That’s me bloggie friends!
And that’s my excuse for nearly getting run over yesterday.
Remember the Green Cross Code?
1) Stop at the kerb.
2) Look around for traffic
3) If it is coming let it pass.
4) When it’s safe, cross.
I kinda left out steps 1 -3 and half of 4 and went straight to the crossing bit.
My daily habit is to walk to and from the station in a perennial day dream and recently it's the only time I find I'm able to replay scenes from my current edit.
Now if only I could explain that to the irate driver who yelled out profanities at me and left skid marks on the road and a trail of smelly smokey gas.
Charlie says: I continue to hibernate.

Have a funfair Friday everyone!
I'm glad you're okay! Be careful.
We writers always have our head in the clouds or in middle earth or on another planet. How dare that man curse at a writer!
When I visited Ireland and England, I could not remember which way to look. Between jet lag and everything being backwards, I just followed others. I didn't trust myself!
Enjoy your hibernation, Charlie!
Hibernation is certainly safer, Charlie!
Oh dear, don't we all do this sometimes. I remember some times.... Scary.
Jen and I both say: Do have a CAREFUL Friday!!
I have done that too. I often do my writing thoughts while driving which is so dangerous.
Hey Charlie, you better wake up and give Mom some safety tips! She doesn't need any ouchies!!!
next time be extra careful ya...
Charlie: love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, my. Do not walk in front of moving cars! We don't want anything to happen to you.
Charlie, you have a good idea.
You need to be careful!
Driver was scared but no reason for the profanities. He should have his mouth washed out with soap! But thank god his foot hit the brake.
Your bloggy friends love you!
If it wasn't for Hubby grabbing my arm and/or steering me, I would die in parking lots EVERYWHERE.
Stay safe, you goose!
I'm glad your safe- and charlie- you just keep dreamin away!
We've all been lost in thought when we shouldn't be, but thank goodness you were not hurt!...We know Charlie would take care of you if you were hurt, but who would take care of Charlie?!!...Take care of yourself, Jenn...Happy Friday friends...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
Psst... Charlie... our mummy wants to snuggle you SO much!!!
Oh no Kitty! Please get your head out of the clouds when you cross roads. I don't want our first visit to be when you're in hospital!
Charlie, I have to tell myself not to do that too. 2 weeks ago, I have done that twice, mom and dad was not happy at all. They said " Don't across the road , That's the strict rule for me because people in now a day drive like a maniac, they can run over me easily " so I do listen, now I just walk along the street instead. By the way have a great weekend, Charlie : )
You were thinking about the 'edit', eh? LIES... I know you were totally thinking about shoes! Oh yes!
Be careful next time though :)
Aaaackkkk! As someone who walks and buses everywhere, I understand! And am so glad you're okay, Jennifer. Sometimes I've gotten to work and realized I didn't remember most of the almost hour-long walk at all, I was so out of it with fatigue or racing thoughts. Head in the clouds indeed. That's okay at 6AM when traffic is very light, not so okay later on! So please be careful! Have a safe Friday and give Charlie a big smooch from me, as always.
What are you like?! Please look before you cross - we don't want to lose you.
I've nominated you for an award. Details are on my blog.
Now try it reading a book and see what happens... I walk a lot, and I pay attention rarely. It's definitely a good thing there isn't a ton of traffic here, but I still have had that happen... Be safe!
Now if Charlie had done that you would have told him off big time - no wonder he is hiding his face in his furs. I know sometimes if you get something going round and round in your head it is so easy to miss everything that is going on round you. We're glad the only casualty was the driver's tyres!
Yikes, that sounds pretty scarity. We are glad you are still all in one piece. You had better start looking where you are going. Charlie you sure look comfy. Take care and have a great week end.
Well, I guess I can understand getting distracted - but be careful! Daydream any time but when it could be dangerous to your health!!
And Charlie, hibernating sounds like a great idea right now!
We are so thankful that you're okay!!!!!!! It reminded mama of an experience she had in Dublin....forgetting that y'all drive on the "wrong" side of the road, she started to step off the curb....thankfully her friend, grabbed her arm and pulled her a lorry flew by and beeped, and the driver shook his fist at her!!!!!!! She said she knew he was thinking "another dumb American".....MOL and LOL.
What a lovely picture of you, sweet Charlie.
I'm always convinced that people won't ACTUALLY run me over when I semi-play chicken on a busy road.
The my boyfriend reminds me that I live in Glasgow, and a glaswegian probably would run me over just to spite me.
He's probably right.
Thankful you are safe!!!
I hope the driver did not startle you badly!!
Take the weekend to calm down!
And like Charlie said, hibernate, relax.
Eat plenty of chips! :) Charlie will take the fish!
I can so relate to having my head in the clouds! I have had so many friends say they saw me driving or walking and waved at me or even HONKED at me, and I was totally clueless!
Ha! Yes, I've so been there. I think as a writer, we only live in the real world part of the time. Which is totally okay. Just make sure you're in the real world when you're crossing the street ;)
Oh no! I'm glad you're okay, Jenn! *hugs*
Thanks for everything. You're so awesome for keeping track of bloggie friends' books!!!
Have a great Friday, too. <3
Oh geez. I'm so glad you are okay, Old Kitty! I often do that, too...and yes I get shouted at, too! :(
OH dear Jenn.
Be careful and look both ways!!
Hi Charlie.
awww Kitty you be careful!! Sometimes I cant remember driving to wherever because of my day dreaming.
Glad you made it across the street after skipping those steps!
Charlie looks happy to be hibernating!
I'm often lost in thought and not quite aware of what I'm doing. I am actually a ten year old walking around in a much older body, I feel just as incapable of looking after myself and making grown-up and wise decisions as I did all those years ago. I've done exactly this too on several occasions so I do sympathise - I'm glad you're safe and sound now! xx
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