It’s time to write a post
On the day I love the most!
Yet words are failing me
And I need a cup of tea!
So here dear bloggie friends
My offering to make amends
My words of anarchy
Another bad poetry!
Charlie says: I run to next door quick before they shut their front door!
On the day I love the most!
Yet words are failing me
And I need a cup of tea!
So here dear bloggie friends
My offering to make amends
My words of anarchy
Another bad poetry!
Charlie says: I run to next door quick before they shut their front door!

Thank you all so much for your kind words for my sister and her family – they are safe. We are keeping everyone – humans/pets/wildlife- affected by the mad global weather in our thoughts.
Good news about your sister!
And Charlie does not appreciate fine poetry, does he?
I hope your Friday is wonderful!
happy friday charlie and oldkitty
Hurray for weekend anarchy. And poetry about it! Have a great few days of fun, Kitty. Daniel Craig is dropping by your place for a visit. He said that you said he could. (I always knew he liked you more than me, and I can't say I blame him. ;)
Hi Old Kitty,
Sorry for not being around much lately. Anyhow, I think your poetry is really kinda' neat. I mean who needs a 'poetic licence'? Heck, I haven't even passed my test. LOL
Take very good care.
In kindness, Gary.
That's better poetry than I could do! ;-)
Glad to hear your family is well. Have a wonderful weekend!
The only bad post is the one that never happens! I always enjoy your prose. Happy weekend you two!
Charlie, you never fail to make me smile with your words or meow!
Thanks to the human translator!!
Yeah, it is Friday!!
Not that it makes any more sense to me now that I'm ahem, arrrhemm ... slave to one human, 13 cats!
Oh Charlie. I love me some Friday anarchy, and Friday anarchy on Thursday is pretty much... anarchious? ;)
I missed the post about your sister until now when I went down and re-read. She and her family and all in the area will be in my thoughts and prayers. I know what it's like to lose a house and belongings (to a fire) and at the same time just remain thankful that everyone is safe. Hugs to all.
thank goodness all are safe!
Why was Charlie running to the neighbor's door before they shut it?
Charlie, I love my next door too : )
Charlie is leaving you?!?!
Come back Charlie!
I love the Charlie pictures, always :D
Happy Friday :) Very glad to hear your sister & family are safe.
I love that poem, very nice. Charlie is so cute :D
I like your poem and good for Charlie as always he knows what his priories are. Glad your sister and family are safe and sound. I saw a boat being crushed under a bridge on the news and I felt really sorry fot the boat, too it seemed such a shame!
Really glad to hear that your sister and sons are safe. Hope things improve drastically for them.
Long live fridays (and anarchy)!
Run, Charlie, run!
I'm so glad to hear your sister and her family are safe. Thanks for the update.
Have a great weekend!
That's not bad poetry - it brought a smile to my face.
I'm so glad your sister and her family are safe. Sending you and them virtual hugs.
Old Kitty and Charlie,
You're doing a great job with your poems, Old Kitty.
"The Boys" and I weren't here yesterday so we didn't know about your sister. We're glad to know she and her family are safe. We've seen some of the photos on TV. We'll keep your family in our prayers.
Thanks for your recent comment at Kittens 'n Things. I did find it difficult to not lay into that person about his/her comment about her cat.
Kitties are lucky to have you to champion their causes.
Charlie, don't stay at the neighbor's too long.
Anarchy poetry - catchy!
Have a mad, wonderful weekend.
We had not heard about your sister but we are purring really hard for her and anyone else affected by the harsh weather!
We like your Friday poetry! It's a fun way to end the work week and launch the weekend. We hope you have a great day!
And now if only I could stop writing from the cats' point of view....
Smooches to gorgeous Charlie!
We are glad your human family is safe! There have been some very sad videos coming from there.
Take care, and Happy Friday!
~ Malachi and The Bunch
We were so pleased that your sister and her family were all safe and well - it must be so terrible for those who have lost loved ones.
Has Charlie got a lady friend next door - he always seems to be in such a rush to get there!! (or is it their treat packet rustling).
The poetry did mKe me smile :)
teehee--I like your little silly poem...
Happy NAKED weekend! (looks like Charlie is looking forward to it!)
Happy happy Friday, Old Kitty! I hope you have a great weekend. Hi to Charlie!
You are so creative! Friday is the day I like most too (especially since I've been sick all week and had to work)!
Your poetry is always fun. You got the knack!! I guess people who work would naturally like Friday the best. You can tell I'm one of those Victorian non- workers-out-of-the-house cookies.
Old Kitty, we really liked your poem......we are furever fans of yours.
Another handsome picture of you sweet Charlie.
We send both of you our love.
Glad your sister's safe.
Charlie, hurry up! :)
TGIF & it's a cute poem.
I'm glad to hear your sister is okay! How scary! Have a good weekend!
Run Charlie, RUN!
We love your bad poetry.
Glad they are safe at this time. Funny poem, keep them coming!
NICE paw-em!
Best wishes for a wonderful weekend.
Paws 'n Claws,
The weekend.. Your poem is good. My mum cant make anything rhyme.. Hugs GJ xx
Charlie, you are too funny running to the neighbors. They must have good treats over there.
We liked your poem. That was neat. See you do have talent to write.
Hope you have a great week end too.
Oh yes, thank goodness it's Friday! I love your little ditty!
Cute poem. Love it, anarchy or not!
Enjoy your weekend!
~Elizabeth :)
Well, even if the words were failing you, it's still an awesome post. :)
Hooray for Friday!
Hope you have a great weekend!
I loved your poem - made me laugh out loud, especially the surprising last line. :)
Have a great weekend! I'm so glad it's Friday too... I'm home from work early and it's actually a three-day weekend for us since we celebrate Martin Luther King day on Monday.
enjoy your weekend, kit :)
Good news about your sister!
Charlie are you running towards the weekend?
I think Charlie is too funny to run to the neighbor's house while you read your poem out loud! I hope Charlie comes back to you soon!
Charlie loves visiting nextdoor?
Have a wonderful weekend!
Loved the poem, but why is Charlie going next door? What do they have. I must know. Glad to hear about your sister and nephews. Hope things continue to improve for them.
Hmm, now I want a cuppa.
But I'm about to go to bed,
Decisions, decisions
Glad to hear the fam is A-pkay. Pets too. Have a great weekend! Oh, and nice poetry. This is not my longsuit so I generally stay away from it.
I'm glad to hear your sister and her family are okay. I only just scrolled down and saw the post! What a terrible thing to have to deal with. I hope all continues to go well and safe.
Love the poetry! I always do. You crack me up, my dear. Charlie is looking quite frisky today!
I have an award for you on my blog
So glad your sister and her family are safe. Must be scary for you worrying about her, though. (It's human nature.)
Hussah - it's the weekend! Hope you enjoyed your cup of tea.
Love the poetry, hope your having a great weekend
Penelope is the one on the left.
Hi! So glad your sister and her sons are safe.
Great poem. LOL Hope your weekend has been great.
xoxo to you and Charlie!! =D
I came to check on you and make sure all was well...I am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way!
I love Fridays too :). The flowers on the sidebar of your blog (pansies?) are very pretty.
Hi Old Kitty! Glad your sister is safe! I love your poem! :) Almost end of weekend here, sorry my comment is a bit late...I hope you are enjoying your Sunday!
Hope you've had a great weekend!
Glad to hear your sister and family are safe. Fridays are the best...but now it's monday for me already :(
Trying to catch up with bloggy stuff I have come across such terrible stories.... Pleased to hear about your sister.
Hey Charlie... OFF THE ROAD !
He isn't on the road I know... but he's thinking about it... :-) x x x
OMC, I just read about your sister. I am so glad she and her family are ok. That is crazy weather in Australia and it worries me.
I hope you had a nice weekend!
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