I swear that I ventured to the centre of town with the single minded and sole purpose of stocking up my quota of fruit and veg.
I did not intend to return laden with bags –BAGS!! – of sale items from the shops!!
My summer wardrobe is now all sorted for next year!
Charlie says: My quota of treats need stocking up too.

Still being frivolous on my holiday!
Sounds like you had a lot of fun! I haven't ventured farther than the library yet!! :)
I haven't been out yet....that's tomorrow. I'm scared!!!!
Thinking ahead! What did you get?
I miss the warmer weather. When we were in NY, we had snow and did plenty of shoveling. Then we returned to MA and had to do it all over again.
Do you still have snow?
Charlie, I wish I live near by....My plum got so many fruits : )
Aha, I hope, after all that, you remembered your quota of fruit and veg.
And please tell Charlie, what with him being a talking cat, that his agent should be getting him loads of treats, as part of the deal:-)
Take good care, Gary
Kitty, enjoy the frivolous things~
WE all think that is superb!
Helllllllllllllllooo sweet Charlie.
LOL, I'm heading out tomorrow...So what you are saying is there are no fresh fruits and veg left only lovely new spring and summer clothes...Sounds like we'll have fun shopping.
Have a wonderful New Year, Jennifer!
Wow you are so lucky to have found a lot of stuff on sale! I went looking for stuff (though not clothes, I was looking for decorations) and found nothing. It is always when you AREN'T looking that you find stuff!
And we hope you did get some treats for Charlie!
BAGS? As in plural???
Can wait to see what you have stocked up
... and ... er..
of course, I am sure you did not forget about Charlie? hehehe :)
Be sure to get Charlie those treats!
Nothing wrong with "treating" yourself too!! I say if you can afford to be "frivolous" go for it! We only go around once you know! You deserve it!!
I ventured out to a retail park yesterday to get a book I was after with one of my Christmas book tokens. It was hideous! Hope Charlie got those treats!
Hey sometimes you just have to buy things.
Lovely shopping, I went looking for a calendar yesterday and came home with teacups. I hope summer comes soon.
Oh, good for you! Holidays are SO about being frivolous! :-)
Thanks for the comments re: Annie....She was tearing around in the middle of the night, playing and meowing her fool head off, not at death's door. But something's definitely amiss. I will update when I have info.
'Tis the season to go shopping...
I hope you didn't forget Charlie's treats!
LOL. It's amazing how we kid ourselves! I'm just popping into town for tea, honest. Nothing else.
I'm thrilled you got so many bargains and lucky you for getting near the shops.
Now get buying those treats for Charlie!
It does you good to have a spending splurge now and again.
Did you remember your fruit and veg though?
What a cute picture!!! Hey, your Mom has been shopping too?
I like your bag style of "new" clothes. I get mine out of my daughter's Goodwill bag.
You are "so" enjoying your vacation time. Happy for you.
aren't the words frivilous and holiday synonymous? Or so I thought :)
bags are fun, so enjoy!
Good for you. You probably got all kinds of great deals. Hope you got some fruit and veggies too. Sounds like you are getting all organized. Did she stock up your treat cabinet Charlie?? Let us know if she didn't and we will take care of that. Have a super day.
Charlie, you had best put you treat list somewhere by your Mom's stuff so she can't miss it when she goes out!
Good for you! I don't think they have summer stuff out quite yet here. They ususally wait until February. Charlie has a red collar peeking out today. He's a surprise every day.
YAY for the bargains......we are both hoping you also got lotza bargains for Charlie, too.....you know, treats and toys.
Love to the both of ya. You are very special to us.
Hi Old Kitty,
Lucky you! I was good this year and didn't shop at all, except for a beautiful pair of boots. ;)
My kitties are happy with their new treats and the toys we bought for their friends: BOO & Kiwi ;)
Wishing you all the best for 2011.
Happy New Year!
You really deserve this FUN TIME & am glad you're enjoying your holiday. If the items were on sale, then it's all good. I'm sure you picked up some treats for Charlie, right?! :)
oh, I love/hate it when that happens! Look at Charlie needing a good scratchin... You guys have a wonderful new year~ :o) <3
Nothing quite like a spot of shopping to make one feel good.. Enjoy your stash.. Hugs GJ xx
Did you get any good deals? :D
What a fun trip to make though! Organizing is my mommy's favorite thing to do.
We agrees with Charlie- MORE TREATS!
Happy New Year to both of you.
Love, TK and Squashies
teehee--off season sales can be impossible to resist, eh? Hopefully you won't make Charlie wear anything though--cats frown on that.
Charlie, did she actually return with BAGS of goodies for herself and NOT EVEN ONE bag of goodies for you? We can't believe it. She must be intending to make another trip to town, one just for you. :)
Ooh...good for you! :)
Yeah, after holiday shopping! Hope you found some great things. And yes, don't forget to stock up on cat treats!
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