Charlie is hiding for shame, bloggie friends!!!

Cos my tree is embarassing!! LOL!!!

Feel free to chortle!! I did!!
I've just had my work Christmas dinner thingy and am a little worse for wear so please bear with me as I visit y'all very very late!!!
11 rollicking days to Christmas!
Your tree is sweet - size is not the issue, just the lovely sparkling light in the dark winter. Happy recovery!
I think it's adorable!
One year, my brother and I decorated a fern!!!!!
Hello Charlie,
This is Buster and Henry, the kitty cats from and we feel your pain...really! We are super embarrassed because our mom hasn't even gotten a Christmas tree set up yet and she hasn't put up any decorations either! It is an outrage, I tell you! At least your mom actually made a Christmas effort and for that you should be very grateful! Ummm....if this non-Christmasy stuff keeps going on could we please get on an airplane and meet you at the airport? This non-holiday spirit stuff of hers is shameful and we don't want any part of this empty home!
Oh! It's Charlie Brown's Christmas tree!!! No laughter from me. We had to switch to an artificial tree b/c our precious feline (not!) likes to EAT any living plant that enters this house.
Did I mention her name's Flower? ;p <3
Actually, compared to my tree, your tree looks awesome. Then again, I haven't even thought about putting up the Christmas tree:-)
Take it easy y'all...
Hope you had a rollicking time at the Office Christmas party/dinner.
As for your tree I didn't chortle at it until you told me to chortle. I think I just chortled at the word chortle.
We don't have a tree at all so you still win!
That is the Charlie Brown Christmas tree, for sure. Very cute.
Old Kitty - Your tree is lovely. I don't think Charlie is hiding, but seeking. He's looking for a way to tell you your tree is FAB-U-LOUS. =D Cheers. xoxo
LOL, Charlie should hang his head in shame, we've had plenty of Christmas casualties here over the years, hope your Christmas thingy was good!
We think your christmas tree is cute, nothing to be embarrased about. Well done, Charlie!
Ha! Our tree was like that last year. I'm chortling! Can't help it!
Come on out Charlie, it'll be okay, I promise!!!
That is a Charlie Brown tree if I've ever seen one! I think it's perfect, though. I love it!
Oh That's your cute little Norfolk that was out in the snow. That's so adorable! Who has time these days to put up tons of decorations......We don't!. Bet I can match you on the size of tree. LOL
Charlie, come out from there and tell the human she's a creative genius.
Take care xo xo
I think your tree is lovely! Charlie's probably just hiding because it's fun. :)
Aw, I think your tree is adorable! And definitely very festive! Love it!
Hope your not too hung over today. Ha!
That's cute!!! I love it. :)
My WF is "pacing." Maybe that's a hint?
Our mama says she likes your reminds her of the one she had the Christmas she lived in Ireland.
We bet Charlie has the same objection to small trees as we can't lay under them!!!!!! ...or not comfortably, anyway.
Love to the two of you.
Er.... Charlie, it isn't that bad! :)
Heheheh, it is the spirit of Christmas that counts!! :)
P:S: Charlie, the tube is big enough for two? hehehee
Wooo hooo!!! 11 days to Xmas!
Charlie isn't hiding his head in shame - he's looking for some more tinsel. Hope you had a good time at your work's Christmas party and managed a small bevy or two!!
I LOVE your little Charlie Brown tree! Charlie--no need to be embarrassed! (though maybe he's just mad--Cali uses the tree as a point from which to ambush the rest of us and that tree is a little lacking on that front)
Oh, I think it is a fine little tree! Tell Charlie to come out and have some fun with it!
Exuberant minimalism?
Oh, Charlie, where's your support?
Even Charlie Brown's Christmas tree needed love!
Oh, it's not so bad, Charlie. It needs a little love, like Charlie Brown's tree. :-)
Oh dear, Old Kitty. Just LOOK at that tree! :) No wonder poor Charlie is in hiding.
I hope you got all the bugs off...
Now your tree is not nearly as bad as ours. WE think your tree is just gorgeous. It is all in the way you look at it. And we think it is very pretty. Charlie you can come out of hiding now. It ain't bad at all. At least you have a tree. Take care.
It's a nice tree! :)
Maybe not the tall, robust kind that's more common--it's just unique!
LOL. At least you have your Chritmas tree out. Ours is still collecting spiders in the garage.
We spent the afternoon at my step-sons and they have a six-month Persian kitten called Gizmo. He spent the whole afternoon staring at me. I've never had so much attention from a 'man'!
Nothing embarrassing about the tree at all. At 1st I thought he was embarrassed because he was playing w/ some ornaments & they fell. Charlie should be proud of that tree & so should you. :)
Tree has a spirit you know... it will give it a complex !
Charlie's fault :-) x x x
We think it is a cute tree - and it looks like it would be great to chew on too (we bet Charlie just hasn't sampled it yet!) At least you have a tree - we remember a few years ago when mom was too lazy to even put any tree up!
LOL. It's perfect! I love how you have a kitty picture foe everything! :-)
Mom didn't even want to put up any Christmas decorations this year. She probably wouldn't have if Dad had pushed her. Maybe she'll do it next year. We think your tree is adorable, and very festive.
I have enjoyed your comments for some time now on other kitty friends' blogs. Thought I would drop by and tell you that.
what happened? the one in your office looks more sparkly.
Your tree is adorable! Very often less is more.
OMC, I LOVE IT!!! That is your outdoor tree and that is the best kind...I can't wait to see it next year! hehehehe
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