Next week Monday, my sister is taking me to have
Tea at the Ritz.
For an extortionate amount of money, we have exactly 1 hour and 20 minutes to pretend we are posh and that we do this every day.
Which sort of got me thinking about tea.
Why don’t I drink tea more often? Why do I crave coffee more than a good cup of earl grey or Yorkshire tea? I used to love tea as a child – there were so many ways to make that perfect cup of tea.
My mum’s way was to let the tea brew first then add milk.
Her boyfriend at that time nearly had a heart attack when he saw me do this and said that it was milk first in the cup, then tea bag, then hot water. Needless to say that relationship didn’t last although he was a really nice bloke!
A friend of mine (whom I lost contact with regrettably) was from a Muslim household and she would boil the milk and tea bag together and serve it quite sweet.
Another friend drank only Earl Grey and she had a precise measurement of how much milk to add – too much and it’s spoilt, too little and she’ll send it back.
These days if I do choose tea, it'll be herb tea with honey.
If I ever decide to revert to drinking proper english tea over coffee - at least I could have teapots like these:

Now my next task is to pursuade my sister NOT to wear trainers under her long skirt on the day.
Charlie says: You have tea at the Ritz, I lick the dirt off the concrete. Just as good.

Have a spiffing good Thursday everyone!