Two forms of rejection guaranteed to make me feel even smaller than my 5 feet and 1 inch frame.
(Think hobbit but without the big feet – mine are dainty and not at all hairy thank you very much!)
1) A nice publisher’s rejection for one of my stories:
We receive many well-written, compelling, stories,
but can only take a very limited number due to constraints of space and style. We wish you the best of luck in placing your story elsewhere.
2) A certain cat’s rejection of the many freshly filled water bowls I have dotted in the house for rain water gathered on the base of an upturned bucket.

Charlie says: Hmmm 2010 is a good vintage year for vin blanc de slurrpy.
Have a magnificent Monday everyone!
Oh, I'm sorry about the rejection, though it was rather nicely written all the same. You have to keep trying, though! Absolutely do NOT give up!
As for Charlie, he and the boys are in good company. They refused 2 water fountains (different styles), refuse the water bowls scattered through the house, and prefer the pail of water from the dehumidifier. Or the stagnant water in a little bowl I keep outside for them and don't change often enough.
Sorry to hear about the publisher's rejection. Keep your head up, you're going to do great!
Well, don't worry about the first one. The second - hey, what does a cat know? He'd drink of out the toilet if he had the chance!
Sorry to hear about the rejection. This one was nicely worded which I know from experience helps take the sting out. What kind of stories do you write by the way? Anything to do with cats?
The water like a cat to go for the upturned bucket. My outdoor cats favor the small hollow in a tree root which is filled from the yard sprinkler.
Keep on writing!
Hmmm that rejection letter sounds vaguely familiar! I've gotten several just like it.
Head held high, missy! Nothing worthwhile comes easily, right? Just keep swimming.
Yes, I quoted Finding Nemo. Sue me ;)
Best of luck with everything!
You're a hobbit in heels. I'm a Lakota in hiking boots.
Rejection sucks. There I said it.
I was just considering why I do it to myself : continue writing in the face of rejection after rejection -- if not outright being ignored by agents like Charlie ignores your nice water bowl.
I don't have a profound answer. Subborness maybe? Or maybe I know that if I give up, I will never know if that "Yes" was just another month of inquiries away.
Happy Monday to you, too, Roland
happy monday charlie
Hobbits are good in perseverance. Best wishes from a smaller hobbit. :)
My cat has rejected prosciutto so don't let Charlie's pickiness get to you.
As for the other rejection, I'm sure you had a well-written compelling story. Someone else will take it. Remember, you're published. Keep trying - it'll happen again.
My cats are the same way. They will wait anxiously for me to finish my shower and then happily lick the walls. Why?
Rejections are always hard... You just have to look at them as having noted that that published is not the correct place for your story and move forward....You will find the right place for it. :)
I think I'd feel Charlie's rejection more keenly. After all, Human's opinions aren't worth spit, most of the time.
Well there is a feeling of rejection in that letter-little do they know what they are missing.
Sorry about your rejection, next time, maybe?
Love Charlie and the rainwater!!
Why do cats prefer dirty water to clean?
I'm sorry your story didn't make it this time. Maybe someone else will appreciate it.
Don't be so hard on yourself, Jenn. You are a talented writer, and someday they'll know it too. Now, take out those high heels and be tall again... Go on!
Jenn - the 1) sounds like spam to me. Ignore! Delete, Empty the trash!
You'll get a worthwhile email soon with your talent (and Charlie's in spotting er... 2010 vin blac de slurrpy?????) ...
We will all purrs with tonnes of good kitties luck to you!
It's not a rejection, it is business. Not your fault they have no business sense! Just keep trying!!! Hey Charlie, have a double for me!
Sorry to hear about the rejection - I find they soon become boring!
Ah, well they just weren't the 'right' publishers, obviously! We're sure you'll do fabulously next time!
We have two water fountains to drink from, but little Bella prefers toilet water! Blech!
Sorry you got a 'no thank you' letter - but it seemed polite and kindish (I know that's not a word but you know what I mean). Emma (the cat before H & L) would only drink water from a plastic watering can and the more "mature" the better!
Rejection stinks, in any format. Sorry about the form letter!
Man, I hate rejection! And that was so vague. I hate vague. Not to worry, though. It's all about not giving up.
Sorry about your rejections, but they did give you wonderful comments. So keep sending them out!
At least Charlie's not drinking out of the toilet, I hope.
Sorry about the rejection! Those really stink. Is this a short story? B.Miller is doing a series on finding short story publishers that I strongly recommend if it is--I don't write them (can't get to a point nearly that fast) but I know they are a good plan for 'getting there'.
Oh, Charlie--don't you want CLEAN water? (My cat likes hers fresh from the faucet)
Sorry that your story got rejected. What a bummer. That really sticks. What do they know.
We all love to drink out of 19 different places. Mom puts clean water out and we would much rather drink some horrible stuff outside.
Good luck next time with your story. Do NOT give up.
ugh- rejection stinks no matter the package in comes in. Sorry to hear about yours! I feel you! And charlie needs to up his standards. lol.
I am sorry your story was rejected, but don't give up the ghost. There are plenty of other places to send it. Right!
Seems Charlie isn't a connoisseur when it comes to his drinking habits.
Fold that rejection and put it in your shoe to help you feel taller. Be proud that you submitted and tried! Yahoo for you!
I'm sorry for that terribly vague rejection - but keep your chin up! I drove by Bishop Stortford the other day, by the way! I stayed at a B&B in Little Hallingbury:) Lovely place!
Cats do love the eau de toilette.
Is Charlie a lap cat at all? He seems to have run of the house.
Rejection sucks but don't give up. You'll get it eventually.
Sorry about the rejection, have a hug!
I had two from the same mag on one day last week, but I'm getting used to them. Just shrug and send it somewhere else.
My cat Millie loves puddles, or water fresh from the tap, which is a bit inconvenient as she's not supposed to be on the kitchen worktop, I have a pic of her with her long pink tongue under the tap, mid drink, I'll have to find it and post it! Cute. However, drinking from the freshly filled water bowl placed for her convenience, is a no-no. Strange. Hehe.
That is a very polite rejection! I say don't give up and keep on submitting your stories to many publications. You are very talented Jen..and also very petite! :)
LOL, cats are SO like that! And they have absolutely no qualms about it.
Some say a rejection is another step closer to an acceptance. ;)
Not a bad rejection--they try to cushion the blow a little!
Charlie, you just have to drink the type of water that you like!
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