I am talking of course of Marmite Spaghetti.

Melt some margarine with marmite, add a splash of water, throw in some cooked spag or pasta et voila: a dish made for heavenly creatures!
Thank you, thank you, thank you wonderful Lacer’s Life – my dinners are never the same again
Charlie says: It's not too late for me to run next door.
Have a twirly Tuesday everyone!
I've heard of marmite but haven't had the courage to try it. Marmite Spaghetti? Wow, that's totally new! :)
Have to admit I'm old fashioned -- I love spaghetti w/ marinara sauce & Parmesan cheese.
You can go next door but I don't think you'll be sharing that Marmite Spaghetti.
My son just came back from So. Africa in love with Marmite. Don't know if he ever put it on spaghetti tho LOL.
Come back Charlie...it might really be yummy!
Whoa. Marmite spaghetti? For real?? Oh my, that's definitely taking Marmite to another level. Now, surprisingly, I don't hate the stuff, but spaghetti? Really??
I did have a neighbor once who liked to eat it on toast with peanut butter. O_O
I've never heard of it!
It does sound pretty weird. I go for the next door, Charlie!
Dear Jennifer, I just love your comments on my posts; and so does Jen.
May you have a twirly Tuesday, too. We'll be heading out for beautiful Williamsburg (USA) Virginia. Will be in touch with you again when we get back!
What a great quick dinner idea. No marmite here, but will give it try next time I am home.
Hey Charlie, there is no place like home. Just ask ToTo.
I have never heard of such a thing, but if you say it's good, it must be!
Happy Tuesday!
Eleven years ago, when I visited England, I tried Marmite. I think you must be raised on that yeasty taste to appreciate. Putting it on spaghetti is something my Sicilian grandmother would've never considered.
Can we even get Marmite in the states?
Never had Marmite!...Happy Tuesday, sweet friends...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
No way. NO freakin' WAY!
OK, I may purchase some Marmite and give it a go. Do you promise I won't die? The cats will be quite Angry if I do...are you prepared to face the Cat's Wrath?
Wow, an easy to cook vegetarian dish. Will try this. Thanks. :)
I will eat Marmite but I'm not sure I'd fancy it on spaghetti!
I love Marmite so much and miss it dreadfully now I live in Oz! Vegemite just doesn't cut it.
Uggh, I hate to say I disagree. The only thing in the world worse than Marmite is the Aussie equivalent Vegemite.
Now I'll probably be strung up by my compatriots :-)
That sounded so easy that I will actually give it a try!
Thanks Jenn!!
Yeast extract? On spaghetti? Hmmm, not sure about that. LOL. Guess I would have to try it before passing judgment, but I don't think "Marmite" is something we can get here.
I like to toss my pasta with some good olive oil and seasonings, add whatever protein and veggies I choose. Shrimp tonight, I think. :-)
The cats say, "Run, Charlie!"
I imagine that Marmite is similar to Vegemite (which I was forced to try in Australia), so I'm afraid I can't share your joy! Charlie, I'll join you next door, if you don't mind.
I've seen marmite in my local food stores. No idea what it is! lol. But if it's good with spaghetti, I'm on it!
Never heard of Marmite before. But I do love spaghetti. Guess it was really good. Charlie, you are always going next door. Is the food better over there??/Hope you all have a terrific Tuesday.
Oh Jenn - Mum doesn't like marmite at all - not even the smell. But that's the same mum who likes raspberry jam and cheese sandwiches!!
We live with a very weird mum!!
I gotta say, I did smell this stuff once and, well....maybe it's an acquired taste???
One of my critique partners is British and she's mentioned Marmite before. I'm starting to get veeeery curious! Hopefully, I'll get my chance to try it :)
So happy you like the recipe, though!!
Old Kitty! Please, no... Please! Marmite spaghetti. Say it ain't so!
And just when I thought there was nothing more I could do with Marmite. LOL.
Marmite has been slandered in my mind, by having the same ending as VEGEmite, which I will have to take the word from friends, must be an acquired taste...
So what exactly IS marmite?
LOL! As you may remember, Jen, I tried Marmite for the first time recently. It taste ok with cheese on a craker but I have my doubts using it as a spaghetti sauce!
I'm learning a whole new vocabulary...... marmite, vegemite, don't let the bed bugs bite!
I'm with Charlie.... head'n for the hills on this Twirly Tuesday. Cheers
We hope you had a wonderful Tuesday.....we are really late getting around today....our weather has been fierce.
I'm with you.
Think we'll pass on the marmite.
Banana and I love spaghetti. We will have to try the marmite. Very curious.
Have a fantastic weekend!
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