My lovely nails are torn, my flabby bits have turned to muscle, my feet are developing blisters, I have paper cuts from goodness knows where, I’ve not stopped sneezing since I returned home and I am so exhausted my eyes have sunk deep into my skull.
And we have 4 more days (thankfully scattered throughout September) of this move to do before all is complete.
Bloggie friends I am pooped.
I’ve got a lot of catching up with y’all but first sleep, sleep perchance to snore!
Charlie says: I’m already one step ahead of you, lady! But I will leave the snoring to you.

Have a titter ye not Thursday everyone!
Sneezing, paper cuts, and fatigue I can understand. But not the nails, Kitty. You can put up with a lot, but ruining your lovely hands is too much. I say you sleep long and snore loudly and then get up and have a manicure. You deserve some pampering after all that hard work.
4 more days?! In some ways, I'd like you to get it over with. How many more manicures have to suffer??? Maybe you should forget about doing your nails for the rest of the month. At least you're turning into Xena, Warrior Princess.
What will the office look like in the meantime?
I hope you're sound asleep right now. Feel better tomorrow! xo
Sorry to hear you are so worn out. Hope things get better for you and hope you can take a big break with a big glass of adult beverages. All the best to you.
Sleep well and I hope the move goes well! We've also done that whole "manual labor at work" (when did we sign up for that??). Blah on cost cutting!
Charlie, you always put things into perspective!
Can I assume that apart from the items listed in the first paragraph you’re OK? If so, then I’m pleased.
Please take care of yourself. Charlie and me(I?) need you.
All the best, Boonie
Poor Kitty! I hope today is a better day.
Poor you! I hate moving! Lucky Charlie, who can just sit there!
"Perchance to snore!" nice one! so THATS what "pooped out" means!
Four more days? I can just imagine staff response around the university if we were expected to spend five days total in a month, moving heavy stuff.
Wouldn't it have been more productive to have movers come in and do it in one day? Because while you all are moving, presumably nothing else is getting done. So what is the cost versus savings to the organization? Just a thought.
Poor you. You need to a long rest and mega pampering session!
I can only imagine, Old Kitty! Ugh - I feel for you. Hope it gets better as the days go on... goood luck! Hope your snoring didn't disturb Charlie.
Oh, poor Jennie... :)
Get some rest, just follow Charlie's lead!!!
And I'm sure Charlie will let you know if your snoring keeps him awake.
Are you all just moving round your offices or are you moving addresses too. Surely this has to be a "brainwave" of the male kind!
Won't half the stuff not be where you want it to be so you'll spend the next however long looking for things.
Hopefully you have been supplied with toe-tector footwear, padded gloves, dust masks, protective glasses and a bottle of embrocation each.
Charlie please look after Jenn and make sure she has a large drink and a long sleep.
I have never liked moving. there are few people who i think do. I'm sorry you still have four more days....spread out, but still...good luck
Oh my goodness, I can totally relate! Try to get some rest!!
Oh dear.. but flabby bits turned to muscle??!! Has your firm thought of releasing a fitness video based on the office move?
Repeat after me: Wingardium Leviosa. Surely magic is a better way to move stuff, yes? I hope it all gets done and settled and you have no permanent damage!
Hide!!! Go behind a box and take a snooze! Haveyou learned nothing from Charlie's example?
I am in the middle of an office re-vamp and have been working out of boxes since my return. Today the movers and fitters are here and I will be moving the boxes once they have left. I feel for you and your broken nails.
You poor thing, hope you got a good rest.
What is it with us and all our hard manual labour this days, we are actually lovely ladies who like to do a little bit of gentle writing.
Man...they should hire movers! FOUR more days???!? That's hardcore.
Wish I could send magical moving fairies to you.
Rest, eat healthy...and we'll see you when we see you.
wine and sleep!
Sounds like a rough move; we are moving into a new house by the end of the month and definitely feel your pain!...Hope you get some rest and feel better soon...kisses to Charlie...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
Have a well earned snoozle! I've been re grouting the bathroom tiles, so my nails are looking rather sad, join you for a manicure? I'm thinking alternate nails, purple and orange, what do you think? :)
Charlie has the right idea, as always!
I can relate to what you've described! I am exhausted from pet sitting, blogging, job searching for part-time work, job interviewing, etc! I wish I had Charlie's life so I could snooze and relax all day!
Thanks for your recent comments!
This is the 'mother' of all moves, isn't it?
Well here's hoping the other 4 days of moving go easier that day 1!
Hi Charlie!
I know I'm on break, but I just had to stop in and visit Charlie! So sorry to hear you're all pooped out - good luck with the move!
Maybe Charlie can lure in "Mighty Mouse" to help. He always looks so strong on the cartoons and who doesn't like that song.... "Mighty Mouse is on the Way." Then when the work is finished, he and Charlie can share a mouse/cat nip. :)
Get some sleep. Tomorrow's a new day.
Four more days ahead of moving? Your office must have quite a supply of goods! At least you are being given time to recover. I hope the new offices are nice and with a good change of scenery?
Oh it was worse than I thought but I was right about the nails. Even w/ gloves, that didn't help?
Get your much deserved rest. Charlie will understand!
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