said...

MOL Glad I do not have to W-O-R-K. How horrible. Great fun with tails hanging out. Mine usually is so I better be purrfectly quiet about this.

Summer Ross said...

Love the pic with Charlie.

I just recently started using twitter and I'm learning the ropes but I don't think it's something I'd want to write about work with. LOL

Marg said...

Oh I love that picture. Charlie that is so cute. That Twitter thing is funny. Are you going to grab that tail Charlie?? Take care.

Soggibottom said...

You have to admit that looks a very interesting tail...... hope your blue sky is around for a few more days :-) Hey Charlie, looking good, just as good as that tail..... x x x
luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Hart Johnson said...

HA! Yeah, I can see how that might backfire.... teehee That picture of Charlie eying Gumtrees tail is fabulous!!!

PK HREZO said...

LOL... doh! Reminds me of that old line, "Ya got time to lean, ya got time to clean!"

Pasha's Mommy said...

Get that tail Charlie, and then you can tweet about it :)

Susan Kane said...

I don't twitter or tweet. Love the cats enjoying the window and the curtains!

Romance Book Haven said...

Hey Charlie! What you waiting for? Grab that tail!


Hilary said...

Boss has a good sense of humor... don't know if I'd have been so forgiving.. but then again work hilary is a real bitch. Home hilary is so much more fun!

Maria said...

Hi Kitty,

Hey I like the sound of that! World Book Day. Must check it out.

Hope all is well in your world, my dear.


cleemckenzie said...

I think Gumdrop loves to keep Charlie on his "paws." He tantalizes, tantalizes and then tantalizes more.

Glad the boss found humor in your colleague's, tweet!

wildcatwoods said...

Thank you for your comforting words of sympathy about our Chica. we appreciate your friendship.

Golden Eagle said...

Well, at least your boss thought it had an amusing element.

Happy World Book Day to you, too! :)

Rick Watson said...

Yikes! twitter trauma.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Haha! Nice tail :)

Margo Berendsen said...

That is a great picture. It could be on LOL cats. We have a pair of cats who are brothers, oh man they were fun to watch growing up! They dont' play much anymore, I miss those days.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Love the peeking tail! Every day can be world book day for us the way mom Julie reads.

That's our kinda boss, understanding..! (I think we've only known of one on our end)


Anonymous said...

The next frame is Charlie swatting at the tail and Gumpster jumping highs in the air.

Katie Isabella said...

A Gumster tail? Oh MY! Be sure not to swat too hard at it. Nor shall you bite it.

DWei said...

Yep... Someone's going to lose their job soon. :P

Anonymous said...

Awh so cute!

LOL! Did the boss give the tweeter lots to do? :O)