Charlie sniffs the medal!

Charlie grabs the medal!

Charlie wears the medal!

Before Old Kitty eats the (chocolate) medal... ahem.
We here at Ten Lives have gone Olympics crazy!!! We are loving every minute of it and watching every event we are able to watch – screaming at the telly and cheering! What a joy to experience!
Now for all you budding writers!!
Here's a flash story fiction contest from a new publication! It’s free to enter, you write your story in 250 words or less and you base it on the pic published on the submission page (here). Good luck!
See you all next week!!
Charlie, you look very fetching wearing your Gold Medal!!
How are you feeling? We think of you often and Cecil is jelly because he would love to have stinky goodness food for every meal!!
Your furiends,
Chloe, Cecil, Winston and Mom Shawn
So glad you and Charlie are loving the Olympics too. I could sit and watch it all day long and do nothing else!!! :)
Even though I'm a huge Federer fan, it was joy to watch Andy Murray earn his gold today!
Oh..congratulations on your purrty medal, Charlie!
Yay for Charlie and yay you are enjoying the Olympics :)
In the spirit of the Olympics, I've been practising synchronized swimming by going out to my clothesline and sticking a peg on my nose!
The finals of the hundred metres egg and spoon race is on at six P.M., British time, on Monday. I wonder who will win? The egg? Or the spoon?
Sorry my writing is not budding. The buds have wilted! :)
Take care, eh.
Your starstruck fan, Gary
Way to go Charlie, you are solid gold in our book!
Oooh I may give that competition a chance, for some fun :) I've seen those chocolate medals, they make me curse my diet. Charlie does look cute with it around his neck though :)
A chocolate medal. Excellent idea. I should award myself one :)
Great pictures of Charlie! :)
Thanks for the information about the contest.
cute photos of Charlie
Love the pics of Charlie!
Charlie deserves the Gold Medal for enduring all those vet visits!
Go for the gold, Charlie!
It's so much fun to have the Olympics in your own country. And it's great having the same time zone.
Thanks for the flash fiction link. I'll check it out.
What event did Charlie win his gold? Mice chasing perhaps? Or maybe sleeping? Oh wait, I know!! He won the gold for looking so cute!
I think I'd like a (good) chocolate medal more than a real one. LOL. Charlie's a gold medal winner anyway--heck, he deserves one for all that he's gone through recently. :-)
I love watching the Olympics too! What fantastic athletes, and London is being the perfect host.
Maybe Charlie likes chocolate 'cause it's soft in his mouth?
Charlie deserves the gold and you deserve the chocolate - I think you should award yourselves another one for every GB Gold :-) xx
Charlie is an Olympic champion in our book!
I bet Charlie would take the gold for chasing mice and eating. :)
Charlie looks awesome in that medal! I know...the Olympics get me fired up too. So inspiring and exciting. Have a wonderful week!!!
So Charlie your Mum ate your gold Olympic Medal - are you going to her her a whap?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Charlie is wearing his Olympic medal (for cat napping or astute blog observations?) with pride.
Ooh a tasty competition. Yummie. Of to take a gander.
Charlie looks so good in his medal.
Yea for Charlie! I hope you played God Save the Queen for him :)
AWWWW!!!! Charlie, you deserve every Gold medal there is. Don't let Mommy eat your medal, lol!
We're watching Olympics too. It's very exciting.
Thanks for sharing the compitition information.
Love the pictures! Charlie is just one cool cat.
I have been sadly neglectful about watching the Olympics (we don't get TV), but I'm still cheering them on at heart. And I may have watched a replay or two on the internet. :D
And thanks for the heads up on the contest. Very cool1
Hehehehe! Lovely Charlie.
Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog! :) I'm following yours, it's totally PAWESOME!!!
Charlie is UBER cute <3 and Basil is most jealous of his gold medal! LOL
Charlie is so cute, and he's got his own medal. Thanks for the link, will take a look. Good luck to you as well if you have a go.xx
All of the other athletes looked at Charlie, decided he was much too cute, adorable, and ferocious to go up against, and refused to compete.
I haven't watched much Olympics. Pretty sad for someone with a MSc in exercise physiology, huh?
We've been doing the same here...lots of hooting and hollering. Britain's athletes are doing fantastic, and our Canadian athletes are doing as well as we'd hoped.
Good thing it only happens every couple of years! (Of course I'm a huge fan of the winter Olympics)
Ah, bless that young Charlie, he is one of my stars... Oh meanie mum... it could have been catty flavored.
Now couldn't it ?
Think of all that walking your are going to have to do to walk that off.. before you stuff it in your mouth ! :-)
Gold medals, WOW.. what a weekend... especially Sunday afternoon... I could hardly get my bum off of the settee...
(actually I didn't)
Charlie, catty treats... WHY ?
Cos you deserve them :-)
Mum take care and DON'T EAT IT :-)
you can send it to me instead and I will help you burn off the calories :-) X X X
And here we all thought you had won a gold metal Charlie. It's chocolate, darn we thought gold was better. but at least it tasted good.
How are you Charlie?
✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.
Have a fun week watching the Olympics.
Well done Charlie! How are your gums? Hope you are feeling better.
I've seen chocolate coins before, but never a chocolate Olympic medal. That's clever.
Thanks for the heads-up about the competition. 250 words is around my preferred length!
And Charlie looks so cool with his medal. He ought to be on a podium, though.
haha last pic looks cool!
What a great idea, a chocolate gold medal, just for you Charlie. We have been watching the Olympics too and the British sure are doing well. That is terrific. Have a great day and hope that Charlie is feeling all right.
Haha! Charlie looks very at home with the gold medal. I'm so enjoying the Olympics, too. Can't believe how well we're doing!
Hi Charlie, you look very proud wearing the medal :-) The contest sounds fun. I will go check it out!
Charlie's so smart. He goes for the chocolate, not the gold so much.
Ohhhh, Charlie. That chocolate thingey looks pretty yummy.
We think your mum ought to enter that contest.
And we're watching the Olympics, too. We thought maybe we'd see you!
Charlie IS the medal!
I can just imagine how excited you and Charlie must be about the Olympics! The medal is purrfect for Charlie too but glad he didn't eat it!
That contest is something I will check out fur sure!
Thanks for your nice comments about my new rabbit client, Simbalina! She is a dear sweet girl!
Hey thanks for the link! I'll pass it on to a flash fiction writer friend of mine.
I haven't really been watching the Olympics. Just to busy, but I love that we're still having them after so very long. It's pretty impressive.
Why does he not look more pleased with his medal? He should be proud of himself!
Chocolate is as good as gold. And vice versa!
We're loving the Olympics too : )
That writing competition looks fun!!!
; ) Katie
Charlie is a gorgeous medal-deserving cat. And he seems very down to earth about the whole thing too : )
Mmm! Chocolate medals are the best medals of all. And how great to see Charlie looking so well! Yay! We've been dropping in and out of the Olympics viewing. But I imagine in jolly old England, they're unavoidable! And England's having a "gold rush," right? Good stuff. :o) <3
Thanks for the link to that flash fiction contest! Charlie looks well and chocolate- yummy. Have a terrific week!
Charlie's thinking, "Hey, I thought this was a chocolate medal."
Hi Old Kitty - I've had the tv on in the background ... but then I stop and watch the salient bits and then come back here - desperately trying to catch up - and not missing the events too much ...
Happy last few days .. just been told Eastbourne Airbourne is on this weekend - so it'll be noisy down here!!
Cheers Hilary
I've read your work, my friend. YOU could do the flash fiction contest.
So glad you and Charlie are enjoying the Olympics. It's neat when it's on your own turf, as it was on ours back when it was in Utah USA. Fun, fun!!
And many, many hugs from me and Jen!!
Charlie is quite the charmer. ;) Glad he's loving the Olympics right alongside ya!
I'm glad Charlie is just wearing the chocolate medal and not eating it. Chocolate is really bad for animals.
Thanks for the link. :)
It is so good to see Charlie looking better! He deserves a gold medal fr being a model cat.
I am also LOVING watching the Olympics! We missed a bit while on the road so I have been catching up since we've been home. Your country us doing a magnificent job as host!
yay for the medal!!!
its look nice on you Charlie
BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family
Way to seize that gold medal, Charlie! :)
We are loving the Olympics, too. :)
Flash fiction competition ... can't resist ... it's pulling me in ...
Charlie looks great in his medal.
Thanks for the link.
Welcome back, Charlie!!! I hope you're feeling better, we've been thinking about you (and your human) and hoping you're both ok.
Congrats to Charlie! He must be feeling better! :-)
I wuv Charlie!!!!
Mabel won't stay awake long enough to watch the games with me!
good luck if you enter, and thanks for the link:) Didnt our Katie do great!
Go Charlie go!!!
Oh Dog! I wonder if they make medals out of cookies.... I would SO want one!
Hoorah for Charlie, He always gets the medal in my eyes.
Oh Charlie - you are an award winning cat!!!
Thank you. After looking at dear Charlie, mom and I will follow the link and see what the picture is. xoxo
And Charlie, congratulations dearest boy. xoxoxo
Charlie looks good with his medal! We have been enjoying the Olympics and watching all sorts of sports even the odd ones like badminton and ping pong!
cats of wildcat woods
Yay Charlie, you deserve that medal!
I have been watching the weight lifting in awe. 8 stone women lifting 100kg How is that even possible??
Thanks for the link to the competiton!
Charlie doesn't look impressed with his gold medal. I think he may have preferred a catnip medal...
That's great. But stealing the chocolate from Charlie...
Well, Charlie, congrats on your medal!
we sooooooooooo enjoyed the Olympics! Particularly the swimming and gymnastics!
That medal is quite becoming on Charlie!
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