Charlie says: I am not amused with this toy

Charlie says: I hope you kept the receipt

Charlie says: Before you return it, I shall give it a good licking first.

What may I learn from this? Er.... never settle for second best - cos you're worth it!
Have a terrific Tuesday everyone!
Five fanatastic days to Christmas!
Charlie, you are one dang cute cat!!! :-)
LOL! Charlie, we see how little you like your new toy. :-P
Hmm, so what did you ask Santa Claws to bring you? Nip, nip, and nip?
oww Charlie, that catnip toy sure looks good
Old Kitty - I love Charlie!!! Seriously, I love your cat. I'm so glad you show us pics of him. I've become addicted. LOL
my kitty does not like catnip- she makes a gagging every time we try it.
He just had to pretend he wasn't interested at first!
As I read this post the line from the song Sylvia's mother said keeping going around and around in my head. Just thought you should know that. Hope you are keeping safe and warm with all that snow! Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Charlie looks like he's playing with a baby instead of a catnip toy.
The lesson I always learn from cats is... you never know what they're going to like?
Oh, I do love the way a cat will look at something with complete disdain and then suddenly decide it's worth playing with after all. Great pics :)
Aw, that sequence was too cute (And funny).
Thanks to me uber-allergic brother-in-law, we're holding off on fostering more kitties until after the holidays, and it is KILLING me - I miss having cats in the house so much. It feels lonely to me not to have any kittehs. So I'm very glad you post cute photos of Charlie every day for me to get a little bit of a kitty fix, anyway. He is so darn photogenic (or you're an awesome photag, or both!).
Charlie you are smart to be picky about your toys - we all are. Lucky for our mom with so many of us there is always at least one cat that likes any toy she brings home!
ha ha the L'Oreal of cat toys :) Merry Christmas and a safe and happy yule to you too :)
Charlie deserves the best because he's so cute!
Looks like Charlie tried to be aloof - but it didn't quite work :)
Cat spit increases the value!
Rumblemum is in love with your sweet trousers! you're so cute my friend!
Doesn't Charlie look handsome? Do you have to brush his fur to keep it looking so good?
Hey Charlie, can you return a gift after playing with it?
It's a while since I got catnip from Culpepper's. I'll have to get some for my two!
We clicked over to see what all the fuss was about and we can see why you love those toys, Charlie! Adorable!
Meowy Christmas! And a happy New Year! here's to a stocking FILLED with catnip.
I've had that problem, some catnip is better than others.
I have kittie pics scehduled on my haiku post tomorrow. :O)
I'm glad Charlie likes the toy! Only five days until Christmas? Oh my!
Go Charlie Go! I always love a great catnip toy, but my favorite is on my blog today!
Last time I gave cat-nip toys to my cats they destroyed them in five seconds flat and then spent ages rolling zonked in the cat nip spread across the carpet. I don't dare give them another! Although my cats do give their toys the same look as Charlie - 'human, why do you think this pleases me?!'
Is Charlie getting his presents early - or has time gone by even faster that I thought ?!
Warmer today - 3 degrees above freezing - even in the caravan - might put my shorts on in a minute :-)
All best
Charlie is a man of discerningly excellent taste. Great day to you both...
Watch the weather!!! x0 x0
Agreed !
With love and best wishes, Frank, Mew and AMIE SOTO BLOSSOM :-) xxx
loved this!! he finally gave in to the nip!!!
Cat Chat
Cats have one thing in common Jenn - they only like the best and Charlie is obviously no exception to this!! Of course the price doesn't make the toys last longer!
Cats can be finicky with toys - sometimes they just need time to really get into it!
Wonderful pix of you, handsome Charlie!!!!!!!! We're both particular about our toys, too.....and our catnip!!!!!!!
We hope you and OK have a brilliant Christmas and New Year....we love you both so very much.
Oh Charlie,
How fun! You may be picky, but I think catnip would be a marvelous toy! that is, at least for a cat!
Old Kitty, thank you so much for your compassion and kind words regarding my incident I talked about on Saturday. I'm feeling that forgiveness was the way to go and this isn reinforced this week as I've gone through the last couple of days of school. It just feels better...
I appreicate YOU! and glad you are a part of blogging ocmmunity :) Blessings to you!
*shivers* I could FEEL Charlie's disdain! Cali, on the other hand will play with ANYTHING. For instance I was trimming a picture to put in a fram so I had little curls of photopaper... BEST TOY EVER... Until the hubby got annoyed all to heck and yelled at me to clean it up... *rolls eyes* He doesn't get that I leave things like that around for HER...
Haha! Charlie is, indeed, worth it! :)
Hope you're both staying warm!
Too cute! I'll have to check out those toys. I've bought catnip toys before, but Riley never played with them. Must have been the cheap stuff!
Have a lovely day...:)
LOL. Catnip and cats is some combination . . . :D
Charlie, that must be a great toy if you are giving it a licking. Looks like that it is a keeper. Take care and have a wonderful Tuesday.
I love the look of disdain on Charlie's face in the 2nd photo!
I agree! Only the best fro Charlie!
He just had to warm up to it.
Charlie knows Quality!
Hehehe, the catnip toy looks familiar!
Well Charlie, YOU certainly deserves it! :)
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