I spent a good bit of the evening just scraping shards of toffee from my woolly jumper. And I'm wearing a woolly jumper because I feel the cold even if it's pretty silly mild outside! And I'm eating a toffee apple or two everyday because Waitrose has them stacked temptingly at the entrance of their shop! And Waitrose are selling them because it's Halloween season!
Oh and do people know that clocks go BACK an hour this Sunday in the UK?!?!
Does anyone one know what that means?!?!
Charlie says: Stardate:010101. Day two of my forced confinement. I am in hell.

Have a taffeta Thursday everyone!
ooo, have a toffee apple for me please. there are none in site around here. I could make my own, but i'm just too lazy today!
Charlie is already looking better! I hope he's been able to eat a little.
Toffee apples are so good ...how can you resist? :)
All I can think is that if I tried to eat a toffee apple I'd pull off my crown and maybe pull out some of my fillings. LOL. Ah, how to tell your middle aged.... ;-)
Our loudest purrs to Charlie, that he is better soon!
BTW, this used to be the weekend that the clocks went back here in Canada (except the province of Saskatchewan, which never changes its time), but a few years ago we joined with the US in delaying the time change a week in the fall, so it's the first Saturday night in November now. And it's the first Saturday night in March (I think) that they go ahead.
Seems like six of one and half a dozen of the other to me, and pointless to do, period! Children either go to school or come home from school in the dark, so what does it matter? We humans are so foolish about a great many things. :-/
it means winter! LOL...Poor kitty...
I'd chop down an orchard for a good toffee apple!
Haha, no, there's no lady-like way to eat a candy apple, I'm afraid. But who cares! So apple juice is running down your hand and you've got strands of caramel strung out between you and the apple...but it's worth it, right? Right.
Sorry to hear about Charlie's pharyngitis! Have to say, never heard of a cat who got that! Guess he talks too much. :D
Charlie's a Trekker? He just escalated to a new level of coolness.
There are some things that it's impossible to eat and look good!
Charlie we hope you are feeling better!
We have to wait an extra week for that extra hour. I could use it right now!!
Enjoy that extra hour!
I could use an extra hour in bed. Our clock change is next weekend.
How can you possibly avoid the apples? Just avoid wearing wool during toffee-apple season.
There is no way to eat a toffee apple gracefully. A few weeks ago, I went to an orchard where they dipped the apple in the melted toffee. There was no way to eat that gracefully either. I needed a wet nap, but no shards.
I could sure use an extra hour for sure. I haven't had a caramel apple in years but now I'm craving one.
Charlie, Oh Toffee Apples...we LOVE them. And an hour extra of sleep is OH SO SWEET!
Banana and Cheese
Oh Charlie...We LOVE Toffee Apples! They are sticky and chewy and well, Banana was quite a mess after last Halloween.
The extra hour of sleep...oh that sounds great!
Banana and Cheese
an extra hour to sleeps..
thats sound goooooooddddd....
Charlie looks like he's adjusting to his forced confinement pretty well. I hope he's feeling better!
There's no good way to eat a mango, either.
Naked in the tub with a case of dental floss is my preferred method.
Charlie!! How are you feeling? Kissies from MomKat Trish all over your tumtum.
Charlie, you look really good today. I bet you feel better a little bit, don't you ?
Yuuuuum toffee apples! WANT...
Hi Kitty!
I've never been much into toffee apples but I know doughnuts tend to sprinkle sugar everywhere.
Oh, and about the clocks. If you visit my blog on Saturday, I'll have a hot man explaining it to you!
Charlie, you get more awesome every time we see you. You'd out-cool Shatner any day!!
An extra hour in bed? Cool! Mind you, it never seems to work if you have young children : they just get up and bounce up and down on you at the normal time ...
Oh... I envy you for that extra hour!
On the first day of Spring- an hour was stolen from me... I was that back!
Go have an extra toffee apple for me - I'd probably lose a tooth or two if I ate one.
We glad you enjoyed your fluffy toffee apple - perhaps as well Charlie didn't jump up for a cuddle while you were eating it or there could have been more fluff than toffee!
Hope Charlie is feeling much better and being good with his medication.
Luv and purrs to him from Hannah and Lucy xx xx
mmm, is toffee like caramel? Cause i love me some caramel! lol. I didn't know we moved the clocks back? I wonder if its the same in france this weekend...
I haven't had one of those (we call them caramel apples) in years. I remember my teeth getting stuck together, rather than shards on my shirt.
I found your blog from Theresa's and I'm haunting your blog now!
Oh poor Charlie, you just need to stay in and get all better. Have you started eating yet??
No thank you to the toffee. That does sound something like a little messy. LOL
Take care and have a fun week end. Thanks for all the super purrs for BB.
A woolly jumper…. Sounds like a cross between a kangaroo and a sheep.
Have a lovely toffee appley day, from Boonie and Mrs Superie Duperie
Oh I've been asking my husband as to when the clock goes backwards one hour and we both have no idea!!! So thanks for reminding me, Old Kitty!!! :)
Slow down on those toffee apple...send me some, LOL!
Oh, I have been asking my husband as to when the clock goes back one hour and we both have no idea - so thanks for reminding me, Old Kitty!
Slow down on those toffee apples...send me some, LOL!!!
Sounds like you are enjoying those carmel apples. I haven't had one in years!
Clocks don't go back till a week later here. This is always the time our telephone calls home get all muddled timewise.
Charlie looks like he is on the mend.
No need to look like a lady when eating OR sleeping! Enjoy that extra hour! Hugs to Charlie!
Toffee apples are awesome. I love this time of year and the seasonal treats! Hot cocoa too.
Stephen Tremp
clocks do the same here, kit... all it means is: some fool politicos got their wish! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
best way to eat toffee/taffy apples: nakkers, in a tub of HOT water! :O lol
With caramel apples, I like slicing the apple in PIECES and dipping (you get a lot more caramel that way). I suspect toffee though, hardens? Probably don't have the same option there. (I love toffe though, that sounds fabulous.
The US isn't changing time for another week--I suspect next week may be confusing, with only a single week of having a different difference in time!
Mama loves toffee apples, too!!!!!!!
What a bummer for you, Charlie, but we're purraying all will be well quickly.
We love toffee apples (so does Tucker)! We also hate the "fall back" time change. Our people stay in bed longer, delaying our food time.
They can be called taffy apples & have the caramel topped w/ chopped nuts, but the result is the same. You still get your fiber so it's all good. Enjoy 'em! :)
Hope Charlie's gonna be better real soon but in that picture he does look like he's concentrating on being a clean cat so that's a positive sign! :)
We don't change the clocks back for few weeks! But it is nice having the extra hour.
Woooooo! I can't wait to have an extra hour in bed. If my mind will let me sleep, that is!
And yum yum yum! Toffee apples!
I had a similar problem with a fresh cream meringue, very collapsible I found! Bits all over my cardi and my boots. Yep, I ate all the tiny crumbs, no dignity. :)
Ohhhh Charlie - you make me smile all the time with your wacky remarks!! :)
Hugs to you - I am v. happy that you are feeling better.
Lots of love from all of us here!
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