Monday, 14 May 2012

A Spring First

Bloggie friends!

Last Saturday, I did my first Spring like activity of the season!

I planted my hanging basket!


I’m hoping it will fill out eventually! LOL!

Charlie says: I look for my neighbourly friends.

Remember my haiku of last week? Well it’s here but on re-reading it, I must warn that it’s rather depressing and dark and not very good! Oh dear! Sorry!

Have a great week!


Janet Johnson said...

I love that you put out hanging flowers! I should be so horticulturally-inclined. :) Now I'm off to read your Haiku. Can't wait!

Janet Johnson said...

Okay, I'm back. You are right . . . it is kindof dark, but at the same time, it says so much in so few words. Beautiful, evocative work even if it is dark. Thank you for sharing!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

You're going to have a very pretty basket. purrs

Mark said...

It is looking quite nice, I just hope Charlie stays out of it :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey, you have never done any writing that is not gooda, Silly human!

Jemi Fraser said...

I bought mom & mom-in-law some plants today (mother's day here in Canada) - but it's not quite warm enough to plant yet. We're supposed to wait unitl the first full moon in June :)

m.q said...

hii Jen and Charlie!!!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Awesome Kitty. I've been planting vegetables and got really brave and planted tomatoes today. I'm hoping it doesn't freeze. I think I'll have to plant flowers next weekend. I love them and can't wait even though it's early here. But it's been so warm.

Katnip Lounge said...

hmmmm, now if the thin blades were CAT CLAWS...

Julia Hones said...

Beautiful colors! Thanks for sharing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kitty, your basket will fill out in no time!

Unknown said...

The haiku is dark. But, it's powerful and painfully common. I liked it.

Love how your garden is coming along.

Beth Zimmerman said...

You have a great week too, Jenn!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Yay for spring!! It's turning winter here in Oz. I miss the warm weather already!

I loved your Haiku!!

Brigid O'Connor said...

I love your hanging basket:)

Your haiku was so thought-provoking, really well done.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Old Kitty .. well done for getting out and partying up the home - a few were out .. we had fantastic sun down here all day - but a cold wind. The lee of Eastbourne ..

The hanging basket will look beautiful .. enjoy it springing forth with colourful pansies .. and verbena?

Cheers Hilary

Teresa Ashby said...

Ooh hanging baskets - mine look so sad, I really should do something with them.
I liked your haiku - nothing wrong with a bit of dark! Thought provoking rather than depressing I think :-) x

Biddy Fraser said...

The haiku's great and Charlie's gorgeous! What a fine coat!

Manzanita said...

Oh, hanging baskets..... lovely and getting dirty fingernails from digging in the dirt. What a glorious time of the year.

This morning a friend is dropping of 2 6 mo old kittens for my new barn. I'm ready for them..... bed, automatic feeder and water dish. They will be "working cats" and get a pay check. Ha. He said they are socialized and I hope they like the barn. :)

Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, the haiku gave me chills. It's dark, but I think it's very good.

Hurrah for spring planters! It will fill out nicely and look lovely, I'm sure.

Wishing you and Charlie a happy, healthy week!

Cezar and Léia said...

wow beautiful flowers, Spring is so wonderful season!

Ellen Whyte said...

We're g;ad to see the basket as it must mean you have cheered up! Lovely.

Debbie Coope said...

I love Haiku, but I've never had a go at writing it. I really liked yours, Old Kitty.

KarenMcG said...

Love the hanging basket; what a great start. Be sure to let us see it when it's in full bloom.

Charlie, you're looking pretty dapper there.

LTM said...

oh, dear! I hope that haiku was you practicing being dark. If not ((hugs)) it gets better!

Like your little hanging basket. In time, it WILL fill in. :o) <3

scratches to Charlie~

Adam said...

good luck to your new plant, I hope it grows nicely

Hannah and Lucy said...

Are you keeping up with the neighbourhood gossip Charlie - Mum loves it when we tell her what we've seen and heard!! We're sure your Mum's hanging basket will be lovely.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Anonymous said...

Charlie's calling out, "Garfield, Heathcliffe, Tom and Jerry, you guys out there?"

Bossy Betty said...

Yay, Spring!!! I want pictures of that basket in the summer! I know it will be beautiful!

cleemckenzie said...

Charlie always lifts my spirits and obviously you have spring in your heart what with planting that basket.

My first book was about cutting, so your Haiku struck a chord with me.

Summer Ross said...

I have never been good with plants, my kids say I have a black thumb because they always die on me and my manly man tells me when we have a green house I can't actually step foot in it for fear the plants will wither and die. LOL

the writing pad said...

Excellent haiku - so much power in so few words .. great stuff.
Loverly flahrs (as Ms doolittle would say ...) and Charlie looks cute as ever :-) Have a great week!

Words A Day said...

dark is good! At least in my book! Thanks for posting the link:)

suzy doodling said...

That looks lovely Old Kitty, and it's surprising how they do fill out quite quickly. Charlie is a good watch cat. Going to look at your poem now.xx

laughingwolf said...

hiya kit... i'm back - new look, same old crap :O

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Mum weant with dad today and got our plants for the baskets but they are not planted yet. perhaps Wwdnesday after earlies.. Yours will fill out grand I am sure... Hugs GJ xx

LynNerdKelley said...

Hello OC! I love hanging baskets. Yay for you for getting it planted. I hope it thrives and blooms all summer long. Your haiku is good, but you're right about it being dark. When I realized what the red lines were, I kind of gasped. So although the poem is dark and sad, it definitely stirs up strong emotions!

Jennifer Shirk said...

Oooh, yes, very sad... But good!

Soggibottom said...

I've yet to go and read it :-) I'm sure it's good and not dark at all :-) Artists what ever they work in :-) are always their own worst at looking at their work...
Charlie your a lucky lad to have such a lovely mum who is so good at what she does.... :-)
Luvs Freya and Co x x x

Golden Eagle said...

I love the color of your flowers. :) They look great!

Enjoyed reading your haiku--it may be dark, but I think it's well-written! Thanks for posting the link.

Anne Gallagher said...

I wish I could do my gardening, but I've spent the last three weekends at Mum and Dad's doing theirs. Although I did buy a wilted peony today, so maybe I'll have a go at repotting it.

Anonymous said...

I didn't find it dark, but it did remind Jen that she needs to shave her legs. woo woo woo!


Mom starts with flowers and dirt and can't stop. She has really started enjoying doing gardening things the last few years.


Hi Charlie you look so handsome in your outdoor area.

Tracy Jo said...

Lovely hanging pot! I read your is dark but honest. Very good. Hope you had a wonderful day!!

Shawn said...

First, before my 'ole mind forgets, your Haiku isn't BAD but it is DARK and gave me a shiver!!!

Love your flowers, we planted our hanging baskets this afternoon. Each year I look forward to the day we plant our baskets, to me, it is a true sign that summer is just around the corner!

Stina said...

I love Charlie expression. I think he wants you to add some catnip to the planter. :D

Anonymous said...

I liked your haiku. I didn't find it dark at all.

Yay for spring activities.

Luna said...

Beautiful! Pansies are my favorite. Off to check out your poem.

Hope you have a fabulous week!
Take care...:)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

First, Yay for spring and spring flowers. I did the same thing this weekend, except regular pots not hanging ones. I figured out my first year here it was toooooo windy to have hanging pots.

Second, I love your dark haiku! It's brilliant!

Jenn said...

I love gardening! It looks great, and it'll grow fast. I've gotten a pair of finches who build their nest in my hanging pot three years in a row. (Well, I like to think it's the same pair.)

Theresa Milstein said...

Your hanging basket is actually made of basket. Lovely!

I like when I can see Charlie's spot.

Off to read your haiku. Since I only write the darkest of poetry, I'm sure I'll love it.

Theresa Milstein said...

Old, Kitty, that IS dark!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

We hope you enjoyed your little walk, Charlie!
Thank you so much for your purrs and prayers for Tutu. They most certainly helped! :)

Esme said...

These are going to look lovely. I love the springtime for all the flowers.

Ciara said...

I can't manage plants, I kill them all. I mean, total purple thumb here. I hope your flowers flourish. :)

Maria McKenzie said...

Your basket looks nice! It'll inspire me to plant my flowers!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're enjoying some non-blogging time.Ooh great Haiku, though as you say somewhat creepy.
No wonder Charlie is off to chat to friends! LOL!

Helena said...

I think your haiku is lovely -- so much said in so few words. If you want a dark subject, never mind red lines on skin because I could write about my cellulite thighs.

Patsy said...

The haiku is indded dark - good though. The flowers are much brighter!

Katie Isabella said...

Do you know how adorable you are? Every time IMom looks at you she just gets all gooshy wanting to hold your sweet little body. xoxoxoxox

Cynthia Chapman Willis said...

Hanging baskets of flowers are gorgeous. I need to put some out, too. Happy, happy spring!

Tracy said...

Yes, your basket will fill out; just keep it watered....I'm certain Charlie will help with that!

Liza said...

My flowers are in flats on my porch, waiting for me to plant them. Can't wait until they are hanging! My poor kitty who looks a bit like Charlie has been banished to the basement while our floors are being refinished. She's not happy...until we crawl through the outside window to visit her. Between limited access to the kitty, and no access to the computer, it is a long week! Your flowers made me smile.

D..J. Kirkby said...

i am glad you are feeling better. Perhaps your Haiku was a little down because you wrote it while poorly.

Romance Book Haven said...

Oh, your haiku was awesome.

Your spring looks and sound so good to me!

Charlie is adorable!

William Kendall said...

I'd wind up killing any plant, hanging or otherwise...

Anonymous said...

Pretty basket hope it fills out for you.
I'll pop over and read the haiku a little later.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Oh my! Will the flower grow INTO the pot? :) I hope you are feelin' better! With a nursecat like Charlie, how can you not??


DWei said...

My first Spring-like activity consisted of sneezing all over the place and taking anti-histamines.

mshatch said...

love your basket :) I planted a bunch of flowers in the pots on my porch last weekend - we'll see if they ever fill out to be picture worthy.

Loved your haiku.

Miriam Forster said...

I'm a first time visitor and that is an ADORABLE cat! So glad I stopped by. And congrats on getting RAOK blitzed yesterday too!

Al said...

spring flowers are much better than depressing haikus!

Lindsay N. Currie said...

Love it! I still haven't planted my rooftop garden yet this year, as our CHicago weather is super fickle and still occasionally gets chilly overnight. This weekend though!!!

Maggie May said...

I love cats too. Hope you don't mind if I tag along. What a popular blogger you are.

Hart Johnson said...

Yay for getting your basket planted! Charlie looks pleased with the change in the weather!

Susan Kane said...

Good to see your name!

The flowers and pot are lovely.

GRAÇA said...

Ainda bem que está melhor !a mami também adora flores eu penso que ela gostaria de ter casa dentro de um enorme jardim...mas vivemos num andar e mesmo assim ela po~em flores nas varandas,o papai ás vezes ralha diz que é flores amais ,ela deita as mais feias e velhas fora e depois passado um tempo já está comprando novas..hihihi!!!
Turrinhas da amiguinha

Susan Bodendo/Super Earthling said...

One of the many things I love about living in the Pacific Northwest (we're from icy cold Chicago originally) is the profusion of flowers and hanging baskets all over the city and suburbs.

I'm sure yours will be lovely. :)


Romance Reader said...

Love your hanging basket. It will fill up fast, surely?


Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Yay for Spring! I got my potted flowers planted last weekend. Heloo, Charlie!

klahanie said...

Wow, if you manage to get a hanging basket to grow in the weather we've been having, that will be something :)
Let me know when spring actually arrives...
All the best,
x said...

oh its beautiful cat

RaShelle Workman said...

Girl, that haiku have me chills. Loved it!!!!

Jessica Bell said...

I am DYING to gather some plants for our horrible bland Athens city apartment balcony. Do you have any advice on what I should buy that are hypoallergenic and can cope in heat? I keep thinking about it but never do it because I'm totally clueless about plants!

Angela said...

That happens to me often with the poetry. I'll read it and think it's pretty good, but then when I go back to it later I realize that it needs a lot of work. ;)

Purrfect Haven said...

to us... well we love it all and your post is a happy visit to us... Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

Melissa Ann Goodwin said...

Those hanging baskets are among my Favorite Things - especially when they get really full and lush. I had one once that got so heavy when I watered it that it broke the chain it was hanging husband still occasionally reminds me of this ... along with the pine cone wreath I once made that weighed 1000 lbs...

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, we bet your hanging pot is going to look great once it fills out! :)

We liked your haiku ... it is rich and thought-provoking, in our opinions.

Have a great weekend, friends!

Jay Paoloni said...

Very lovely basket.
About the haiku, that hubby of yours must snore really loudly! I can understand why the cuts!

GLOGIRLY said...

Hanging baskets are a wonderful sign of spring and summer! It's going to be beautiful as it grows and flourishes. xo
; ) Katie & Glogirly

PK HREZO said...

Happy Spring! It's been spring here in Florida for about two months now. lol... we're already upwards into summer.
Yes your haiku is very dark, but powerful. Nice job. Hugs to Charlie!

G said...

wow great work...
I used to do baskets every spring for the family but have gotten very slack these days.

Talli Roland said...

Yay for hanging baskets! Maybe now we'll finally get Spring? Hugs to Charlie!

fairyhedgehog said...

I read that as "I painted my hanging basket" which seemed an odd kind of activity to greet the spring!

Elyse K said...

Old Kitty, I came to you from Jacqueline's Cat House :) I'm sure your basket will grow and be beautiful all spring and summer!

Charlie, what a handsome kitty you are! I like your soft coat and full, flooffy tail!

Nice to meet you,

Angela Ackerman said...

I love all these posts, and love your cat. I still need to get some pots seems like there are always so many things to do before the fun stuff. :)