And here is my attempt at more Bad Poetry!
Avoid like the plague by Old Kitty
Such a stick in the mud
Was Brian, the boy next door
And worse was his good for nothing brother!
But they were thick as thieves
And did exactly what was said on the tin
And were over the moon when I legged it.
Just as well I didn't peg it.
The above is my entry to the gorgeous Madeleine’s Cool as a Cucumber Blogfest – a feast of more clichés you could shake a stick at!
Deck the halls with boughs of holly – tra-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-laaaaa!
Thanks Ann of Zoolatry for the graphic!
Charlie says: Fresher catnip than these equals a very happy Charlie.
Charlie’s Tail by Old Kitty
This is a tale of Charlie’s tail
A feline limb, a magnetic broom
Of fur and fluff
It drags with it
All of Nature’s best
And unwitting beasts
Clumps of mud and stray twigs
Lost leaves – dried and shrivelled
Even ants with their military might
Do not stand a chance
As Charlie’s tail sweeps all under him – a quiet hurricane.
Charlie says: I turn off pc for your own good.