Monday 24 October 2011

A salute and a tiny boost for a big ego!

Bloggie friends!

To whoever decided to get a perfectly good apple, shove a stick in the middle of said apple and THEN dip the lot in thick milk chocolate instead of toffee – I SALUTE YOU!


Now bloggie friends! This came just in time to give me a little writerly ego boost!

If you scroll down the list of accepted submissions, you can just about catch “A Haiku by Jennifer Domingo”! Yay!

I’m particularly happy about this because The New Sun Rising publication has been fraught with difficulties but I think the publication itself has been salvaged. The hope is that it will be out as a commemorative anthology in time for the anniversary of Japan’s devastating tsunami. So double yay!

Charlie says: I smell for introoders.

Is it nearly November already!!??!


m.q said...

yay for Jennifer
and Charlie...
but where can we read it? its a story rite? err...or we got it wrong?? prrrrr....

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

A huge congrats for the acceptance. And I'm with you on the choc apples. Sheer brilliance.

Tracy Jo said...

BIG congratulations to you!!! Cheers to a boost! I am happy for you and for New Sun Rising. Oh and those apples look delicious...chocolate is good on everything! ;-)

Tucker The Crestie said...


wildcatwoods said...

Chocolate covered apples sound good to our Mom. What do you think Charlie?

Anonymous said...

Charlie is the best guard kitty around! Go Charlie, go!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Charlie: watch cat extrodinarre!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Charlie: watch cat extrodinarre!

Al said...

Sounds much better than candy-apples!

Smudge said...

Oooo, dad got excited when he saw that apple!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Well done - we knew you could do it and ee found your name on the list.
Charlie don't get cold paws or Jen won't let you sit on her knee. We are making the most of this sunny weather before being stuck inside more.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Creepy Query Girl said...

that does look yummy! though I have to admit, I like me some caramel apples too!:)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Congratulations. Double chocoltae coated apples on stick celebrations I think.

I hope Charlie didn't encounter any introoders. x

Lydia Kang said...

Dipping an apple into anything sweet was always an Einstein idea in my book!

Thanks for your warm congrats on my blog!!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

CONCATULATIONS!!! That is just fantastic! We are so happy for you!

And...OMG I have NEVER, EVER heard of apples being dipped in chocolate!


Talli Roland said...

Yay! Many many congrats, Old Kitty! What a great boost.

Hi to Charlie!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Congrats on your submission! And now I'm salivating all over my keyboard looking at those apples.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Mama is cheering for chocolate covered apples....alas, we're not allowed to have chocolate.....sigh.....


Hart Johnson said...


And congratulations for the acceptance of your Haiku!!! Well done!

Katnip Lounge said...

Wonderful news...Congratulations!

btw, you could prolly dip a smelly sock in chocolate and it would taste good!

Tara said...

Um, make mine with caramel, please. Yuummm.

Congrats on the go boost! Well-deserved. :)

Marg said...

Wow that is very exciting news.We are so glad you submission has been accepted. I think the apple and Chocolate sounds really yummy. Take care. Hi Charlie, keep that nose going to keep introooders out of there.

Rene said...

Ooooh, look at those yummy treats!

Kristen Pelfrey said...

I say hooray for toffee and chocolate.
And I want to tell you that you won a copy of Tara Kelly's AMPLIFIED! Congrats! Email me with your shipping info when you get a chance! :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Now I'm craving apples and chocolate!! :-)

Janet Johnson said...

While those apples look good, I'm still a carmel girl. :) But you're making me want one!

PK HREZO said...

Well congrats, Jennifer! That's wonderful news... I knew ya could do it. :)
I'd nibble that chocolate right off them apples and save the fruit for later. lol . I like my fruit plain. :)Yes, I know... I'm so boring. :s

Anonymous said...

Oooh, those look delicious!

LTM said...

Oh, Kit! That's so wonderful!!! Super-congrats! Yay!

And I'm with you on those chocolate apples... YUM! :d

Brian's Home Blog said...

Congrats on a great writerly accomplishment, we're proud of you fur sure!!!

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations on the acceptance! :)

Unknown said...

Yay for chocolate apples! I love them too. Also, congrats for your haiku.

Patsy said...

Congratulations! That's great news. I hope you're going to reward yourself with a choccie apple or two?

Natalie Aguirre said...

Yea to the news!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Charlie, keep a keen eye and sharp nose for those introoders!

Thank you for the comforting words and purrs at our loss of Mac. WE will miss Mac but know he is no longer in pain.


Anything slathered in Chocolate is most excellent!!


Hello handsome Charlie.
Thank you for your sweet purrs while Momma has been recuperating from my bitey...

Jemi Fraser said...

Woohoo!!! So cool :)

I haven't tried a chocolate apple, but the concept is brilliant!!

Jennifer Shirk said...

That's GREAT news!

And chocolate apples are something I can definitely get behind. LOL

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Congratulations, Jennifer! I'm so excited for you.

Stina said...

I can't believe it's almost November. Eek!

Milk chocolate. That's a great idea, especially if you have a child with braces or a retainer.

Congrats on the acceptance. :D

Esme said...

congrats on the acceptance, you deserve a chocolate covered apple. That is so exciting.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Congratulations, Jennifer! So happy for you! Silly Charlie... ;)

Sorry for my blogpost fluke. It's been crazy over here and I need a serious brake! *HUGS*


Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?

YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell releases October 31st!

Brigid O'Connor said...

Good for you Jen, Congrats and I hope the book is a success!

Susan Fields said...

Congratulations - that's wonderful news! And those apples look super yummy!!!

Angela said...

Congrats on having your haiku accepted. I'm scared to touch that form. So you are my hero.

Luna said...

Congratulations!!! So thrilled for you...:)

I was just talking with someone about chocolate covered apples instead of the caramel. Now I really have to try them!

Hope you're having a lovely week!

Take care,

Hansel said...

we can't believe how fast november is creeping up on us!!! disgusting!!!

Purrfect Haven said...

those choc apples look fab and we like the sniffy shot - gorgeous coat. Love Darcy and Bingley xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cat. :3

LittleWomen21 said...

Congrats on your haiku for publication! Chocolate apples? That sounds weird!!! But hey, I love just about every other fruit with chocolate: cherries and blueberries being my favorite.

More exotic blends: chocolate and huckleberries! (isn't huckleberry a great name? makes me think of chuckleberries) and chocolate and lingonberries!! From Sweden!! Beats Swedish Fish hands down.

Ah, I think you hit a cord here.

Lola Sharp said...

YAY!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!! *hugs* :D

I love chocolate apples, caramel apples, toffee apples...I am positive I'd love an apple layered in all of the above! I too would kiss the person who invented them. :)

And Charlie is the most gorgeous guard kitty EVAH!

And, I know I have been busy and not stopping in here as often as I'd like, and I know I don't tell you this enough, but:

THANK YOU. Your sunshiny comments around the bloggyverse make me so happy. I swear, NO ONE leaves a happier comment than you. And I'm so very grateful for you. :)


Kea said...

Oh, I missed this post yesterday, so sorry!

Congratulations on your acceptance! Hurrah and well done!

Those apples look yummy...I had dark chocolate-covered caramels yesterday, they were sprinkled with just a bit of sea salt. Whew. YUM! Never had a chocolate-covered apple, though!

Soggibottom said...

Charlie ol bean the year is moving far too fast towards 31st December... have the choc apples got any fishy stuff in them ?
There are some lucky shellfish that have been saved today... :-) I need to get better at throwing :-)

Congrats too :-) X X X Keep it up :-) x WANT A SIGNED COPY :-) I AM NOT JOKING :-) :-) :-)

Marilia said...

Nhum nhum! I love chocolate!!!

Melissa Cunningham said...

OH MY WORD! Those apples look tasty! So glad things are going well for you. Cute kitty!

Betsy Brock said...

Oh yum! The only thing I can think of that would be better is the toffee and then the chocolate! :) And yours are so pretty, too!

Hilary said...

Woo hoo!!! Congrats! Charlie, I know you must be so proud of your mom!

Simon Kewin said...

Fantastic news! Many congrats on the haiku. Now don't just lick the chocolate off and leave the apple!

RaShelle Workman said...

Congrats on your publication. And, Holy chocolate, those apples look divine! Must have me some, too. YUM!!!

Cynthia Chapman Willis said...

Congratulations!!! How wonderful for you! I hope you'll enjoy a chocolate coated apple (or two) in celebration. Mmmm.

And Charlie is looking as adorable as ever.

Len Lambert said...

Jen, congratulations!!!! Let's do the happy dance!!!

Manzanita said...

That is so exciting. We can't see it now? Congratulations and I'll say "many more." Yum .... choc apples just in time for the witch hunt.
Keep sniffing Charlie. You're on the track..

Anonymous said...


Are those yummy apples for celebrating? I'll take one, please. :)

Ella said...

Congrats and yum...for both your poem and the apple ;D

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Congratulations Jennifer! Well deserved. Has it been a year already since the disaster struck Japan?? I hope the New Sun Rising is successful and encouraging to all.

Theresa Milstein said...

I'm so happy for you, Jen! You deserve a little ego boost. Keep us posted on the project. YaY!

Caramel with chocolate is one of the best things. I am a BIG fan of caramel apples. I haven't had one yet this season.

Ann said...

Congratulations Jennifer!!!! I just had a feeling you were in line for a major writerly ego boost. Delighted for you!!!!

The apples are a nice treat to mark the occasion too.

Claudia Zurc said...

What a lovely haiku, Jennifer! Congratulations on your publication. Those chocolate-covered apples are just icing on the BIG publishing cake ;)

Ellen Whyte said...

Concats on the acceptance. Hey, who is the introodur?

William Kendall said...

Yes, it's nearly November.

Charlie, soon you'll be sniffing at the snow instead of the grass.

Debbie Coope said...

Congrats! Fab news.

Mia Hayson said...

Yayyyyyy! Congrats! That's super!

Also- those apples are amazing. I keep accidentally deliberately buying them they are delicious. Wooo! I gave one to my brother the other day though and when he realised there was apple beneath the chocolate he looked at me like I'd betrayed him SO BADLY.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff, sweetpea!

Who needs a guard-dog when Charlie is around? :)

Shawn said...

Who came up with the idea of chocolate covered apples? Brilliant!!


klahanie said...

Yay, to thick milk chocolate, instead of toffee! A sticky mess, anyway you look at it....
And yay for everybody, Jennifer, you and Charlie the cat, who Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, thinks is really pawesome for a cat! LOL
All the best and keep smiling, eh
Gary and co-starring, Penny

Anonymous said...

Hello! Jen says she used to make chocolate caramel apples and they were hard to make but so worth it!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Apples dipped in chocolate is new to us. Jan had caramel apples when she was a kid but the chocolate sounds good too. But we're not allowed to have any cause it's bad for us. :(

Sorry Jan's photo almost made you fall off your chair. It's the first time she's worn a costume in decades.

storyqueen said...

Those chocolate apples look delicious!

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

How cool is that! Congrats to you! Let us know when the publication comes out and how to purchase!

And I've never seen chocolate covered apples, but I'm there!

Good for you Charlie I do believe you are keeping out the introoders!

Deborah said...

Those apples look yummy!
Happy Halloween~

Adam said...

those chocolate apples look awesome

Tracy said...

oh my goodness...YUM! and congrats to you...

the writing pad said...

Lurve the choc-toffee-apples - and I'm really thrilled about your haiku :-) Hope your Halloween went well, with plenty of gooey sweets for you and some evidently tricky-to-find treats for Charlie!