Ever since I put my tree up I’ve been trying to get Charlie to interact with it a little!
You know do crazy kitty things like destroy it or something proactive like that!! But would he co-operate?
No he would not. Until tonight. When he knocked off a ball ornament and started chasing it around!
And guess what I didn’t have to hand???? My camera to capture the moment!! Talk about missed opportunities!! I could draw a writer-ly parallel but instead I’ll leave you with this:
Charlie eschewing his saliva drench catnip toy for his ol favourite one – Mr MacDoonagoogle!

I’m officially not at work anymore – YAY!! BUT I’m still very much in Blogland bloggie friends!!!!
I may be very late commenting on all your lovely blogs but I’m around!!!
3 ecstatic days to Christmas!
Ah those missed perfect picture moments. A lot really can be said about that. Great picture of Charlie.
So far no kitty damage to the christmas trees, but then I only have one ornament on one tree. Yep, only one, just lights. Charlie we think you'll find more things on the tree to play with.
Hi there,
Yes, it's me Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star:-)
It's a shame you didn't have your camera to capture the moment.
With Gary, you know, the old dude I allow to live with me, I make sure he has the camera ready to take my photo. I'm such a poser lol
Looks like Charlie had a ball with the ball ornament.
Pawsitive wishes, Penny :-)
I can't believe he didn't want to just tear down every ornament! That's either a very good kitty, or a very clever one :P
That is one happy cat! Weird, I thought cats loved to tackle Christmas ornaments!
holiday blessings to you and yours, kit!
that mean you're living off your writing income? ;)
Maybe you should put Mr MacDoonagoogle on your tree and see if that gets any attention!!! Merry almost!
Hooray for being on vacation from work - what an awesome feeling! Have a very merry Christmas!
Isn't that always the way - no camera at the perfect moment! This photo works anyway :)
We're glad to hear Charlie finally realized the tree is just a big toy for him :)...We hope you guys are enjoying a fun Christmas week together...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
Charlie do love Mr MacDoonagoogle lots! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and Charlie! Saliva or no, there is fun to be had with the holidays. :o)
My 16 month old won't leave our tree alone. Perhaps I'll send her over to give Charlie lessons. LOL!
Charlie's so cute with his little toy. And don't worry about commenting, I'm behind as well.
Charlie, we're not allowed to have a tree (something about non-spatially-aware Maine Coons)
You enjoy that tree for the both of us!!
Go, Charlie! We wouldn't want him to be too good--makes the rest of us look really, really bad. :-P
Yeay for being not officially at work anymore! I am officially still at work - at least in body ;)
Abigail and Ginger like hiding behind the Christmas tree but they are not amazingly fond of interacting with it. Have you seen the website of the cartoonist Simon's Cat? Google it - he has a great film about a cat and a Christmas tree!
We haven't touched the Christmas tree yet because we were trying to be 'nice', but if wonderful Charlie can't resist, we think it's about time to go crazy!!!
If he did it once, he'll do it again - keep that camera handy!
Yeah, you don't have to work. Charlie what a good boy you are not to mess with the tree. Black had a blast knocking those toys off the tree. We hope Santa brings you all kinds of toys and treats Charlie and your staff too. Have a very Merry Holiday.
Forget the missed shot... that's really a sweet pic of Charlie. So angelic!! Charlie is determined to show his best side. :) xo xo
Trust me, you should be THANKFUL. My tree is officially a goner...
Why do I have the feeling that Charlie waited to knock off the ornament until your camera was out of reach?
Charlie, enjoy playing w/ Mr. MacDoonagoogle as long as it holds up! :)
Cats work hard to be cute when there's no camera to hand.
hehehehe, Charlie, good show......you did it when she couldn't document it!!!!!!!
Being seniors, we haven't done much to our tree either....I, Sammy, lay under it, but Andy has pawed a couple ornaments off it.
I (Sammy) also always climbed the tree....but that was years ago when I was a lot younger....now I'm content to just lay under it.
We love you and your mum bunches, and purr that you will have a most wonderful Christmas. xxxxxxxxx
Yay for not being officilly at work Jenn - we hope you're not going to cramp Charlie's style though when his ladies call round during "office hours" to visit with him!!
I could have sworn I left a comment, oh well, there goes the memory. I think you should put that thing on the Christmas tree and see what happens!
Charlie looks quite content with his catnip toy! Have a glorious ten days off. And thanks so much for being such a great commenter on my blog, Kitty - I love seeing your little avatar each day! :-)
Our tree looks bedraggled from the cats batting the ornaments off the lower layers! Oh well. Wishing you and Charlie a very Merry Christmas.
oh, I love Charlie! :o) Merry Christmas to you both~ :o) <3
The cats are doing it to our tree, too; plus they're chewing on another one we have . . . but they seem to be in the Christmas spirit, anyway. :D
Charlie looks quite content!
Isn't it funny when they knock the balls off the trees.
My sister got two 10 week old kittens last week. The other morning she came downstairs and they were both way up in the branches, they looked like the cutest little kitty ornaments. But of course, the camera was upstairs.
Little Charlie, you are such a good boy not getting in your mommy's christmas tree. And there she is wanting kitty antics!
We are so glad to be back to bisit you.
Has a very good Christmas!
Love TK and Squashies
That's really funny - that Charlie is at one end of the 'destroy the decorations' scale and Archie is at the other! But well done to Charlie for getting there in the end! At least neither of them are into full-blown tree climbing-and-pulling-right-over - that wouldn't be good. Hope you and Charlie have a lovely Christmas day with lots of treats for both of you, and thanks so much for your good wishes for our Christmas - it is really upsetting me seeing my mum - she actually thinks she's died already, but all my friends and family are being fantastic and it makes so much difference having so much support xxxx
Go Charlie!!
Merry Christmas my friends!
enjoy your break!
Never fails, we never have a camera when we need one!
Have a merry christmas!
I can't believe you're encouraging Charlie to misbehave. And even funnier that he waited to do it. Maybe Charlie will swat around another ornament when you have your camera in hand.
Enjoy your break!
Ever since I got that perky mobile phone (iPhone), I miss these opportunities a little less....
... but then, the picture QUALITY- oh the horror!
What a prefect picture of Charlie!
You've finished work? Lucky you. I've got to work until at least 7pm tonight :(
Er... interact with tree??
What are humans thinking??????
It is a tree!!
Love, Lucky & Co.
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