Monday, 28 January 2013


Bloggie friends!

I shall be donating blood today for science or as these medical researchers put it for "epidemiological and laboratory research on a number of important human pathogens" Ahem!

So forgive me if I'll get behind blogging today as I don't think I'll be getting a biscuit and may need time to recover!

Anyway, here are Charlie and Gumtree enjoying the sunny weather yesterday! Suddenly all the snow we had for the week has disappeared!

Have a great week everyone! 


meowmeowmans said...

We love those pictures of Charlie and Gumtree enjoying that long-awaited sun! Hope that blood donation wasn't too taxing, and that you had an easy recovery. :)

Mark said...

The snow vanished here too but it seemed to be because of all the rain, not the sunshine. I'm sad to see it go, but I'm glad to be able to get around again. Well done you on giving blood. Even if it's for science, and not for a hospital. It could potentially do more good with scientists anyway.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Sounds like Charlie and Gumtree had a lovely day yesterday.

Hope you got some rest today.

Jeremy Bates said...

Life is in the blood. Or death if drained by a vampire. Better watch 'em! lol

Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope you have a speedy recovery! Howdy boys!

klahanie said...

Ah yes, I remember the first time I gave blood. The nurse pricked my finger and smeared some of my blood on a piece of glass. I said, "Great thanks, where's my biscuit?" Yeah, then I found out they wanted more!

All the best and oh no, no snow.

Did you know I'm as sincere as a mosquito in a blood donor clinic?


Anonymous said...

Yay you! You all have a great week too!

Claudia Zurc said...

Good boys! Gotta love those kitties! RE: donating blood, just make sure you eat enough after donating. You've got to replenish and nourish your body.
You're brave indeed! I hate needles. :(

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Braver soul than I! No way I could give blood.
Gumtree looks really comfortable on top of the fridge.

Mr Puddy said...

Your mom do a great thing, Charlie : )
Kudos to her !
and Hey, You two got the great spot.
Have a great day

Anonymous said...

Its important to give blood. The life you save might be your own.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

so kind of you to donate..

Jemi Fraser said...

Good for you! I'm not allowed to give blood because of the medications I take and the fact that I look anemic even though I'm not :) We've still got a couple of feet of snow, so if you're missing it, pop on over! :)

Adam said...

our cold weather vanished too. Have a great week

Theresa Milstein said...

Good luck donating blood. They have the worst time finding my veins. *shudder*

Manzanita said...

You are a brave soul. I hope you pop right back afterwards. All of the sunny days will make our world green again and Charlie and Gumtree will be outside soon and hiding behind your flower pots once more.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

For a moment, we thought there had been a terrible fight between the boys...Whew! *wipes brow*
We don't understand why but every time Mommy see Gumtree, she starts singing "Kookaburra sits on the old gumtree....".

Pasha's Mommy said...

giving blood! when you don't have to!? That is brave, very brave!

Charlie and Gumtree are super duper cute as always!

Helena said...

Good for you and your blood donation! And I'm not surprised if handing over a pint puts you under the weather. I've donated a few in my time, but the last time I ended up with a bad cold afterwards ('cause I was already run down), and ever since then I've chickened out and not donated.

I hope Charlie and Gumtree have fun indoors.

Helena said...

Good for you and your blood donation! And I'm not surprised if handing over a pint puts you under the weather. I've donated a few in my time, but the last time I ended up with a bad cold afterwards ('cause I was already run down), and ever since then I've chickened out and not donated.

I hope Charlie and Gumtree have fun indoors.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Old Kitty - I sure hope all goes well today and at least the blood letting, tests et al won't be stemmed by frozen water ..

All the best - Hilary

MorningAJ said...

Allow me to say thank you on behalf of the scientific community. I work for a charity that promotes alternatives to animal testing. The work relies heavily on donations from generous people like you.

We believe that tests and research carried out on human cells will bring more relevant findings than animal tests. Did you know that nine out of ten drugs that pass animal tests fail when they go to clinical trials on humans?

So thanks. We couldn't do it without you!

Kea said...

Good luck! That deserves at least one biscuit and some juice too.

Love Gumtree's "I'm so adorable" pose. He's full of it, that one. :-)

Patsy said...

Make sure you treat yourself to something yummy to eat afterwards to help with your recovery!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Charlie and Gumtree are pretty laid back about you giving your blood away!
We hope you'll get your cup of tea and a biscuit.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Chair Speaks said...

Charlie, your mom's so brave. Our human's afraid of needles and reluctantly goes for blood tests. Enjoy the sun puddles, Charlie and Gumtree! Purrs!

Rene said...

Good for you to donate blood for a worthy cause! Love that photo of Gumtree. He's a photogenic boy, isn't he? ;-)

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You guys all have a great week too! Hope they don't steal too much blood!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

All the snow has gone here too.

Have a great week!

Janet Johnson said...

Oh ugh. Best of luck with the blood giving! I always have to look away when I do it, but it's never as bad as I make it out to be. Just eat lots of protein!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Aww hope they did give you a biscuit. Great pictures. Our snow has gone too thank goodness but its raining.. Hugs GJ xx

Tamago said...

Be careful after you donate you blood. You may get dizzy!
How nice you had such nice weather. We had some sun time and cloudy time. And it was cold! Looks like Charlie and Gumtree are enjoying the sun a lot :-) Have a great new week!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It's so good you are donating blood, Jenn! There is always a need for it, and not enough people donate.

Glad to hear you are having nicer weather--Gumtree and Charlie seems to be enjoying it!

LTM said...

oh! Charlie and Gumtree are SO cute!!! And I'm so sorry you're having to give blood. I HATE doing that. :P

I hope you have none of those things~ :o) <3


Oh is this a voluntary donation??

Hello Charlie and Gumtree and are you donating too? :)

William Kendall said...

The kitties look adorable, as ever!

I donate blood regularly. It's a piece of cake. Nothing to it.

Hart Johnson said...

Oh, Kitty, I hope the phlebotomist is really good! Giving blood isn't my favorite activity. But I do it sometimes (the medical donation kind, as opposed to science kind)

KarenMcG said...

Good luck with your blood donating today, Old Kitty.

Gumtree looks like he's a bit sad that you'll be gone.

Charlie has certainly found a really neat sunspot!

Jennifer Shirk said...

Aww...drink plenty of fluids!!

Anonymous said...

Hope all went well, Old Kitty!

Luna said...

Hope all goes well and you're feeling better soon! Big hugs to you...

Carol Kilgore said...

Cuddle up with Charlie and Gumtree and let them make you all better :)

Purrs work wonders!

Liza said...

Hope you did fine with the bloodletting, and recover quickly!

Anonymous said...

Rest up. I've donated blood plenty of times. Not the greatest of experiences.

Stina said...

That's quite the title for donating blood. :)

I love seeing your Charlie and Gumtree photos!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Oh, what to tell the kids..when there's bloodletting for the sake of research. :) Charlie and Gumtree have the right idea..let's break for sunpuddling! xx

Julia Hones said...

Good luck with that! Hugs to Charlie and Gumtree. Take care.

Jay Paoloni said...

Boy, the title of your post scared me!
They say it's good to donate/get rid of some blood once or twice a year.
Say hi to Charlie and gum tree!

GLOGIRLY said...

WOW!!! That is very impressive indeed. I sure hope there are some extra treats in your future. I mean it's the least that science can do.
; ) Katie

Marg said...

Hope they don't take too much of your blood. Gumtree, you are just the cutest boy. Glad you all got some nice sunshine. Take care.

PK HREZO said...

Good luck with the blood donation. Good excuse to relax with a glass of wine with good ol Charlie and the Gumster. ;)

Lydia Kang said...

So adorabl! I never get tired of seeing pictures of your cute cats! :)

Romance Book Haven said...

Seems Charlie and Gumtree are enjoying the warmer weather!

Thanks for donating to the betterment of science.


Norma said...

I used to donate blood regularly as well...but now they won't take it anymore. I guess I'm taking too many meds.

How are Charlie and Gumtree getting along now?

mshatch said...

Hope it wasn't too painful, and please send some warm weather this way! I'm freezing!!!

Deniz Bevan said...

Aww, lovely faces! Hope they gave you cookies after the blood donation!

Golden Eagle said...

Hope the blood donation went well--and kudos to you for doing it!

Love the pictures.

Ellie Garratt said...

Ouch. You need lots of loving care. Charlie and Gumtree - tea and cake needed!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures. Awh, Hope the blood donation went well.

Laura Eno said...

The life of a cat... ;) They look so comfy and cozy!

Maria McKenzie said...

Charlie and Gumtree are adorable! Hope it didn't take too long to recover from your donation;).

Marilia said...

We came back!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

How wonderful of you :) this is quite inspiring and uplifting :)

Katie Isabella said...

Seeing Charlie and Gumtree makes my day bright and mom said hers as well. XXXOOO

DWei said...

I remember when I donated blood for the first time.

Nearly passed out. ._.

Susan Fields said...

I hope your blood-giving adventure went well - sounds like you're making a valuable contribution to science and medicine!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

My gratitude to you and to all of those who so generously donate their blood to save and heal others.

Summer Ross said...

adorable! I'm sorry I didn't get by sooner to your post- I do hope the donation went well. Have a great Friday!

fairyhedgehog said...

I hope the blood doning wasn't too traumatic!

Just Mags said...

You two sweeties look very comfy and what cute pictures.

We hope the blood donating went well and you are all recovered. Hugs and nose kisses

Timmy Tomcat said...

The sun was here too
Now gone with an inch of cold white stuff and back to the teens. Enjoy that sun!

Deborah said...

I can't wait to see that movie!
Have a great weekend!