I've invented the triangular pizza!!!

Ok the problem is for the life of me I cannot seem to get that magical circular pizza shape that we all know and love no matter how I pummell the dough and brandish my rolling pin.
I just can't get the round shape. So I make do with the above shape. Sometimes it's rectangular - mostly my pizza dough rolls out as above.
I'm sure there's a writing analogy I'm missing or some sage advice I can draw out as a life lesson from this perennial experience. But ya know? The dough is always crusty, the topping is always yummy and I always end up one happy stuffed bunny afterwards. What's there to analyse? Ahem.
Charlie says: The Beast and I would like some extra anchovies next time please. Oh and more water.
Have a woo-hoo Wednesday everyone!
it looks a little bit like Starship Enterprise pizza !
I give you high marks for making your own pizza, since I buy mine when I crave it!
Gee, when I was a child Mom used to make pizza once in a while and of course would make her own dough. If memory serves, I think I used a pizza dough kit a few times in my 20s...but not since then. LOL.
Dough is hard! I always got holes in mine. My husband has made plenty of pizzas and at some point, he got really good at it. In the end, it's the taste that counts!
Perhaps you should intern at a pizzeria? Soon you'll be flipping it over your head.
well as long as its yummy- then I wouldn't worry...:)
I can totally understand - even when I start with a round dough ball it is almost impossible for me to get it round, or even roundish. When I made pizza this weekend I got one that was round - don't know how, don't know why but it did. I almost didn't want to try and move it to cook (on the grill is goes right on the grill grate - a difficult manuver in itself) because I knew there was no way it would stay that way. I wish I had taken a picture!
Hi Charlie - I would send you all the anchovies if we had some - my cats all hate them for some reason!
Hey, it works, no matter how you slice it...extra cheese on mine please!
I like the triangular pizza. You, Charlie & The Beast can all share a section! :)
Dude, that's the best looking pizza ever!!! I love it. And I can see exactly how it relates to writing. Fact is, there are way too many derivative stories, derivative writing strategies. I can't help but whisper a little prayer of thanksgiving when I come across something truly original. Like your pizza. That's awesome.
Thank Bast I already had a good dinner! Or I'd be salivating all over the keyboard, while laughing!
Looks delicious!
Charlie, the fusst Cats here will not touch anchovies! Unbelievable.
When you go over to my post and see what "I" came up with for dinner ...but, hey, if it tastes great, who cares how it looks? Not that mine tasted that great, but I'll bet yours did! Triangular pizza!! Maybe you can a patent, or whatever one gets, and become rich and famous!!
Jen and I hope you and Charlie have a famous Wednesday!
ROFL! Maybe you should look at your creations as free form art! With anchovies!
You're cookin' for yourself so all that counts is taste! And it sounds like you nailed that!
My pizza never goes the right shape either...but, I am cooking challenged.
Hi Old Kitty,
This is just a note to let you know that I awarded you and Charlie with "The Versatile Blogger" award ;)
Visit my blog for details.
My Italian friend's Mom used to make her pizza's on a rectangular cook sheet and it was soo good. I don't care what the shape, if it is good.
Triagular looks better than the ubiquitous round. Anyway who cares about shape as long as it tastes good! :)
Thanks for tons of purrs and hugs.
Triagular looks better than the ubiquitous round. Anyway who cares about shape as long as it tastes good! :)
Thanks for tons of purrs and hugs.
I've always felt conformity is a bad thing=the life lesson here is to accept things as they are and revel in their uniqueness :)...It looks wonderful!...It seems Charlie has made a cute new friend, "The Beast"...Happy day, sweet friends...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
Hi Jenn! Indeed you are clever! The triangular pizza looks so yummy!!! I'm sure you can start a new brand soon, and then the franchising license, the royalty - ooooo ..... we are looking at lots of $$$$$$ ...interview with Oprah .... and, and ... the list goes on!
Ooooo ... don't wake me up, I am still dreaming ... says Charlie!
Here's the life lesson I suggest you could learn from this: forget pizza, just fold the corners in and make a calzone.
AS long as it tastes good, that is all that matters Jen!
You ought to patent the triangular pizza!
Ooh, I like the idea of a triangular pizza - you should patent the idea quick! x
Whoever said that pizza had to be round. My dad had enrolled me once, in a volunteer work in a third world country, to make flat round breads for the flood affected people. There is a trick to making them round, but mine always ended up oblong or oval... Hehe
LOL. The triangular pizza! Who needs a round one? I think it says something about being different and standing out from the crowd.
It's quite apt you posting about making pizzas. One of the characters in the book I'm reading owns a pizza resturant and reading about how he makes the dough has bought back memories of making my own as a teenager. Guess what I'm making this week?!
I think you should carry on rolling your pizzas in exactly the same unique way, the world doesn't have enought triangular pizzas if you ask me. I never even try to roll the dough, I stretch it by hand, but sometimes it seems to do as I want and other times it will not coax into shape and springs back. I know the answer will have been in 'The Great British Bake Off' but I wasn't paying quite enough attention and feel I missed out on all the wisdom shared about dough! xx
This cracked me up! The same thing happens with me with pie crust. I just roll it out, and cut it into the proper shape with a bread knife!
I don't care what shape it is, it looks YUMMY!!
Also, I like that it's original and unique just like you. :)
(and just like our writing should be)
Have a wonderful weekend!
It still looks like it tastes yummy! The only way we get pizza of any kind around here is if Mom calls the pizza place!
Hey, if it tastes great, i don't care if it's shaped like a pretzel!
No matter what the shape, so long as they taste nice thats ok.. I love the quirky shape.. Hugs GJ xx
I LIKE the triangular pizza! I think the only route to round is tossing the spinning dough (something I certainly don't know how to do) but triangular is more original anyway, and isn't original what a writer is going for?
Love aisa's comment! Looks like it tastes good! :)
I love pizza but I have never made one so can't help but if you crave round pizza couldn't you cut round a plate placed on the top and cut the rest off.
Didn't Charlie have any ideas for you?
Meowza, you're even creative with your pizzas!!!!!!!!! Good job!!!!!!
Hey, Charlie, you handsome dude....we purr that you will get more anchovies next time!!!!
Now it's you who is making me feel hungry!
Yum, that pizza looks good! Who says pizzas have to be round, anyway? I'm with you. I can never roll the dough in a circular shape.
Throw on some anchovies for me too!
what if it came out a kitty-shape? that would be feline-alicious!
Hi! I see your avatar everywhere I go, so I came to see if I was following you. I can't believe I'm not already following you! Problem fixed! :-)
WE can't see any problem with triangle pizza. Tastes just the same and by the way, you made our Mom very hungry.
Charlie we sure are glad to see you are still hanging out with the beast. Have a great evening.
I love your giant slice of pizza! It's like your cooking for Jack from Jack in the Beanstalk...
My pizzas are never the right shape either. But my family never complains! :o)
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