I’m slightly on edge this week as Charlie goes in for some major dental surgery tomorrow (Tuesday)! I’m sure he’ll be fine (minus a couple of teeth) but I doubt I will be until I have him home!
Charlie says: I sleep now.

Pic taken yesterday, 10 June.
Have a peaceful week everyone!
p.s. I’m also saddened by the death of Barry Unsworth. I will never forget how I found myself sobbing in a packed train on my way to work while reading his Sacred Heart. It’s still the most heartbreaking, most moving, most profound of historical novels I’ve ever read. It's a book that questions the morality of profit especially when profit is to be had through the exploitation of human beings.
So, RIP, Mr Unsworth and thank you for your gorgeous prose.
Purrs from the boys and fingers crossed for Charlie. Here's hoping the extractions are kept to a minimum and that he recovers quickly. Give him a smooch from me!
I'm sorry about the passing of the author, most especially because his writing obviously has touched you deeply.
Lots of hugs and Light to you, and also to his family and friends.
A death of a beloved author hits home as Ray Bradbury's death hit me.
I will say great prayers for Charlie. I know how on pins and needles you will be until you get him home ... and how thrilled he will be to be back! :-) Roland
RIP indeed. Morality is a tricky subject, but I've never been fond of people who can and will exploit others for profit. I hope Charlie is okay. I'm sure he'll be fine, but I understand totally that you won't be until he's safe back at home. I've felt before that I won't be fine until I'm at home and I know my cats are there safe and sound.
RIP Unsworth
Oh dear we will purr for sweet Charlie. We know he will do great and be home in no time.
I guess, considering that Charlie is a cat, he wont be getting any um 'canine' teeth removed!
And fond memories of Barry Unsworth.
You have a peaceful, positive week.
Hope Charlie's surgery goes well.
I'm sorry, Jenn! I'll say a special prayer for your precious Charlie!
I'll be sending my strongest feel good vibes Charlie's way tomorrow! Hope he's back with you in no time at all!
Charlie, i hope the surgery will go well. and dont worry, you're still handsome withor without some teefs
he he he
BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family
Prayers for Charlie! I'm sure he'll be fine. And demanding an apology and a treat when he returns.
Purrs for Charlie! Please post and let us know he's OK...
try not to worry too much. I work at a veterinary hosp and we do lots of dental cleanings for cats and dogs. I hope Charlie doesn't lose too many teeth!
I so hope Charlie is okay. I hate taking my cats or my kids in for anything surgical. I'd rather it were me, not them!
I hope Charlie has an easy time with his dental work and will feel better after it!
I will have to read Sacred Heart. I am appalled at the thought of the use of slavery throughout mankind. RIP Mr. Unsworth.
Oh Charlie, nobody likes going to the dentist... yikes!!!! I hope you'll bounce back from it in no time. Please do let us know how it went!
I read about Barry Unsworth's death just the other day, and I'm ashamed to say I've never read his Sacred novel. Soon I will.
Take care, and take it from the owner of a kitty that only has five teeth -- Charlie will still be able to eat just fine.
We're sending lots of purrs that Charlie's dental work goes well and he doesn't loose too many teeth. :)
Poor Charlie, he'll be fine. Hope you will be too:)
He looks a lot calmer than I am before I visit the dentist! But I guess you will be worrying for two. Hope all goes well.
RIP, Barry. I haven't read Sacred Heart, but I'll look into it.
I'm wishing Charlie well on his surgery.
Poor Charlie (and poor you!) I hope the dental surgery goes well.
And it's always sad to hear of the death of someone who means something to you, so I'm sad for you about Barry Unsworth.
Good luck Chuck,
I'm missing a few teeth now too!
Please let us know how he gets on Jenn.
( A worried) Jo xxx
Poor Charlie - but I'm sure he will feel better without those troublesome teeth.
Poor Charlie. Look at him sleeping so soundly! I hope he's well and returns home soon.
I'm sorry about the death of your beloved author.
Charlie will be fine - our dog Tommy recently had a large molar and a little front tooth out and has never looked back! In his case the teeth were also infected - so better out than in, and his all round health and demeanour have also improved hugely :-) Hope it goes well (for both of you!)
Not familiar with the author or the book you mentioned, but was moved by your lovely tribute!
Give Charlie a hug from me. I'm having lots of dentistry done too and it's not nice!
Oh bless! Cuddles to Charlie. Tarragon needs a dental too...
hugs to you and prayers to Barry Unsworth's loved ones. Not a book I've heard about, though may have to add to my TBR list.
Charlie we know you will be just fine at the vet's office and are sure apart from an ouchie mouth for a few days you will be your normal self. You will have a nice sleep and won't know any pain - tell your Mum that chicken cut up very small is a good healing agent.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Thinking of you and Charlie, Old Kitty! Hugs to you both!
Oh good luck to Charlie! I know that pins-and-needles feeling, that's for sure! He's going to feel so much better after it's all done.
I hope Charlie's surgery goes well. He doesn't seem worried. Also, sad to hear about Barry Unsworth.
ooo... I've never heard of Unsworth! I'll have to check that out. And best to Charlie! I'm sure he'll be fine~ :o) <3
Good nap, Charlie! And RIP Mr. Unsworth. :(
Sending happy thoughts for Charlie. The better to munch on mousies after his mouth is better.
Hugs, Old Kitty - it's horrible when you have to leave them at the vet. Hope you don't have to wait too long till they say he can come home xxx
It's 12:15PM my time, eastern in Canada, and I'm just back to check on Charlie, see how the dental went. I did send an email, but I know that sometimes any email I send ends up in your spam box, so am leaving a note here as well.
Purrs and hugs to you Charlie, that is no fun. Update us as soon as you can please.
Charlie my friend I am purring a storm that all will be ok. we so understand the worry and send your mum much love too.. Let us know all is welll.. Hugs GJ xx
Poor Charlie! I wish him well and hope he has a speedy recovery--he's lucky not to suspect anything.
Sounds like I'll need to read Sacred Heart--it made quite a moving impression on you.
Good luck, Charlie on your dental visit tomorrow. Mom Julie will be with you in spirit (she's going thru her own tooth trauma)
We haven't heard of Mr. Unsworth, but will certainly look up his book. Thanks for telling us about it!
Tom, Mom Julie & the kids xx
Unfamiliar with the author, but it is sad when a talented person leaves the world.
Oh gosh. My vet is recommending similar surgery for our cat, and I'm stalling and stalling. I just don't want to do it to her. I hope things go exceptionally well for your kitty.
Good luck Charlie!
Oh poor Charlie! We're purring for him. Paws crossed his teeth aren't as bad as the vet thought.
haven't read the book and think we'll avoid it as it sounds horribly depressing.
It is always a loss when a great author passes. Morality is always an interesting topic to write about. Good luck to Charlie! Let us know how it goes.
I hope the surgery goes well and Charlie recovers quickly!
Good luck Charlie. My 12 yo is getting braces tomorrow. He had to get 4 teeth extracted because of overcrowding. It's a lot easier explaining that to a 12 yo than a cat, though.
Hugs for Charlie.
Oohh, good luck Charlie with the dentist! None of us (mom included) are much for dentistry, not a lot of fun.
Oh, poor Charlie! We are purring and praying that your oral surgery goes quickly, and without any complications. Hugs!
Oh, I hope Charlie's surgery went well and he's home and comfy and on his way to recovery. Hope he was able to deal with the anesthesia okay. Take care, Old Kitty.
Oh no!! Poor Charlie. I hope everything is all good for him.
Hi Old Kitty - my thoughts are with Charlie on this damp Tuesday morning - and I hope his 'ordeal' will be safely accomplished and he'll feel better in a few days.
More importantly I hope his beloved owner will recover from this ordeal too!
I haven't ready any of Unworth's books .. at some stage one I should pick up ..
Good luck for today .. cheers Hilary
to answer your question on my blog
echidnas are not even distantly related to hedgehogs.
Hedgehogs like us are placental mammals,
echidnas are monotremes, egg laying mammals like platypus.
Oh I will have to check out that book. I love when books make me cry. And in public, no less.
Poor Charlie. Give him a smooch for me!
Thinking of Charlie today and sending plenty of purrs and prayers...
Sorry to hear of the passing of your favorite author. I felt that way when Michael Landon died-he was like the father I always wanted so I was very shaken!
Good luck with the surgery. Many hugs.
Oh, poor Charlie! I hope his surgery goes really smoothly!
Sacred Heart eh? I like historic fiction--I will have to look for it!
Good luck Charlie. He will be fine mum.
Can't have our Charlie hurting.
Frank has lost one already, but not at the vet, think he might have blasted through the out side cat flap a bit too quick with a dog close to his tail...
Get well soon Charlie lots of luvs.
Freya Rose Blossom and Frankie de tabby X
We just heard that Charlie had to go have some toothy work done and we wanted to send lots of purrs and prayers that he is OK. We are thinking about you today Charlie. So hang in there.
Old Kitty - Wishing Charlie sweet kitty dreams. Hope he comes through his surgery happier and healthier.
We is purring for a smooth dental for our furend Charlie! We know he will be fine, and how you are worried.
We too were saddened to hear of Mr. Unsworth's death.
We are purring for Charlie!
Sorry for the loss of an author, truly any author!
Laura & Taffy
Poor Charlie. I hope he recovers really fast!
I'm sorry for your sadness, too. I don't know Mr. Unsworth, but he must have written something pretty special.
Sad time... but I hope Charlie is ok
RIP, Barry.
I hope Charlie's coming through okay...
We just read about Charlie's dental and hope he's home and feeling great by now.
The Florida Furkids and Lexi
Hope Charlie is now home and demanding a snack.
Mr. Unsworth must have been a very good author to touch you so deeply.
I hope Charlie will be ok. Going to the dentist is just hateful, but going to a Vet for dental surgery must for an animal be double torture. Maybe he sniffed vet danger and managed to hide underneath some piece of furniture before you got into the room to pick him up and take him to the clinic...
I hope Charlie is home again and doing fine. I am sorry about Barry Unsworth. I am not familiar with his work, but it's always very sad when a favorite author dies.
I bet you can hear my RUMBLEPURRs all the way from here, I'm purring SO loud for my man Charlie!
We hope everything went well with Charlie's dental work yesterday and are sending get better purrs.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
I do hope that Charlie is okay, I've been thinking of him. Mrs Black had to have quite a few teeth taken out as her life before she became a shoppe keeping cat was very bad. Fingers crossed Charlie will be fine. x
Hope all goes well, or has gone well, Charlie. Bluebell (siamese and proud of it) has had all her teeth extracted now, bar her two 'canines' (Canines? Or Catnines - not sure what the technical term is). She's still chomping away on everything, mind you - included anything she can catch in the garden. I will look out for Barry Unsworth's books - sounds like I've been missing something. I love Ray Bradbury too, especially his 'Something Wicked This Way Comes', which must be one of my favorite books of all time.
My condolences to you, Old Kitty, at the loss of your special author.
And we hope Charlie had a good day - that things went well - at his appointment.
Praying that all went well with Charlie!!!! I just found out about his dental work and am sending purrs his way!
Pls put a "follow by email" on your bloggy so I won't miss a post!
Sending much love!
I hope Charlie is recovering! <3
RIP Mr. Unsworth. and I heard cats love going to the dentist.
hope charlie recovered from his op, at least he didnt know waht was facing him:)
Sorry to hear about BArry Unsworth. RIP
Hope Charlie is home and doing well by now. Swending purrs for you both and thanks for the get well wishes for our cats!
Hope Charlie is home and doing well by now. Swending purrs for you both and thanks for the get well wishes for our cats!
Hope Charlie is home and doing well by now. Swending purrs for you both and thanks for the get well wishes for our cats!
I am late to this, I hope Charlie is home and back to being his darling self, sans a few teeth.
I don't know who Mr. Unsworth is, nor have I read his book...but, to be sure, I now plan on reading it.
Thank you for being such a bright, loving light in the blogosphere. <3
Continued good thoughts for Charlie
So how did Charlie make out at the dentist? Me has been purring him not has a hard time!
Poor Charlie. I hope all went well and that he's recovering nicely without those pesky teeth that were giving him a hard time.
And RIP Mr. Unsworth.
Darn, I was hoping there'd be an update on how Charlie is recovering. I hope he's fairing well!
I am truly sorry to hear about Charlie. You have an amazing blog.
I hope Mr. Charlie is doing okay today. Sending love and hugs to you.
And sunbeams and warm healing thoughts to Charlie! xo
That is one comfortable kitty. :)
Good luck to Charlie!
And hugs to you Jenn....
Reenie and Sherkhan
we send you purrs for the dental treatment and hope it all works out. Loving a book and its author can be like having a close friend. We will go now and have a look at the book, its new to us. Thanks for sharing. Take care. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx
Charlie, Hope all goes well at the vets office. Maybe you'll get some soft canned food out of the deal :)
That book sounds good Kitty, and I know we like the same books. Hope Charlie is better soon.xx
Oh, poor Charlie. I hope he is okay now?
I must be word :-) hum :-) just can't think as it's been a long day :-) I did say long and not log ?
Charlie... BABY...
Smile at your mum and show the rest of those pearly whites.........
That a boy... no sparrows in between.. right ?
My paws are crossed for Charlie's safe return. Thankfully my teeth are in pretty decent shape for my age!
I been concerned since Tuesday, Kitty. Is Charlie all right? Thanks for the kind words on Alex's blog. Roland
HOpe Charlie does well in the surgery.:)
Hope all went well with his surgery, Jennifer! My Jen(nifer) waves wildly to you both!
Lovely to see your comment on my post. Poor Niki. But blogging, you're right, isn't worth falling apart over. I am just going to do it as I can, keep in touch with dear friends like you!
I too loved Ray Bradbury's writings. I had a close friend, the Susan in my memoir, who once heard him speak at Brigham Young University where I was a faculty wife with my first husband. Wish I could have heard him, but I had moved east by then. Just lovely books though that he left behind!
Purrs and crossed paws for Charlie. We hope everything went well.
So sorry the world has lost another great author...especially one that has touched you so.
xo Katie & Glogirly
How's Charlie?
I hope Charlie is recovering well. :)
I'm seeing this late! I hope Charlie is doing well. My little Pepper had surgery last month, and it was quite stressful. Everything turned out to be fine, thank goodness. Still, we were so worried. Hugs to you and Charlie! xo
Purrs and prayers to you, Charlie, throughout your recovery. We're so sorry about the passing of Unsworth.
Charlie we hope your surgery went well & that your recovery is rapid & trouble- free!
Selina & MomKatt Laura
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