Bloggie friends!! There's more to teeth than I realised!
Before my dental appointment the practice sent me a questionnaire to fill in. This is a new procedure apparently!
Question 41: Have you ever had the following: emotional problems
Question 51: Are you considered a touchy person?
[And my favourite question of the lot:]
If you could change your smile, would you?
Oh my.
Charlie says: I am cleaning my paw.
Before my dental appointment the practice sent me a questionnaire to fill in. This is a new procedure apparently!
Question 41: Have you ever had the following: emotional problems
Question 51: Are you considered a touchy person?
[And my favourite question of the lot:]
If you could change your smile, would you?
Oh my.
Charlie says: I am cleaning my paw.

Have a whimsical weekend everyone!
20-21 gregarious days to Christmas!
Oh my. Earlier Jen and I were talking about the baby tooth that's still in the front of her mouth. The other one has never come done; just sits unmoving in the roof of her mouth? What if the baby tooth decays away? Well, if would alter her smile. But she's 45, and if she doesn't bite anything, I tell her it just might survive for many more years. I don't believe in fixing/replacing something until it gives up the ghost!!
Those dental questions are--interesting. Change you smile? What in the world does THAT mean!
You're right. There's definitely more to teeth than we realize!! Jen agrees, and sends her smiling regards.
Ann Best, A Long Journey Home
Those are some unusual questions! Maybe your dentist is a shrink on the side.
maybe he is an aesthetic dentist.
Is your dentist cleaning your teeth or looking for a date??? Your kitty should use that paw to whap some sense into them.
THANKS for downloading the first chapter of Blackmail Bride. I wrote it so I'm chuffed you've taken a look. Hope you like it. We blog at - mostly about cats.
Aha, a questionnaire you can really sink your teeth into.
Aint that the tooth :-)
Enjoy your weekend and both of you, stay warm!
YEAH, I have emotional problems so don't you dare touch me!!!
Emotional problems? Touchy? What are they insinuating? What are they afraid of? Some crazed patient biting them?
Then again, the 'touchy' question could be interpreted more than one way.
If one wasn't peeved by the questions, they might change your smile. :-)
Haha so funny that Charlie is embarrassed by these question, "must clean paw"!
Dentists are evil -- those survey questions don't dissuade me otherwise. :)
Talking of dentists, I've got an appointment with mine on Wednesday. Yikes!
Enjoy your weekend too :)
Those are some very deep questions, Kitty. I'm not sure if you should answer them without getting to know your dentist first. Lol. (I remember reading similar questions at my last teeth cleaning.) Charlie looks so handsome, give him a wink for me. (;
It's a dental appointment, not a date! Sheesh.
LOL! I always love their questionnaires--they're worse than doctor's in their silliness.
Thanks for sharing! Yay for Christmas on its way!
You should write down, "Do you REALLY want me to answer these questions? Wouldn't it be easier to assume the answer is just NO?"
Wow, it's getting your passport or something just to see a dentist. Will they refer you to a shrink if you answer in the affirmative?
What a bizarre questionnaire! Made me laugh though. Charlie, that paw is immaculate!
That's really weird! I've never been asked any of those things by a dentist.
Uh, aren't those questions a bit on the intrusive side? Our dental office has a form to fill out (and keep updated) re: health issues and medications, which makes sense given that a person could have an allergic or other reaction to the freezing and whathaveyou.
But asking if you've had emotional problems? If you're a touchy person? And what's with the "change your smile" thing? I hope those are OPTIONAL questions. Well, they shouldn't be asked at all, IMO. Gees.
Now just what has some of that got to do with The forms you have to fill in get worse every day. Hope all goes well.. HUgs GJ xx
Thats so weird- a touchy emotional person would not like that at all!
"Would you change your smile?" Is this dentist trying to plant discontent - perhaps increase business?! Bet everyone who reads that question runs to the mirror to critique their poor smiles!
Have a good saturday!
Are you a touchy person - was the dentist hoping you were going to grab the crown jewels? (if he's a male dentist that is) haha!
Do you have to post that are only 21 days till I have to have everything done. LOL
Those are very strange questions and I think I would find another dentist. Do let us know how that appointment goes.
Our best to Charlie. Cleaning the paw is a great idea. Take care.
That's very strange. Why do they want to know if you're touchy?
Someone in that office has way to much time on their paws! Tell them Charlie!
Interesting!!!!!!!!!! Mama is happy her dentist doesn't ask such questions.
Another fantastic pic of you handsome Charlie. xxxxxxxxxxx
The only question that should ever be asked at a dentist is:
Would you like free treatment today?
Greetings! I'm J...your newest follower. :)
What a sweet kitty!
Oh, my. Since when did getting your oral hygiene become a psychological endeavor?
Wow, that is quite a questionaire for a dental appointment; I'm sure you will be glad to get those crazy questions over with=it might be worse than the actual dental visit (you can hope)!!...Happy weekend, handsome Charlie and sweet Jenn; stay warm and enjoy your time together...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
That's weird question !
When they ask about touchy do they mean physically or emotionally? Or both?
Charlie is always so practical!
I might have to answer that I like to hug a lot to the question "Are you touchy?"
Have a lovely weekend, Jennifer!
I think they are really wondering if you are going to go postal on your dentist, so to speak... Also, some drugs they may use in order to do procedures (laughing gas or general anesthesia)may be contraindicated... though I think they could wait to do the whole thing until they have a more serious procedure to do...
LOL those questionnaires are always strange... how DO you feel about your smile? ;)
Dentists and vets, two of my least favourite things. FAZ
DOn't go! My vet cleaned my teeth and kept three of them!!
And I would have to check YES to all three questions, I guess. Since they had to knock me out to touch me.
Beyone my comprehension. I'm with Charlie.... I'll just lick my paws. But I do say, "Smile and your teeth smile with you." :)
Sunny Sunday.... (you could think of a much better!)
I wanted to say thanks for your good thoughts for our Rudy!
Hmmmm I would change my smile as long as it didn't mean extra (and painful) trips to the dentist. 20 days 'till Christmas, yaaaaaaay!
Eh? What bizarre questions! Is your dentist carrying out some secret research on the side?
I find those questions somewhat strange... but ok. lol.
Old Kitty - Hi. What in the world is your dentist getting at? LOL. And, if you answer tham "wrong", does that mean your teeth won't be cleaned? =D Hope your weekend's been great.
Um, those are some interesting questions. You didn't say how you answered them, lol!
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