Monday, 19 August 2013

AWOL and Random First Lines..

Bloggie pals!!

Gumtree asks: Where's Charlie?

Charlie asks: Where's Gumtree?

Old Kitty asks: Where was I last week?

Nevermind! We're back and we missed you all!

For you writerly folk, here's a fun online help -  Random First Line Generator
it generates random first lines, random plots etc to inspire your writing! Enjoy!

Have a great week y'all!


Anonymous said...

This was my random first line - He opened the door to find her standing there, crying.

Love the pics and captions! Have a good week, Old Kitty xo


And we say welcome back!!!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for the cool link. Glad you're back.

Summer Ross said...

Look at them- hide n seek. :) Glad you're back and oo generator---must check it out.

Saku said...

Good to see all (well parts of all) of you back again.

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

We did miss you!
Not sure Gumtree and Charlie will ever find each other that way though.

mshatch said...

Ooh, fun! I like the first line I got :)

KarenMcG said...

Yay, you're all back. Glad to see you all here--well, bits and pieces of you.

You were missed!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Okay. Love the kitty's paws. Generator's can be a hoot. I'll have to check this one out as I've not seen this one before. lol

Manzanita said...

Hope you and the boys had a very pleasant vacation. Often we just see tails and hope there is something on the other end. Ha

Stephen Tremp said...

Ah, those cats. Never a dull moment with Charlie and Gumtree.

And I'll check out the link!

Helena said...

I missed you too, Old Kitty dear!

I'll check out the random first lines. My own first line for a novel (which I doubt I'll finish) began kind of as a joke to myself: "It was aliens that killed my parents' prize bull." (Hint: the book is about the mysterious cattle mutilations we have here in the West.) Funny thing is, once I wrote that sentence the rest of the chapter just flowed. Go figure.

Teresa Ashby said...

Oh I do love it when they hide and leave little bits showing :-) Welcome back, Kitty and thanks for the link x

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Old Kitty - well glad they've settled in to finding each other again - and hope you all had a great break away ...

Welcome back .. and that present was a great idea for your work colleague at the Grant Museum .. I loved it and will revisit sometime ..

Cheers Hilary

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I hope you have been out enjoying summer, Jenn!

I will try the Random First Line Generator --sounds like fun!

T.F. Walsh said...

Welcome back...thanks for sharing the generator... going to play with it now:)

Mark said...

Ooh I can probably have a lot of fun with that first line generator. When I get an idea it's usually like a short sentence that I can and will run with and make into a full story.

rinrinflu said...

Cucuuuuuuuuuu, where are they? So funny!

Theresa Milstein said...

You're too funny! Welcome back. :)

Fuzzy Tales said...

Nice to see you back and we hope you feel terrific this week, no more headaches.

Headbutts to Charlie and Gumtree!

Hart Johnson said...

Ha! Love Gumtree attacking from under whatever he's under. Cali hunts us. It amuses me unless I have bare legs, which I usually do.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We foun Charlie and Gumtree but we didn't find you Jenn.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Jemi Fraser said...

Hope you had a great week - we were on holidays too. Off to check out the site :)

Annie Bear said...

LOL! This is so cute. Each gives tell-tail signs of their whereabouts.

That website sounds like a great idea and fun for writers.

William Kendall said...

I've seen generators like that before. I got "she took a deep breath and said to her boss.."

Charlie and Gumtree are no doubt up to their usual shenanigans.

Crystal Collier said...

LOL. Random first lines... If I want one of those all I have to do is listen to my 6 year old for a couple minutes. Kids! I tell you what.

Bossy Betty said...

Hope you all find each other soon! Something tells you will at feeding time!

Marg said...

Hi there Gumtree and Charlie. Hope the Mom had some good fun while she was gone or doing something else. We did miss her and glad all of you are back. Take care.

Esme said...

Welcome back-does Charlie ever try to swipe Gumtree's tail when it is just sticking out like that?

Yolanda Renée said...

Love the pictures!

Glad your back and thanks for your comment on Alex's blog!

Rene said...

We can see you, Gumtree!!

PK HREZO said...

How fun! I will check it out and see what story falls into my lap. ;)

Have a great day, Kitty!

cleemckenzie said...

Gumdrop has sleuthing down pat. You can hardly tell there's a cat in those pictures.

Thanks for the first line generator link. I'm off to try it. I need a first line very badly.

cleemckenzie said...

Gumdrop has sleuthing down pat. You can hardly tell there's a cat in those pictures.

Thanks for the first line generator link. I'm off to try it out because I'm in sore need of a first line.

Tamago said...

We missed you last week! Looks like Charlie and Gumtree are still hiding :-) Please cone out and let me see your cute faces!

fairyhedgehog said...

Hide and seek is always such fun when you're a cat!

Thanks for the link it looks like a fun little tool.

fairyhedgehog said...

Hide and seek is always such fun when you're a cat!

Thanks for the link it looks like a fun little tool.

Julia Hones said...

Where's Old Kitty?
I hope you and your cuties had a wonderful week.
Thank you for the link, although I think I have enough running across my head already.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

charlie...gumtree iz over at de fishin hole lookin ta sink sum salmon for supper

gumtree...charlie iz over at de fishhin hole lookin ta bring in sum bass for brek fast !!!

enjoy yur week guys ~~~~

Words A Day said...

Great photos! And thanks for that link, might be just what I need:)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hello boys, nice to see some of you!!!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

welcome back!!!
lol, that random first line thing generated this: There had been many theories about how she had been murdered

Ellen Whyte said...

Stealth kitties! Hope you had fun dashing out at mummy.

Norma said...

Nice to see you..sort of...Gumtree!

Anonymous said...

I'll check out the link.

They'll come out and say hi.

Rick Watson said...

Welcome back Kitty. I hope you have fun.

Beatrix said...

its clear there are not enough lines to go around. LOL!

Beatrix said...

its clear there are not enough lines to go around. LOL!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Heehee. We hope effuryone found each other! :)
Welcome back!!

GLOGIRLY said...

"As soon as he walked in, she felt tension."
That's my random line and yup, that pretty much sums it up for me and Waffles.
My writing is done here.
; ) Katie

Gina Gao said...

It's nice to see that you're back!

Jennifer Shirk said...

Hey, I got a pretty good first line with that! Too bad I'm not writing about a fire. LOL

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Good to see um, bits of you! Purrs...

meowmeowmans said...

Hurray! We're glad to see (parts of) you back! :)

Tammy Theriault said...

what a great idea... the link that is. also the cat hand was pretty cute

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello dear friends, welcome back!I see you are enjoying some nap time!:)
I think it's the most important thing to do in my here as well! MOL
Luna - WE LOVE LUNA and hugs from mom Léia

Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

I found them! I found them!
Welcome back.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Nice paws!

Thanks for sharing that generator. I'll let my mum know about it.

Purrs x

RaShelle Workman said...

A random first line generator? I'll check it out. LOL

Thanks, Old Kitty. Hope you have a fab weekend.

klahanie said...

Hey Old Kitty,

And where's Penny? I've been trying to help my human in getting a cloning machine. He's struggling to keep up with commenting, even with my help. Do you know of a cloning machine for sale?

Sorry for the delay in commenting. Nice to see you, to see you, nice!

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

Katie Isabella said...

WELCOME dear one.

Unknown said...

Cat's think a lot of themselves, they are wonderfully superior.
So pleased you like my novel. Carole.