A Poem to Make You Weep (cos it's jolly awful!)
by Old Kitty
Here is my Christmas tree
In its pot, all happy!
Decked in lights and not much else
Now all it needs are some presents!

Charlie says: I sleep in awkward pose and wait for Santa.

Bloggie friends! Charlie and I wish you all a most beautiful Holiday Season!
we hope Santa will give joyous gifts to both of you Jenn and Charlie!!!
BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family
Lovely tree - one year we put lights on a potted palm tree! Have a wonderful week!
Cats of wildcat woods
Love the pictures and the poem. Have a great holiday.
Poem is jolly, tree is festive, and Charlie is waiting!
Ah yes, a tree and presents. My human wishes someone would actually come and see our Christmas tree, Maybe this year. Anyway, Gary has me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, to keep him company.
And may you and Charlie has a wonderful 'Boxing Day Eve' :)
Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny xx
Your little Christmas tree is really cute. It's original and you'll have it all year round ;)
Is Charlie getting some gifts?
Happy Christmas to you and Charlie!
I think the tree looks great. :)
Happy Holidays!
Your Christmas Tree is so pretty : )
and Charlie !!! That's smart spot to wait for Santa !!! I wonder what you wish for Christmas !!!
That's the best way to have a tree; get a live one and when it gets too big, plant it.
And a very Merry Christmas to you and Charlie too!
Hope Santa showers you both with gifts :)
that is the CUTEST tree!!! I love how you have it in a flower pot!
Has Charlie bothered with any of the ornaments?
We wish you the HAPPIEST OF HOLIDAYS!!! We adore you and THANK YOU for the lovely card!
We all wish you the best Holiday too!!!
Happy Christmas to you too! From us and the two guys, Frodo and Sam.
That's one of the nice Christmas tree we've ever seen. It was lovingly decorated. A well-deserving nap after a great job in decorating it, Charlie.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your mom.
I love your tree! Is that the same tree as last year?
It's a nice tree for Charlie to sleep under or on top.
Here's a story, but true, I'm at church and I'm a Deacon so I am collecting the offering ....well, isn't my friend who lives in England visiting in Mass and was in church! His son goes to our church and his parents fly over often. So I stop everything and give him a big hug and kiss...Say welcome back...and so on...people are looking me...I want to say...excuse me if I'm happy, right? It's nice to have friends from England. In person and in blogville!
That's all!
Hi Charlie, I'm digging those black spots on your ears.
I hope Santa brings you 365 toys, one for each day :)
May Charlie and you get lots of presents from Santa. And a visit from Daniel Craig (after he's finished visiting me).
Merry Christmas
Adorable cat. :3
Your Christmas tree is perfect! I don't even have one this year as i celebrated an early Christmas in Colorado with my children and grandchildren...just flew home tonight! :)
I hope the memories you have of this holiday season are wonderful enough to carry you into the new year.
I wish you and Charlie a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Have a fun New Year.
Happy Christmas!
We love your tree, and especially that it's potted and can be planted outdoors. :-)
Happy Yule and Merry Christmas to you, Jennifer, and your whole family. Have a wonderful holiday!
Lovely poem and tree:)
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas x
Hi Old Kitty .. Charlie sure knows what's good for him - patiently waiting by sleeping the time away - lucky for some!
The tree looks great .. I hope the chimney is clean so presents don't bring the soot down with them ..
Cheers and have a lovely Christmas and New Year yourselves .. Charlie will be the most spoilt I suspect!
Happy days ahead .. cheers Hilary
False pretenses! That's not bad enough to make anyone weep. I laughed along WITH it. Have a great time.
Merry Christmas to you! Hope you and Charlie both have a fantastic holiday:)
We loved your poem! We have been so slack about blogging that we don't know if we'll be back before the holidays, so we wish you the best Christmas ever!
That is such a cute little tree. What a good idea to get it in a pot, then you can plant it outside. Good boy Charlie for not taking off the decorations on the tree. Take care and we wish you some really Happy Holidays too.
Thank you for the Christmas greetings - we are purring that you have a wonderful Christmas filled with prezzies and laughter. We hope Santa is bringing Charlie lots of whappy toys.
Happy Christmas to you and Charlie and have a little sippy or two of something warming!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Our Christmas tree is listing to starboard. It looks like it's already tired of Christmas and can' wait to get planted.
I can tell Charlie is excited.
Christmas tree in happy pot
Will there be some gifts or not?
Charlie lies in curved repose
Hoping upon hope that Santa knows.
Happy Christmas!
Have a wonderful holiday, to you and Charlie!
ahh... LOL! A poem to make you week b/c it's so bad. *snort* I LOVE your "bad" poems. And I love Charlie's awkward pose. Merry Christmas!!! <3
*giggles* Bad poetry is the only kind I can write, so I wept with joy...
Awww, I rather liked your little poem and I love your little tree!
Cats do sleep in some awkward, bendy, twisty positions. My cat loves to sleep in a sink bowl, the weirdo.
I wish you a very Merry Christmas. <3
And may your 2012 be your best year ever!
Love always,
Meowy Catmas, Old Kitty and Charlie! We don't think Santa is a poet so you are sure to get some presents under your little tree.
Right backatcha! Happy Holidays!
Seems like you have one very lovely black and white present already. Sweet cat and I'll bet he doesn't climb your tree to swat at the decorations like mine do! Kids are sometimes easier during the holidays.
Merry Christmas and Happy 2012.
And the same to you Old Kittie with (jingle) bells on :-)
Poem is superb - tree looks lovely - hope santa brings you and Charlie all you could wish for (not sure how Daniel Craig is at shimmying down chimneys - but it's a nice vision to conjure with!)
Have a good one!
All best
And really how do pets manage to stay comfortable in such awkward poses.
My sisters and i would like to send you my sincere gratitude for helping support the HPP.
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Your new Friends - Coco The Princess, Lady Godiva & Truffle too
Merry Christmas to you and Charlie too! :o) And I love your cute little poem....
DITTO DEAR CHARLIE :-) lots of dreams of catnip mice.
Luv Freya and Frankie de tabby XXX and co X
I hope you and Charlie have the best holiday season yet!! :)
We think all Christmas trees are beautiful and Charlie yours is too!
Charlie looks like he's set a trap for Santa. A Santa tripping trap. :D
Have an awesome holiday!!!!
Ha ha - I LOVE this poem!! Merry Christmas Kitty, may Santa bring everything you and Charlie wish for.
Melinda xxx
What a cute tree, Old Kitty!
And look at Charlie all stretchy. He must be an excellent duster, if he didn't shed.
Enjoy your last 2 weeks of December. Hope you get lots of good presents for that tree.
Awesome tree, Old Kitty.
Happy holidays to you and Charlie.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
Oh Charlie, you not looks so awkward to us! This looks like a fine pose to waits fur Sandy Paws. You tells your mommy that me likes her poem very much. Specially the part about needing presunts.
Everyone needs presunts dis time of year.
Love, TK
"Decked in lights and not much else" - smile! (though you should have at least a couple dangly ornaments for Charlie to play with!)
Love your tree and wish you the happiest of holidays!
Tom, Mittens & mom Julie
Happy Christmas, my dear! What a lovely living tree. I think it's just perfect. A lovely place for Charlie to curl up.
That is a fine looking tree, Charlie!
I do not think I could eat it, because it is too pretty.
Happy Tuesday!
~ Bob
Alex and I wish you both a very happy holiday and a purrfect 2012!
We think Santa Claws may trip over you. But that's good. Then he'll spill all his loot and you can rip into all of them!
~Slash & Bronzy
Happy Christmas, Kitty and Charlie!
Hope it's all you want it to be.
You tree is twinkly and bright
I think it looks just right.
Brave or stupid :-) I never thought of that :-) HEY CHARLIE, CATNIP BABES XXXXXXXXX
Lots of love :-) X X X
That tree is almost as cute as Charlie.
Wishing you a merry Christmas and a very happy new year!
Likes the live tree. We had one but it wouldn't live when we planted it outside in the spring. Too big to keep inside .... oh well.
Here's to a great and happy Christmas celebration, and to those celebrating another way, here's to THEIR great and happy Holiday.
Hope the entire week is a huge success for one and all. Be careful on the roads, be safe, stay warm and dry, and come see us at Five Oaks Manor if you are in the neighborhood.
We are: Lisa, Roy Sr, and the cats; Buddy Bear, Ms Princess, Rowdy, MikiCato, Ms Smokey, and Tegar .... the 6 Mouskateers of Five Oaks Manor, SouthWoodsUSA.
Have a great holiday! And in case you take a break, Happy New Year too.
Here's to Lots of presents coming your way!
Thank you for visiting my blog. Nice to meet you. That's a lovely tree. Hope you have a merry Xmas and holidays!
You two are hilarious! Thanks for frequenting my blog. It's always nice to see you've stopped by!
Merry Christmas to you, too!
Love, Cokie the Cat
What a sweet tree! Love it! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Charlie. *Hugs*
Happy Christmas! Hope its your best yet and that your tree gets lots of presents:)
Hope you find some lovely pressies under that super cute tree soon!
I still need to get a present for my two kitties, they absolutely love those whiskas temptations, so maybe they'll get those if they're good :)
Aw, cute little tree and cute little poem to go with it! I hope Santa is good to you and Charlie this year. Merry Christmas to you both!
Happy Holidays to you and Charlie!! Love the tree and I am sure Santa will bring lots of presents since you are so nice. :-) Cheers!
Happy Christmas, Jennifer and Charlie!!! ((hugs))
Merry Christmas!
Great tree! Merry Christmas to you and Charlie! x
Leo and Monty and I wish you and Charlie a very Happy Christmas too! And I hope Santa brings you both some nice presents. Leo and Monty have already pulled most of the decorations off my tree.....and tipped it over..... xxxx
Have a Great Catsmassss!!!!
Purrrr purrrrr!
Auntie Marilia & Bavarescats
Well Kitty, I think you should take Charlie with his festive hat from a couple blogs ago and both wait for Santa to fill the tree with presents.
Merry Christmas, sweetie!!
Hi! Love your tree and your poem. Merry Christmas to you and Charlie!
Have a safe and wonderful Christmas to you and Charlie. Love the tree. Very Christmasy!
*waves* I like your poem! I hope you have the most wonderfulest of holidays my friend. woo woo woo!
Charlie dreams of swatting Christmas ornaments.
Charlie and your lovely mom !!!!!!
I wish you a very best Christmas !!!!
and I hope you have a purrfecet fun time
Puddy and Mom Boom
happy xmas, charlie and kit! :)
trekking your superb blog! keep blogging and inspiring people! happy holidays!
"The Boys" and I love your Christmas tree, presents or not. Although presents would dress it up a bit more!
You're sure good at snoozing there, Charlies.
Thank you Old Kitty and Charlie for stopping by Kittens 'n Things this morning. We wish you both a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas!
We hope Santa brings you both everything you wish for!!...We are so blessed to have you guys in our lives; wishing you all a safe and Merry Christmas, precious friends...love and hugs...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat
Uh....wow Kitty---quite the poem! :) And I like your tree. Unique. Just like you and Charlie!
Merry Christmas to you both (You live in the future so it's Christmas already!!_
Jenn and Charlie-Merry Christmas from your Canadian friend and American kitties. meow meow.
Jenn and Charlie-Merry Christmas from your Canadian friend and American kitties. meow meow.
Merry Christmas to you and Charlie, Jenn! I'm looking forward to a new year of seeing Charlie;s adventures on your blog and reading all your wonderful poems. and short stories!
Merry Christmas to you and Charlie! Cheers to having a mince pie and glass of port with Santa!
I just LOVE your tree! I was really close to buying one that looked like that! Happy Christmas to you too my dear friend!
What a cute Christmas tree.
Happy holidays to you and Charlie. Hopefully, he got from Santa the presents he wanted!
And you too!
Cute cat, happy holidays!
Happy Christmastime to one and all!
Kitty, Thank you so much for your lovely words about my story on Sia's blog.
I love your tree, and I hope you and Charlie have a very happy Christmas.
I hope Father Christmas brought Charlies something special this year.
Have a wonderful New Year, Jennifer.
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