Dear Bountiful beautiful and buxom bloggie friends.
The above is a hat made out of pc cables.
Today's shenanigans makes me realise that perhaps that's the best use for them!
At 7.05 am, my desktop's motherboard breathed her last sigh and said "ta-ta, me old china, I've 'ad enough" and promptly turned off all her lights, fan included.
At which point my desktop breathed its own last sigh and fell silent.
Their Maker, Dell Inc, have finally agreed that there was nothing I can do.
These lovely people had me rolling up my sleeves, grasping a screwdriver, opening the pc's hard drive tower and generally rummaging through this wire and that.
Ya know, I never knew that was how a memory card looked like....
An hour and a half later, they finally twigged that I was going nowhere except towards electrocution (I could hear in the background such exchanges as "you mean she's not discharged the electricity? Quick tell her to do so!")
At least now they have agreed to send in a Technician with a Proper Screwdriver and a brand spanking new Mother of all Boards.
Because I paid extra for such a service in my warranty.
I betcha y'all are now all wondering how is this fabulous and fizzy woman blogging if she doesn't have a pc?
I do have my second hand hulk of a laptop. It connects to the internet router via a very small cable because it cannot pick up my wireless.
So am on the floor, ignoring the little laptop fan cranking up for all it's worth and trying to figure out how to upload my pics especially ones of Charlie. And my shoes.
I'm not even thinking of allllllll that work I've not saved on my flash. All. That. Work.
So brave and boisterous bloggie friends - you may experience severe downturn in the visual quality of my blog until the Dell Tech Person appears.
Don't blame me though, blame Mother!
Have a tech free Friday everyone!