Bloggie friends!!!! Do you see the fir tree to right of Charlie? That’s my Christmas tree!
It wasn’t supposed to last after its first Christmas with me but this Christmas marks its third year! I hope to bring it inside this weekend to allow it to acclimatize.
The only problem is that it’s home to many many MANY bugs and other creepy crawlies and I remember spending a good few hours last year taking them all outside one by one.
This time I hope to do this with less squealing and swooning!
Charlie says: I'm outta here!

Have a frothy Friday everyone!
22 Stupendous Days to Christmas!
Oh, I love that you have a living Christmas tree! I kill off plants meant to last, so I'm amazed...
Hope you're enjoying your snow? I don't like snow or cold, personally, bt I hope you do since it's already snowing for you! :) At least it is very pretty!
I love the idea of a living tree! That's fabulous! Not so wonderful would be the bugs. Gross. Have "fun" with that. :-P
Charlie, you need to get back inside where it's warm!
Charlie would get lost in that snow!
Yeah, I cringe whenever my wife brings a plant in from outside. I just KNOW it's crawling with bugs!
Removing all the bugs to bring in the magical tree - three years running? That's dedication!
It looks so cute. Charlie too!
wow...we're very looking fwd to see your christmas tree Charlie..
Boo & ChaCha
Can't believe you have snow!! It's chilly here (for us in the heat belt), but not quite freezing. We don't generally see snow, if we see it at all, until late January/early February.
that is such a nice tree! I hope you don't have many creepy crawlies this year!
You guys have been getting lots of the white stuff! Stay warm.
Wow you must have very green fingers to keep that tree going. All those creatures will keep Charlie busy over Christmas.
Perfect size tree. Bugs and all!! Years ago we always had huge trees. Now I'm down to a little ceramic tree with attached lights that I just leave out. The year goes by so fast, why put it away???
Hi Charlie, your lovely coat looks thick and furry enough to battle the wintry cold.
You must have green fingers!
I love the way our cats either walk through the snow shaking each foot as they lift it, or else go absolutely bananas pouncing on every lump and bump before careering back into the house at top speed!
I don't have any de-bugging tips I'm afraid!
It's great you've a proper tree! (and for three years!) There's a little potted conifer somewhere under the snow in my garden, until now I had completely forgotten it.
I think you may have saved a tree life with this post!
We're having a coconut palm this year, although I don't know where the fairy will sit. Never mind, I can sit anywhere.
Happy frolicking festive preparations
from Boonie
ah bugs yikes, I would like to see a picture of the 3y/o xmas tree when it gets all decorated. Let's see if Charlie can resist all those light then
One lucky tree! I'm sure you'll be posting about it for years to come.
Charlie looks like he's in camouflage. LOL.
We think Charlie has the right idea about walking away from that tree!
It's really brave of you, though, to remove the bugs and other creepy things on it.
We're anxious to see how it looks when it's decorated. And congratulations for keeping it alive all this time.
Can you put a red cross on Charlie so we can see where he is better as he seems to merge into the snowy background at the moment.
Perhaps the cold weather will have killed off some of your Christmas tree bugs this year.
How cool is that! When I bring in my plants they are loaded with spiders...I just ignore them! LOL
Have a great day my friends.
How nice that your tree has survived, but not nice bringing in bugs with it! Wouldn't want Charlie to get out in that snow because you wouldn't be able to find him.
What a wonderful Christmas tree! It is beautiful! We hope that you got warmed up after being out in the white stuff!
Great image of Charlie looking perplexed or even annoyed[?] at yet MORE snow! You're really having a strange year weather wise as I recall reading about super hot spells over the summer.
Nice tree & maybe it will be happier indoors in the warmth! :)
That's EXCELLENT to have the same live tree three years in a row! Wow!
And what a Good Samaritan to save all those bugs! teehee (does Charlie help? Our cat likes to play with bugs)
Mama got all excited when she saw your tree.....it reminded her of the one she had the year she lived in Ireland......she gave it to a "friend" when she left, and has lost contact with the "friend," so has no idea if it is still alive or not.
We are tempted to come to visit you as we would love to experience snow.
We love ya both lotz and lotz.
Doen't Charlie eat the bugs for you? We woulsd!
You have a tree in a pot? That's neat. I could deal with the bugs. Maybe Charlie will eat some of them for you. :-)
The weather outside is frightful and that Charlie's so delightful! Y'all have a great weekend!!!
We don't have a living tree, but our Mom takes out any critters she happens to see. She just took out a candle fly. Don't know if it will survive, tho.
Have fun with your nice tree!
~ Anna Sue
That's a cool tree! Ours is an artificial one, but live ones are the best. :)
Oh you are good making it last going between out and in. We have an outdide tree that we put lights on. I could volunteer to come and catch all the bugs for you. I would like that. But I bet Charlie can help with that too.. HUgs GJ xx
So Charlie doesn't act as your exterminator? My cat loves bugs, as long as they walk right up to him. He's not much of a hunter.
Everytime I see a picture of Charlie I find a new black spot. What's up with that?
Charlie, That's a lovely tree !
but I didn't know bugs still survive in the snow !
Don't you interest to eat them..." Ice Bugs " might taste like Ice Cream : )
ew bugs. Snow for Christmas would be great though.
thank you for remembering world aids day, kitty. and for the memory of snow, since we dont have snow in san diego!
Ours is still outside, waiting like yours to come in.
Hopefully no ants this year :-) x x x
Diving around the place for ants could be fun, but it's NOt ! ! !
funny though !
HI Charlie
Don't you want to take care of the Christmas tree bugs for your Mom?
Have a great weekend.
Wow - that's so cool, Old Kitty! I wish we could do the same thing here. Our tree usually comes from HomeBase with an hefty (in my opinion) price tag.
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