Monday 2 December 2013


Bloggie pals!

While Charlie keeps a very early look-out for Santa's arrival...

Here's a pic of some MASSIVE Christmas baubles that greet me on my way to work!

Yay for the festive season! Wishing y'all a peaceful week!


William Kendall said...

Keep your eyes peeled, Charlie!

Those are massive!

Natalie Aguirre said...

So cute how Charlie is waiting.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Now, if only Charlie and Gumtree could get a hold of those giant Christmas balls and play with them...
And Kitty - thanks for always making me smile!

mshatch said...

Those are pretty! I think that's one of the things I love about Christmas - it's pretty!

Annie Bear said...

I LOVE that picture of Charlie looking out wistfully for Santa (and maybe Santa's treats). Those are some fun Christmas decorations!

Have a great week!!

Pasha's Mommy said...

Awww Charlie, not much left until Santa arrives with bags full of goodies!!!!

Katnip Lounge said...

I'm reminded of the AC/DC song about who's got the biggest balls of them all!

Unknown said...

Wow! How big are those?

Unknown said...

Wow, how big are those?

The Chair Speaks said...

Charlie, do ask Santa for more Christmas treats and toys! Purrs!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Charlie's got a long wait, still 24 days to go!

Helena said...

I hope Charlie sends Santa my way, 'cause I wouldn't mind some nice presents!

Hope you have a wonderful, decorated week, Old Kitty dear.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Gotta love the festive season!!!!
Looks like Charlie is excited about Christmas :)

MorningAJ said...

Those are cool decorations. I wonder what size of tree they'd need to hang properly?

Fuzzy Tales said...

Interesting display! Those must be the designer colours this year. How gauche of me to do a more traditional gold and red tree. :-P

Have a good week!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

We can't believe Christmas is almost here! We are so excited!

Vanessa Morgan said...

Love these giant Christmas ornaments. Have a lovely week.

Teresa Ashby said...

Keep watching, Charlie!

I've never seen such huge baubles! Happy December :-) x

Marilia said...

Have a delicious week!!!!!!!

Hannah and Lucy said...

That looks very festive but we hope
Charlie doesn't miss the jingling bells when Santa does his trial Christmas present run!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Mark said...

That looks like a Christmas tree made out of baubles. I'm not sure how I feel about that. How would you decorate it?

Marg said...

Good for you Charlie for keeping watch out for Santa. And you be good Charlie so Santa doesn't leave you coal. Have a great day.

Janet Johnson said...

I confess, I just love Christmas decorations! Thanks for sharing the ones in your neighborhood. :D

Merry Christmas to you, too! Hoping Charlie gets everything he wants from Santa (and you, too!). :)

Dominic de Mattos said...

I hope Charlie is patient!

Thanks for dropping by my blog, it was so good to see you. I have been missing for far to long and look forward to visiting more regularly :)

Lydia Kang said...

It's Xmas season! Time to break out the baubles!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks, Kitty…

How could we not SMILE this festive season…. Decorations that glitter and shine bring sparkle to any day!!!!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

N itz bee ginnin ta look a wee bit like Christmas guys !!! hapee week a head; eat flounder :) !~~~~

Rene said...

I sure hope Charlie knows he has quite a wait ahead of him?

Deniz Bevan said...

We could all use a lookout now that December's here!
Love the baubles. Not sure I could have them at home - my kitties might think they were toys!

Unknown said...

Hello, what pretty babbles! I am your new follower please come join/follow me...I would love having you!!!
Purrs & Hugs,
Miss Kitty & Mum


Words A Day said...

Poor Charlie, so many sleeps till Santy :)

Words A Day said...

Poor Charlie! There are so many more sleeps left till Santy :)

Anonymous said...

I hope Charlie doesn't miss Santa. He's a cheeky little blighter you know ... sneaking down chimneys and the like :)

Crystal Collier said...

Massive, you're not a kiddin'! Yikes! I think I'd be worried to walk underneath. ;)

Liza said...

Fun! We jumped right into outside decorating after our Thanksgiving Holiday here. It's all glittery!

klahanie said...

Aha, nothing like being greeting my big sparkly balls! Gosh and oops :)

Yay to Boxing Day Eve. LOL


KarenMcG said...

Love Charlie's lookout point!

And those baubles are gorgeous!

Happy Holidays early!

Saku said...

Santa won't get past Charlie, LOL!

Enjoy the holiday preparations and decorations too. I'm having a hard time believing it is December already!

Rick Watson said...

I LOVE this time of year. Tell Charlie to send out a newsflash if he catches a glimpse of Santa.

DWei said...

Where's the snow? Christmas decorations but no snow? A bit odd.

Norma said...

That's definitely massive!

What do Charlie and Gumtree want Santa to bring them?

Marilia said...

Santa coming soon!

Simon Kewin said...

Massive baubles are always good. Not long 'till the big day now!

meowmeowmans said...

Charlie, let us know if you see Santa coming, okay???

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I'm sure Charlie and Gumtree would love to play with one of those Christmas decorations if they could!

Manzanita said...

Boy, those baubles would knock a tree down faster than a cat jumping on it.

This year, Charlie will catch that Jolly Old Elf.

Manzanita said...

Some baubles. They would knock a tree down faster than a cat jumping on it.

Good work Charlie. You catch that Jolly Old Elf this year.

Maria said...

,Hi Kitty

I love those Christmas baubles.

Tamago said...

I hope Santa will come to see you with lots of presents, Charlie :-)
The Christmas decoration is very pretty!

Esme said...

They look like breasts with the way the tops are pointing ha ha. I had the nicest conversation with a couple from London on Saturday night. We were staying at the same hotel and had dinner at the same restaurant. They left the children at home I told them I hoped I did not gab on their one romantic night out. They were lots of fun to talk to.

Anonymous said...

Ho ho ho! Is Gumtree secretly wrapping presents while Charlie awaits Santa? Seasons Best Greetings

Theresa Milstein said...

I'm sorry I haven't been here in so long. I hope it's not as cold in England as it is here right now. We'll be below 0 by tomorrow night. And that's F, not C!