The divine Ms Madeleine's
Through the Keyhole blogfest's rules are:
Describe someone's living space in no more than 500 words so that we can vividly imagine the absent person. Then guess from the descriptions posted the type of who lives in a room like this?
This is my entry (it kinda very loosely follows the rules. Ahem!):
The Garden
The first thing you will notice is the apple tree. It stands at nearly ten feet tall in the middle of sorry tufts of bits of lawn clinging around the tiny garden space.
Two sheets of wood panelling fence the back with slats broken and rotted through.
Green chicken wire encloses either side, but wind and rain and neglect have bent and misshapen them.
Rosebushes edge the borders. Their days of giving lush cream and red pink blooms are long gone. Unchecked they’ve grown gnarled and woody.
You wonder how small the garden truly is once the tree is cut.
I can tell you with certainty that a child could run from one end of the garden and back in the kitchen in 15 seconds flat.
I wrote the above with the very modern idea that a garden is so an extension of one's living space. *looks shifty and then runs away!*
Charlie says: I live here with my own palm tree and fevvers!
For a lovelier story not related to the blogfest, please do read "Trees of Life - a Christmas Story" by Brian of Brian's Home. He is one talented and amazing kitty!
Have a wispy Wednesday everyone!
17 frivolous days to Christmas!